Code | Faculty | Department |
01130039 | Faculty of Humanities | Department: Political Sciences |
Credits | Duration | NQF level |
Minimum duration of study: 3 years | Total credits: 372 | NQF level: 07 |
This programme is aimed at the development of knowledge and skills to understand political developments and events and the impact thereof. This will enable the student, once employed in the public or private sector, to respond in an innovative and proactive manner to the problems and challenges of the political environment.
Important information for all prospective students for 2026
The admission requirements below apply to all who apply for admission to the University of Pretoria with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications. Click here for this Faculty Brochure.
Minimum requirements | ||
Achievement level | ||
English Home Language or English First Additional Language | APS (Grade 11) | APS (NSC/IEB completed) |
5 | 30 | 28 |
* To retain admission, candidates must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC/IEB.
Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.
Applicants currently in Grade 12 must apply with their final Grade 11 (or equivalent) results.
Applicants who have completed Grade 12 must apply with their final NSC or equivalent qualification results.
Please note that meeting the minimum academic requirements does not guarantee admission.
Successful candidates will be notified once admitted or conditionally admitted.
Unsuccessful candidates will be notified after 30 June.
Applicants should check their application status regularly on the UP Student Portal at click here.
Applicants with qualifications other than the abovementioned should refer to the International undergraduate prospectus 2026: Applicants with a school leaving certificate not issued by Umalusi (South Africa), available at click here.
International students: Click here.
Transferring students
A transferring student is a student who, at the time of applying at the University of Pretoria (UP) is/was a registered student at another tertiary institution. A transferring student will be considered for admission based on NSC or equivalent qualification and previous academic performance. Students who have been dismissed from other institutions due to poor academic performance will not be considered for admission to UP.
Closing dates: Same as above.
Returning students
A returning student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme is/was a registered student at UP, and wants to transfer to another degree at UP. A returning student will be considered for admission based on NSC or equivalent qualification and previous academic performance.
Closing date for applications from returning students
Unless capacity allows for an extension of the closing date, applications from returning students must be submitted before the end of August via your UP Student Centre.
Note: First year of study - FUNDAMENTAL MODULES
Students who are deemed to be at risk of their level of academic literacy are compelled to take ALL 110 and ALL 125.
Students who are deemed NOT to be at risk of their level of academic literacy are compelled to take language modules to the value of 12 credits from the list of language modules under Academic literacy.
Elective modules
Outline of credits for ELECTIVE MODULES (total = 188):
First year: 88/96
Second year: 40
Third year: 60
Elective modules Year level 1
Select four disciplines and do two semester modules (or the credit value thereof) from each of these disclipines.
Elective modules Year level 2
Select two semester modules (or the credit value thereof) from the same subject as for level 1; or select two Economics semester modules at yr level 2 (on condition that EKN 120 was taken and that the prerequisites are complied with) together with one additional module at yr level 2 if the Economics modules' credit value is not 40; or select two Public Administration semester modules at yr level 2 together with one additional module at yr level 2 if the Public Administration modules' credit value is not 40.
Elective modules Year level 3
Select two semester modules (or the credit value thereof) either from the same subject as for yr level 2; or from International Relations; or from Economics together with one additional module at yr level 3 if the Economics modules' credit value is not 60; or from Public Administration together with one additional module at yr level 3 if the Public Administration modules' credit value is not 60.
Note: Language modules leading to mastery of any language/languages may be taken up to third-year level. See the Language groups.
In collaboration with the coordinator, students can select any other appropriate modules as electives from the Faculty of Humanities.
Note: Consult the yearbook for module-specific requirements/prerequisites by searching for the relevant language module.
Module group 1 – Afrikaans
Year level 1
• As a first language: AFR 110, 120
• For speakers of other languages (also for speakers of other languages who are registered for qualifications in education and law) AFR 114
Year level 2
• As a first language: AFR 214, AFR 210 ,220
• For students following a programme in education: AFR 214, AFR 220
Year level 3
• As a first language: AFR 311, 321
• For students following a programme in education: Any modules with alpha codes AFR offered at year level 3.
Module group 2 – English
Year level 1
• For special purposes: ENG 118
• For academic purposes: ENG 110, 120
Year level 2
ENG 210, 220
Year level 3
• ENG 310, 320
• ENG 311, 322
Module group 3 – French
Year level 1
• For beginners: FRN 104
• Cultural-professional (for students who have passed French in Grade 12): FRN 113, 123
Year level 2
FRN 211, 221
Year level 3
Cultural-professional: FRN 361, 362, 363, 364
Module group 4 – German
Year level 1
• For beginners: DTS 104
• Cultural-professional (for students who have passed German in Grade 12): DTS 113, 123
Year level 2
DTS 211, 221
Year level 3
Cultural-professional: DTS 361, 362, 363, 364
Module group 5 – Greek
Year level 1
GRK 110, 120
Year level 2
GRK 210, 220
Module group 6 – Hebrew
Year level 1
HEB 110, 120
Year level 2
HEB 210, 220
Module group 7 – Latin
Year level 1
LAT 110, 120 (students who passed Latin in Grade 12 may start immediately with Latin at year level 2)
Year level 2
LAT 210, 220
Year level 3
LAT 310, 320
Module group 8 – IsiNdebele
Year level 1
For speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language
NDE 110, AFT 121
Year level 2
NDE 210, AFT 220
Year level 3
NDE 310, AFT 320
Module group 9 – IsiZulu
Year level 1
• For beginners: ZUL 110, 120
• For speakers of isiZulu as home language or first or second additional language: ZUL 111, AFT 121
Year level 2
• For students who did ZUL 110, 120 at year level 1: ZUL 210, 220
• For students who did AFT 121: ZUL 111 at year level 1: AFT 220, ZUL 211
Year level 3
ZUL 310, AFT 320
Module group 10 – Sepedi
Year level 1
• For beginners: SEP 110,120
• For speakers of Sepedi as home language or first or second additional language: SEP 111, AFT 121
Year level 2
• For students who did SEP 110, 120 at year level 1: SEP 210, 220
• For students who did AFT 121, SEP 111 at year level 1: AFT 220, SEP 211
Year level 3
SEP 310, AFT 320
Module group 11 – Setswana
Year level 1
• For beginners: STW 110, 120
• For speakers of Setswana as home language or first or second additional language: STW 111, AFT 121
Year level 2
• For students who did STW 110, 120 at year level 1: STW 210, 220
• For students who did AFT 121, STW 111 at year level 1: AFT 220, STW 211
Year level 3
STW 310, AFT 320
Module group 12 – Spanish
Year level 1
For beginners: SPN 101, 102
Year level 2
SPN 211, 221
Year level 3
SPN 311, 321
Module group 13 – Portuguese
Year level 1
• For beginners: PTG 101
• Portuguese language and culture (for students who have passed Portuguese in Gr 12): PTG 113, 123
Year level 2
PTG 211, 221
Year level 3
PTG 311, 321
Academic literacy
Students with an achievement level of 5 or 6 or 7 for English Home Language or an achievement level of 6 or 7 for English First Additional Language, or the foreign qualification equivalence as per the conversion table, may apply for an exemption from ALL 110 and ALL 125.
Students who are deemed NOT to be at risk of their level of academic literacy are compelled to take language modules to the value of 12 credits from the other departments.
Students with an achievement level of 4 and below for English Home Language or an achievement level of 5 and below for English First Additional Language or the foreign qualification equivalence must register for ALL 110 and ALL 125.
Department of English
ENG 110 Introduction to literature in English (I)
ENG 120 Introduction to literature in English (II)
ENG 118 English for specific purposes
Departement Afrikaans
AFR 110 Afrikaanse taalkunde en letterkunde
AFR 120 Afrikaanse taalkunde en letterkunde
AFR 114 Afrikaans vir sprekers van ander tale (I)
Department of African Languages
NDE 110 Introduction to isiNdebele grammar – Capita selecta
* Students who want to take isiNdebele in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
ZUL 110 IsiZulu for beginners
ZUL 111 Introduction to isiZulu grammar – Capita selecta
* Students who want to take isiZulu in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
SEP 110 Sepedi for beginners
SEP 111 Introduction to Sepedi Grammar – Capita selecta
* Students who want to take Sepedi in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
STW 110 Setswana for beginners
STW 111 Introduction to Setswana Grammar – Capita selecta
*Students who want to take Setswana in the second semester, should also register for AFT 121 (African languages literature: Capita selecta)
DTS 104 German for beginners
DTS 113 German: Cultural-professional (1) *Prerequisite: Grade 12 German
FRN 104 French for beginners
FRN 113 French: Cultural-professional (1) *Prerequisite: Grade 12 French
GRK 110 Greek
HEB 110 Hebrew
LAT 110 Latin
PTG 101 Portuguese for beginners
SPN 101 Spanish for beginners
SPN 102 Spanish for beginners
Minimum credits: 132
Module content:
Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology.
Module content:
Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.
Module content:
This module intends to equip students to cope more confidently and competently with the reading and understanding of a variety of texts, to apply these skills in a variety of contexts and to follow the conventions of academic writing.
Module content:
This module equips students to understand and use a range of discipline-specific terminology; apply the strategies of critical and comprehensive reading to their own academic literacy; apply the conventions of academic writing to their own writing, using the process approach, to produce intelligible academic texts and use the correct referencing technique as required by the faculty.
Module content:
An introduction to the study of organised political society at national and international levels with specific reference to political concepts, approaches and methods. The emphasis is on state and governance as frameworks for analysis in light of the salient changes brought about at national and international levels by global trends and processes. Attention is paid to the corresponding dynamics of regime development, performance and change at national and international levels considering increasing challenges to national sovereignty from within and without states in a context of a growing global agenda dealing with transnational issues and challenges.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Fonetiek en fonologie
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse fonetiek en fonologie. Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde.
Letterkundekomponent: Afrikaanse populêre kultuur
Inleiding tot kultuurstudie: ʼn Oorsig oor populêre fiksie, musiek en films in Afrikaans.
Module content:
*Optional Field school usually in April
Introduction to Archaeology
An introduction as to how archaeologists study the past via the artefacts left behind by our ancestors. Basic introduction to archaeological theory and how it has contributed to interpretation of the past is discussed. Topics range from the origins of the human family in Africa over three million years ago to the study of more recent times.
Module content:
African and world archaeology
Africa is the home of humanity in both a biological and cultural sense and we have the artefacts and sites to prove it. Topics range from the famous 3 million year-old Australopithecine ‘Lucy’ ancestor found in Ethiopia to the ‘Out of Africa’ dispersal of modern humans, and the emergence of human symbolism, rock art and the emergence of complex societies at society at Lake Chad (Daima) and southern Africa (Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe). The main aim is to situate events in Africa in global perspective.
Module content:
An introduction to the ancient world I: the ancient Near East
Various facets of the ancient Mesopotamian, Syria-Palestinian and Egyptian cultures are dealt with in broad outline. Examples that are dealt with can include the following, namely geography, worldviews, history, literature, daily life, customs, values, religion and mythology. Examples of ancient cultures whose characteristics can be investigated range from the Sumerians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Canaanites, the Israelites and the Egyptians from their origin Before the Common Era to the beginning of the Common Era.
Module content:
An introduction to the ancient world II: the Greek and Roman worlds
Various facets of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures are dealt with in broad outline. Examples that are dealt with can include the following, namely geography, worldview, history, literature, daily life, customs, values, religion and mythology. These classical societies are investigated from their origin Before the Common Era into the Common Era.
Module content:
This introduction to social anthropology introduces basic themes of the discipline including ritual, religion, marriage and sex. It combines classic studies with recent scholarship, and asks the ‘big question’ about human society and human cultures that offer challenging perspectives on the world we live in.
Module content:
This module builds on the ethnographic and theoretical themes introduced in APL 110, asking particular questions about how we may think about the relationship between the local and the global; indigenous and universal; public and private; the real and the possible.The module continues in the vein of APL 110, in that it explicitly encourages students to understand the society in which they live through a series of critical anthropological perspectives.
Module content:
This module deals with the core principles of economics. A distinction between macroeconomics and microeconomics is made. A discussion of the market system and circular flow of goods, services and money is followed by a section dealing with microeconomic principles, including demand and supply analysis, consumer behaviour and utility maximisation, production and the costs thereof, and the different market models and firm behaviour. Labour market institutions and issues, wage determination, as well as income inequality and poverty are also addressed. A section of money, banking, interest rates and monetary policy concludes the course.
Module content:
This module deals with the core principles of economics, especially macroeconomic measurement the private and public sectors of the South African economy receive attention, while basic macroeconomic relationships and the measurement of domestic output and national income are discussed. Aggregate demand and supply analysis stands core to this course which is also used to introduce students to the analysis of economic growth, unemployment and inflation. The microeconomics of government is addressed in a separate section, followed by a section on international economics, focusing on international trade, exchange rates and the balance of payments. The economics of developing countries and South Africa in the global economy conclude the course.
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes - 2 discussion classes per week Introduction to Literature in English (1)
This module introduces the study of literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, prose, drama). The texts studied here will be mainly from the pre-twentieth century era and may include texts written in English from both Africa and other parts of the world. The aim of this module is to equip students with the critical and analytical skills required for a perceptive reading of poetry, novels and plays.
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes: 2 discussion classes per week
Introduction to Literature in English (2)
This module introduces the study of post-nineteenth century literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, drama, prose). Texts will be from both Africa and other parts of the world. By the end of this module students should have the background and analytical skills to perceptively read modern and contemporary poetry, novels and plays.
Module content:
Introduction to Philosophy
The two semester modules at first-year level introduce students to four main subfields of philosophy, namely metaphysics, epistemology, political philosophy and ethics. This module introduces students to two of these subfields, namely epistemology and metaphysics with reference to the work of a range of scholars from Africa and the rest of the Global South as well as from Asia and the West. Students will become acquainted with the nature of philosophical reflection by exploring a number of classical philosophical themes in each subfield. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on developing those critical thinking, reading and writing skills that are required in Philosophy, while students become acquainted with the power of critique as judgment and discernment.
Module content:
Introduction to Philosophy
The two semester modules at first-year level introduce students to four main subfields of philosophy, namely metaphysics, epistemology, political philosophy and ethics. This module introduces students to two of these subfields, namely political philosophy and ethics and the emphasis is on texts by African and Western scholars. Students will become acquainted with the nature of philosophical reflection by exploring a number of classical philosophical themes in each subfield. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on developing those critical thinking, reading and writing skills that are required in Philosophy, while students become acquainted with the power of critique as judgment and discernment.
Module content:
The making of the Modern World: a survey
A selection of themes on Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe and their contribution to the making of the Modern World.
Module content:
Africa and South Africa: a survey
An overview focusing on the making of African and South African societies from the earliest times to the present with emphasis on the most significant historical forces, factors and events.
Module content:
Greek grammar (1)
The basic characteristics of Hellenistic Greek: the writing system and pronunciation, the Greek verb and noun systems, conjugation and declension, basic syntax and vocabulary. Passages from the Greek New Testament are adapted as exercises in order to facilitate linguistic proficiency. Continuous evaluation includes class tests and homework assignments.
Greek grammar (2)
Further study of the verb and noun systems of Hellenistic Greek, expansion of the basic vocabulary, and analysis of compound sentences. Adapted passages from the New Testament form the core of practical academic literacy exercises.
Module content:
Greek grammar (3)
Further study of the verb and noun systems of Hellenistic Greek: middle and passive forms, the third declension, and analysis of compound sentences. Adapted passages from the New Testament form the core of practical academic literacy exercises.
Greek texts: Read and comprehend
Read selected texts from the NT and/or Apostolic Fathers, with emphasis on word analysis, basic translation, use of basic aids (dictionary, translations). Evaluation includes translation of unseen passages from the corpuses concerned.
Module content:
Hebrew grammar (1)
Basic principles of the grammar of classical Hebrew: signs of writing and pronunciation, Hebrew morphology, the nominal and verbal system, basic syntax and vocabulary. Exercise basic competence by means of the analysis and translation of selected passages from the Hebrew Old Testament.
Hebrew grammar (2)
More advanced principles of the grammar of classical Hebrew: the function of nouns, verbs and particles, the derived formations of the verb. Passages from the Hebrew Old Testament from the basis for exercising academic literacy.
Module content:
Hebrew grammar (3)
Continued study of the Hebrew verbal system: the irregular and weak verbs. Passages from the Hebrew Old Testament from the basis for students’ exercise in academic literacy.
Hebrew texts: Read and comprehend
Read selected texts from the OT, with emphasis on word analysis, basic translation, use of basic aids (dictionary, translations). Evaluation includes translation of unseen passages.
Module content:
Introduction to Information Science. This module is an introduction to the study field of information science and its various professions. Key concepts that will be discussed include the following: the human as information processor and user; the life-cycle of information in terms of processes, products and role-players; as well as the communication of information. The social-ethical impact of globalisation is included as a key concern, with reference to Africa, the 4th Industrial Revolution and other revolutions to come are addressed as well as core principles such as equity, diversity and inclusion.
Module content:
Information organisation, representation and structuring. This module offers a brief overview of the basic principles and processes underlying the organisation, representation, and structuring of information. The process of organising information on the web (such as social networking sites), in multimedia formats, by means of document image processing and in databases is dealt with. Themes on the representation of information through the creation of metadata include various general and domain specific metadata schemas such as Dublin Core for the web, as well as the various retrieval and management tools available for metadata. Practical classes provide a learning environment for students to apply and integrate academic content learned in the theory classes to complete more hands-on projects (e.g. HTML web design).
Module content:
Personal information management. This module deals with the management of information and knowledge on a personal level which enables an individual to perform their job within an organisational context. Key themes that will be discussed include: creating an environment which is conducive to personal information and knowledge; the skills required to manage personal information and knowledge; the causes and effects of information overload, and the management of this type of phenomenon. The actions, strategies and technologies available for personal information management, as well as the manner in which individuals can switch from personal information management to personal knowledge management; and the various career options in information and knowledge management.
Module content:
Information and communication technology. This module offers a brief overview of hardware and software and telecommunications technologies. Various networks, network applications. intranets, internet, the World Wide Web, deep web and cloud computing are discussed. Computer ethics, ICTs, e-commerce, ergonomics, mobile computing technology and the influence that new trends and developments such as the 4th Industrial Revolution and virtual reality have on the creation and distribution of information are covered in this module. The practical component focuses on the introduction to the coding language, Python.
Module content:
*Not for students who passed Latin in Gr 12
Latin grammar and reading (1) and (2)
Basic characteristics and use of classical Latin: the verb and noun in Latin (conjugation and declension), basic syntax, as well as vocabulary; exercises in grammar and reading; relevant social, political and historical background.
Continued study of accidence and syntax; further basic vocabulary. More adapted Latin passages to facilitate academic literacy.
Module content:
*Not for students who passed Latin in Gr 12
Latin grammar and reading (3) and (4)
Continued study of accidence and syntax: further basic vocabulary. More adapted Latin passages to facilitate academic literacy.
The student’s knowledge and understanding of Latin accidence, syntax and vocabulary is extended further. The emphasis is now more on reading passages and analysing them grammatically and syntactically.
Module content:
For speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language.
Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.
Module content:
This module in public administration is designed specifically to assist students in understanding the role of public administration in a modern state, the unique characteristics of public administration, the schools and approaches in public administration and introducing the various generic administrative functions. The discipline of public administration has developed rapidly and by implication, has changed and shifted its paradigm over the years. The purpose of this module is to introduce public administration to the student as a field of study that makes a significant contribution to the effective administration and management of government institutions.
Module content:
This module in public administration will introduce the constitutional framework pertaining to public administration. The South African system of government, the functions, role and powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government as well as the functioning of the three spheres of government will be discussed. The module will enable the student to understand how and where public administration is practiced.
Module content:
*For absolute beginners only.
The acquisition of basic Sepedi communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific social situations.
Module content:
Sepedi - communication and grammar
The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts.
Module content:
Invitation to Sociology
How do we understand ourselves as individuals in relation to society? How are our individual life courses and large-scale processes of social and historical change related to each other? How have our societies come to be what they are today? And how can we think of our private troubles as public issues? These questions are at the very heart of sociology as a distinctive way of thinking about and understanding the social worlds that we inhabit. This module invites students to become familiar with sociological ways of thinking about current issues and personal experiences (particularly in the southern African context), and to develop the analytical skills that are necessary in order to ask and answer critical questions about the communities, society, and world that they live in. The module will include a specific emphasis on academic reading skills.
Module content:
Thinking sociologically
Drawing from the idea of Sociology as a discipline that focuses on critical thinking, the module will introduce students to ways of questioning the obvious and the taken-for-granted. In particular, power and inequality will be problematised, with a focus on how power operates to structure racial, class and gender inequalities across institutions, ideologies and identities. The module will introduce students to the operations of power as manifested in the production of institutions, the proliferation of identities and heightened contestations among ideologies. The module will include a specific emphasis on writing skills.
Module content:
* For absolute beginners only.
The acquisition of basic Setswana communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary within specific social situations.
Module content:
Setswana – communication and grammar
The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts.
Module content:
Foundations of visual culture
This module introduces art and visual culture theory using a wide range of texts and ideas. The module gives students wide exposure to visual discourses and includes a variety of visual culture examples e.g. artworks, advertisements. These discourses may include: exploring what visual culture is; modes of analysis; introducing terminology such as ideology and myth; dealing with selected periods from history contextually; introducing cultural icons and themes from popular visual culture.
Module content:
Images across media: current issues
This module presents an introduction into the ways in which images appear across media in contemporary visual culture from a specific African perspective within the global. This is done by means of exploring key modes, themes, genres, platforms and visual texts. Among the media and mediums that may be covered are photography, art, graphic design, advertising, film, documentaries, video, digital and social media.
Module content:
*For absolute beginners only
The acquisition of basic isiZulu communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific situations.
Module content:
isiZulu - communication and grammar
The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts
Minimum credits: 120
Module content:
How do we explain the behaviour of state and non-state actors within the international system? The answer to this question depends on the theoretical lens through which global politics are viewed. An overview is provided of competing theoretical perspectives of international relations and research methodology within the field. It includes mainstream and alternative perspectives, as well as the underlying ideas, theories and variants of each. These theories also propose different approaches to global peace, amongst others peace through international organisation(s). A comprehensive analysis is made of selected international organisations with a universal or regional scope, such as the United Nations, the African Union and the Southern African Development Community.
Module content:
Foreign policy and diplomacy
A short introduction to the study of foreign policy is followed by an explanation of the use of the comparative and case study methods as frameworks for foreign policy analysis and evaluation. This allows for the comparative study of the foreign policies of selected states from the major regions of the world, amongst others of South African foreign policy. In each case study the policy environment, the formulation and implementation processes, as well as the substance of the particular state’s foreign policy are covered. Thereafter the focus narrows to diplomacy: the oldest, most versatile and universally used instrument of foreign policy. The nature, history, modes of diplomacy and legal framework of the institution are explored. Examples are drawn from global practice, with specific consideration of the evolution of diplomatic practice within the African and South African context. This module also includes a simulation component, such as the Model United Nations Debate (MUN).
Module content:
Political dynamics (Micro)
The study of the theory and practice of behavioural phenomena in politics, including a critical engagement with how behavioural phenomena have been (and are) studied. With reference to appropriate examples, the emphasis is on the study of political dynamics internal to the nation state, including but not limited to the following: elections, electoral systems, and voting behaviour; parties and party systems; political culture, political identities, public opinion, leadership, communication, and interest groups.
Module content:
Political dynamics (Macro)
This module is offered in two parts. Part One places emphasis on the nature of the state, governance and conflict in Africa. Amongst others, a study is made of the issues of colonialism and post-colonialism, democratisation, authoritarianism and the development of the state in Africa, in the context of a globalising world. Part Two provides a thorough introduction to and overview of South African politics. Topics to be unpacked include: South Africa’s transition to democracy, South Africa’s electoral system, and the political, social and economic challenges facing South Africa at present. Mini case studies are applied throughout the module to aid comprehension and analysis. Case studies may differ from year-to-year depending on local and international developments.
Module content:
Leer Nederlands
Die module het as uitkoms die verwerwing van lees-, praat-, skryf- en luistervaardighede in Nederlands. 'n Goeie kennis van Afrikaans is 'n voorvereiste. Die module is kontrastief. Klem word gelê op die verskille tussen die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse grammatika, woordeskat en kultuur.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Semantiek en pragmatiek
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse semantiek en pragmatiek.
Letterkundekomponent: Teks en konteks I
Verdere bestudering van Afrikaanse letterkundige en kultuurtekste binne breër geskiedkundige, sosiokulturele en teoretiese konteks. Afrikaanse literatuur tot die 1970’s binne historiese en teoretiese konteks.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Sosiolinguistiek
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse sosiolinguistiek.
Letterkundekomponent: Teks en konteks II
Afrikaanse literatuur sedert die 1970’s binne historiese konteks. Verdere bestudering van Afrikaanse letterkundige en kultuurtekste binne breër geskiedkundige, sosiokulturele en teoretiese konteks.
Module content:
Aspects of the literature of isiNdebele/isiZulu/Sepedi/Setswana such as the continuation of the study of concepts such as text, topic, characters, events, time and place; the study of plot and style; the critical analysis of a novel/novelette.
Module content:
Interpretation of written remains
A selection of ancient Near Eastern (namely Mesopotamian, Syria-Palestinian and Egyptian) and ancient Greek and Roman myths and typical mythological themes are studied against their proper cultural and historical background. Some of the different methods of interpretation for myths that will be dealt with include ancient and current approaches. This is done in order to indicate ancient myths’ influence on contemporary society.
Module content:
Interpretation of material remains
The physical remains of the ancient Near East (namely Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine and Egypt) and the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, namely artefacts and architecture, are examined within their socio-historical context to interpret the physical representations of their worldviews. Contemporary society’s interaction with material remains of the ancient world will also be examined.
Module content:
Cultural constructions of sex and sexuality are the primary building blocks of social organisation. Anthropological discussions of sexuality tend to revolve around the various aspects of social organisation, such as the lifecycle, gendered identities, and personhood. These discussions are informed by the cultural meanings we impute to differences in biological sex and reproduction, and the ways in which these meanings influence social organisation, personhood, and power. In this module, we will consider cultural constructions of sex and sexuality as these inform certain aspects of social organisation such as kinship and marriage. We will attempt to develop an anthropological perspective on the interplay between sex, culture and society. To this end, we will examine the physiology of sexuality, and then consider different theoretical perspectives on human sexuality as reflected in cross-cultural ethnographic case studies.
Module content:
Power and wealth
This module explores anthropological perspectives on politics, power and wealth in colonial and postcolonial contexts. Key concepts that are discussed include anthropological approaches to citizenship, cosmopolitanism, hegemony, human rights, neoliberalism, sovereignty, civil society, gender, race and class.
Module content:
From Wall and Bay Street to Diagonal Street: a thorough understanding of the mechanisms and theories explaining the workings of the economy is essential. Macroeconomic insight is provided on the real market, the money market, two market equilibrium, monetarism, growth theory, cyclical analysis, inflation, Keynesian general equilibrium analysis and fiscal and monetary policy issues.
Module content:
Microeconomic insight is provided into: consumer and producer theory, general microeconomic equilibrium, Pareto-optimality and optimality of the price mechanism, welfare economics, market forms and the production structure of South Africa. Statistic and econometric analysis of microeconomic issues.
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes - 3 discussion classes per week
Modern English literature and English language studies
This module focuses on post-nineteenth century literature in English as well as on historical and theoretical aspects of the English language.
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes - 3 discussion classes per week
Twentieth-century, postcolonial and contemporary literature
This module focuses on post-nineteenth century literature in English. Various genres are covered and particular attention is given to postcolonial writing.
Module content:
The content of this module engages in the historical emergence of contemporary African philosophy in relation to the Western canon. The first quarter traces the history of modern western philosophy, recounting key positions in epistemology (e.g. Descartes, Kant), metaphysics (e.g. Heidegger, Putnam), ethics (e.g. Bentham, Levinas) and political philosophy (e.g. Rawls, Habermas).The content of the second quarter considers recent works in African philosophy, as critical responses to, but also independent of the Western philosophies, with regard to epistemology (e.g. Menkiti, Ikuenobe), metaphysics (e.g. Mbiti, Ramose), ethics (e.g. Tut, Gyeke) and political philosophy (e.g. Biko, Fanon).
Module content:
In this module contextually relevant aspects of human reality are reflected on through philosophy considered as practical activity. Students will engage issues of social, political, or economic relevance in contemporary (South) Africa, the Global South and beyond. A range of themes may be investigated, such as structure and agency, social imaginaries, issues of social justice, gender and sexuality, the ethics of science and technology, the role of art and others. The focus is on key themes and debates of contemporary relevance and may include issues from any of the sub-disciplines of philosophy such as political philosophy, moral philosophy, epistemology, aesthetics, philosophy of mind and artifical intelligence, and philosophy of science.
Module content:
A selection of themes on the history of Africa and its people in the recent past that shaped the African historical experience.
Module content:
The development of South Africa through segregation and apartheid to democracy.
Module content:
Greek texts – syntax
Basic syntactical theory and application to selected Greek texts
Greek prose – text analysis
Basic theory of comprehensive text analysis and application of selected NT prose texts.
Module content:
Greek poetry – text analysis
Basic theory of poetic text analysis and application of selected NT and related poetry texts.
Greek texts – holistic analysis
Students are guided towards reading and analysing independently chosen Greek texts by application of all knowledge and skills acquired in GRK modules on year level 1 as well as in GRK 210 and 220.
Module content:
Hebrew texts – syntax
Basic syntactical theory and application to selected Hebrew texts.
Hebrew prose – text analysis
Basic theory of comprehensive text analysis and application to selected OT prose texts.
Module content:
Hebrew poetry – text analysis
Basic theory of poetic text analysis and application to selected OT poetic texts. Hebrew texts – holistic analysis
Students are guided towards reading and analysing independently chosen Hebrew texts by application of all knowledge and skills acquired in HEB modules on year level 1 as well as in HEB 210 and 220.
Module content:
Information seeking and retrieval. This module explores the theory and practice of effective information seeking and retrieval, including systematic reviewing. It builds on supporting research paradigms such as the systems, user-centred, cognitive and socio-cognitive paradigms. The focus is on the complexities of effective information seeking and retrieval within the context of information behaviour on a personal level, as well as in the context of professional, academic or everyday information needs.
Module content:
Information organisation and presentation. Information needs to be represented and organised in a system for it to be effectively retrievable. This module deals with the representation and organisation of information on the level of individual entities (e.g. indexing), from the perspective of the users (user profiling), as well as within a document collection (taxonomies and ontologies). The fundamental concepts of information organisation are also covered including components of information retrieval systems (IRS), abstraction principles and user information needs. This module also deals with search engine optimisation and data governance.
Module content:
User studies and dissemination. This module focuses on the individual as seeker, user, reader and communicator of information. Various user groups are identified and their information use and communication patterns and requirements are analysed and investigated. This module covers methods of service provision to facilitate and enhance the use and dissemination of information in accordance with the user's needs. Core principles of diversity, equity and inclusion are included.
Module content:
Social and ethical impact. This module examines moral and legal regulation practices related to information in print and digital environments. Different ethical theories are identified and applied to privacy, accuracy, intellectual property, access and security information, information poverty and censorship. Digital divide, information poverty and big data are discussed in this module. The interpretation and enforcement of rules and regulations are discussed.
Module content:
Economics and politics of information. This module examines the economics and politics of information, with a special emphasis on South Africa's information sector. It aims to promote an understanding of the market and non-market qualities of information, and their consequences for the production, distribution and marketing of information goods and services. The ways in which information access and expression are regulated and the use of ICTs in crime and corruption is also addressed. The module also addresses the different types of information industries which are located within the information sector of the economy, and how their growth transforms the production and delivery of products and services across the local and global economy.
Module content:
Indigenous knowledge and communication. This module focuses on the role and function of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in the information and knowledge society. Various categories and contexts of IK are explored within international and local perspectives as well as cultural competency. Issues pertaining to access and communication of IK, inter alia through Information and Communication Technology (ICT), are addressed in order to ensure sustainable development.
Module content:
Latin literature, grammar and history (1) and (2)
Selected passages from Latin literature, including legal and patristic texts; Latin grammar.
An introduction to Roman history
Selected passages of prose and poetry. Latin grammar. Roman history and constitution.
Module content:
Latin literature, grammar and history (3) and (4)
Selected passages of prose and poetry. Latin grammar. Roman history and constitution. History of Latin literature.
Module content:
Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to isiNdebele speech sounds/phonetics.
Module content:
This module in public administration constitutes an in-depth analysis of the generic administrative functions, including, policy making, organising, financing, staffing and control. Students will thus be equipped with knowledge and skills related to government strategic planning, policy-making and decision-making, budgeting, public procurement, human resource management functions and employment legislation impacting on human resources within public organisations.
Module content:
This module in public administration introduces the student to the process of planning, executing and evaluating research in the public sector. Students will be enabled to identify, plan, execute and present a research project. This is a service learning module and as such students will be expected to complete approximately 15 hours service learning and submit a portfolio as part of their formal assessment.
Module content:
Investigating the method of Phenomenology as way of studying religions. Focussing on African Christianity and the phenomenon of African Independent Churches. Highlighting Prosperity Theology as phenomenon in Africa. Exploring the place of land, water and the city within religion in Africa
Module content:
Ancient religions and Health:
Exploring ancient religions (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Zoroastranism, Aztec, Inca and Mayan) and health. Exploring the San religious treatment of health matters. The relationship magic and religion is investigated.
Module content:
The relation Religion and Culture:
Central topics are inter religious Ethics and cultural sensitivity towards social taboos. Political and economic matters as interpreted form a religious perspective is investigated. Religion in the education system is addressed.
Module content:
Sepedi - communication and grammar
The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures.
Sepedi - reading and writing
Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.
Module content:
Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to Sepedi speech sounds/phonetics.
Module content:
Sepedi - communication, grammar, reading and writing
The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to Sepedi speech sounds / phonetics. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.
Module content:
Industrial sociology
This module addresses sociological approaches to the workplace. Its focus is on theories of work and the current themes and debates within the sociology of work with an emphasis on exploring these issues from a southern perspective. Some of the themes that will be covered include the theorisation and conceptualisation of work, work in industrialising societies, workplace restructuring and reorganisation, flexibility in the labour market, changing technologies and the implications for work and employment, and new forms of work (including atypical work, service work, emotional labour, professional work).
Module content:
Urban sociology and social movements
This module considers the relationship between the rural and urban, against the backdrop of the emergence and development of both capitalism in its various guises and globalisation within the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the global North and South. Questions on the nature of social interaction in communities, changing ways of relating, inequality and livelihoods, collective action, local cultures and modernities are considered. With migration to the city spurred by the communication revolution, the city has become a source of aspirations and illusions. A key issue in place-space configurations is the dialectic between citizenship and cosmopolitanism (aligned to individualism and multiple identities), on the one hand, and the experience of community (aligned to a collectivity) on the other hand. The debate on who belongs to the city highlights both symbolic and material issues and a politics around access to rights and resources, and therefore a possibility of mobilisation. Contemporary themes such as informality, different forms of local participation and consumption are considered.
Module content:
Culture and religion in the construction of identities: Gender, sexuality and race
The global proliferation of identities is explored through the lens of social categories of difference. The convergence of ideologies and institutions in the construction of identities at the intersections of gender, sexuality and race is examined with a particular emphasis on modern African identities, drawing on the sub-disciplines of the sociology of religion and cultural sociology.
Module content:
Demography, health and society
This module will use intersectional and critical lenses to provide students with a broad understanding of how demographic and social factors affect population health and medical care across a range of contexts. The main theoretical underpinnings and debates, as well as basic measures of each construct will be covered to operationalise the constructs for the purposes of practical application in sociological research and understanding. The focus will be comparative, both across time and between developed and less developed societies in general and South African societies in particular.
Module content:
Gender, sexuality and visual representation
Introduction to the representation of sex, gender and sexuality in visual culture. Gender theory and terminology related to feminism, masculinity studies and lbgtq theory (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgendered, queer) are unpacked. Themes and issues in gender and identity politics such as the male hero, the nude in late 19th century art, the femme fatale, hysteria, androgyny and transsexuality are dealt with. Sexuality and gender issues across a range of visual cultural such as soaps, sitcoms, artworks, advertisements, fashion, music videos and films are addressed.
Module content:
Visual (Post)colonialisms
This module investigates aspects of Africanness, Afrocentrism, multiculturalism, transnationalism and the African diaspora and studies a cross section of work including traditional art, tourist art and the hybrid aesthetics of contemporary African art and visual culture. The module also focuses on the ideology of imperialism and colonialism and its influence on art and visual culture from the nineteenth century onwards. The influence of postcolonial thinking on the deconstruction of the ideology of colonialism is highlighted with reference to landscape and memory, the exotic and primitivism in South African visual culture.
Module content:
isiZulu - communication and grammar
The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures.
isiZulu - reading and writing
Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.
Module content:
Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to isiZulu speech sounds/phonetics.
Module content:
isiZulu - communication, grammar, reading and writing
The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to isiZulu speech sounds/phonetics. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.
Minimum credits: 120
Module content:
Political theory
A theoretical and normative study of political ideas, concepts, texts and values. This includes the study of key global political thinkers throughout history, as well as the contemporary manifestations of ideologies such as liberalism, socialism, conservatism, postcolonialism and feminism. This normative assessment of politics will also focus on the critical evaluation of prominent political concepts such as justice, liberty, power, democracy and equality.
Module content:
Part 1: Public Policy Studies: A high-level critical analysis of the theory and practice of public policy within the domestic, regional, and international context. Attention is given to key aspects of the policy-making process, including, but not limited to: agenda setting, policy adoption, policy assessment, and policy termination. Case studies may differ year-on-year depending on local and international developments.
Part 2: Political analysis: The methods and practice of political analysis are the focus of this module. The principles and problems underpinning different approaches and methods of political analysis are described and explained. This includes the nature, methods and use of comparative analysis, forecasting, risk analysis, performance evaluation and the political audit. These analytical methods are positioned in a political and policy context, with emphasis on practical application. Applicable examples and case studies are used throughout and differ year-on-year depending on domestic and international developments.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Historiese taalkunde
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse historiese taalkunde.
Letterkundekomponent: Gevorderde literatuurstudie I
Afrikaanse literatuur in die konteks van resente literatuurteoretiese diskoerse.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Sintaksis
Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse sintaksis.
Letterkundekomponent: Gevorderde literatuurstudie II
Afrikaanse literatuur in die konteks van resente literatuurteoretiese diskoerse.
Module content:
Social aspects of the ancient Near Eastern and the ancient Greek and Roman worlds
A selection of ancient Near Eastern (namely Mesopotamian, Syria-Palestinian and Egyptian) and ancient Greek and Roman sources are studied within their socio-historical context to illustrate and interpret these cultures and social practises and how they influenced contemporary institutions and social structures.
Module content:
Verbal and visual expression in the ancient world: looking for answers
This module entails an overview of the research process in ancient culture studies, especially the identification of a research problem, formulating a research question, proposing a suitable hypothesis and applying suitable research strategies through the discussion of relevant themes on the ancient world. Students are then guided towards independent research on themes of their choice relating to departmental research interests by applying the knowledge and skills gained throughout the entire course of ancient culture studies.
Module content:
This module considers the colonial histories of anthropology in Africa and their impact on traditions of knowledge production in the discipline to propose a decolonised anthropology. It does so by critically reflecting on old and contemporary ethnographies from and about the African continent and pays particular attention to ethnographic methods, politics of representation, reflexivity, power and identity as pertinent questions to establish a decolonised anthropology. Students in this module are encouraged to imagine a decolonised anthropology in and for Africa.
Module content:
Fieldwork, ethnography and theory
This module reviews themes such as conducting fieldwork, writing ethnography and developing theory in anthropology. The module allows the opportunity to gain experience with ethnographic field methods in order to develop insight into the implications of methodological choices and their relationship to research questions and settings.
Module content:
Part 1:Texts in context
OT texts are read in their Ancient Near Eastern context with special reference to intra-, inter- and extratextual relations. NT and/or Patristic texts are read in their Jewish and Hellenistic context with special reference to intra-, inter- and extra-textual relations.
Part 2: Between the Testaments
Reading and interpreting of Hebrew and Greek inter-testamental literature, including Qumran literature, Ben Sira and Greek apocryphal books like Judit or Tobit.
Module content:
Part 1: Critical textual competence
Students are exposed to diverging translations and interpretations of selected OT and NT texts. Through their own knowledge of and competence in intra-, inter- and extratextual analysis they are guided towards critical assessment of diverging points of view and independent decision making in the reading, analysis and understanding of ancient literary texts.
Part 2: Integration of analytical skills
Students are guided towards independent reading and analysis of chosen Greek and Hebrew texts by integrated application of all knowledge and skills acquired in GRK and HEB modules on year levels 1 and 2, as well as in BYT 251, 310 and 320.
Module content:
Public finance
Role of government in the economy. Welfare economics and theory of optimality. Ways of correcting market failures. Government expenditure theories, models and programmes. Government revenue. Models on taxation, effects of taxation on the economy. Assessment of taxation from an optimality and efficiency point of view. South African perspective on public finance.
Module content:
Poverty and inequality are among the greatest contemporary challenges of economic development in the World. This course provides an overview of different economic explanations of underdevelopment and policy options to fostering household and individual welfare. We will investigate key development issues such as poverty, inequality, migration, the role of institutions (policy and governance), among others, as they are encountered by developing countries in general and South Africa in particular. During the course, we put special emphasis on the interplay between theory and data.
Module content:
Economic analyses
Identification, collection and interpretation process of relevant economic data; the national accounts (i.e. income and production accounts, the national financial account, the balance of payments and input-output tables); economic growth; inflation; employment, unemployment, wages, productivity and income distribution; business cycles; financial indicators; fiscal indicators; social indicators; international comparisons; relationships between economic time series - regression analysis; long-term future studies and scenario analysis; overall assessment of the South African economy from 1994 onwards.
Module content:
Economic policy and development: Capita select
The course provides an introduction to growth economics and also to some topics on development economics. Firstly, historical evidence is covered and then the canonical Solow growth model and some of its empirical applications (human capital and convergence). Secondly, the new growth theory (the AK and the Romer models of endogenous growth) are covered. Some of the development topics to be covered include technology transfer, social infrastructure and natural resources.
Module content:
Reading Medieval and Early Modern literature
In this module students study the works of writers such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton and Pope. The general characteristics and techniques of these authors are discussed in relation to developments in aesthetic theory, generic conventions and socio-historical change.
Module content:
Reading the Nineteenth Century
In this module students read a selection of 19th-century texts in English. The general characteristics and techniques of these texts are discussed in relation to developments in aesthetic theory, generic conventions and socio-historical change.
Module content:
In this module the focus is on understanding humankind, its knowledge and its relation to reality.This module traces the development of the conceptions of ‘self’ and ‘subjectivity’ in any given philosophical tradition in Africa, or more generally the Global South or the West, by focussing, amongst others, on issues such as the nature of the human mind, existentialism, the nature of personal identity, the relation between personal identity and morality, the nature of subjective experience and the issue of free will.
Module content:
In this module contextually relevant aspects of human reality are reflected on through philosophy considered as practical activity. Students will engage issues of social, political, or economic relevance in contemporary (South) Africa, the Global South and beyond. A range of themes may be investigated, such as, structure and agency, social imaginaries, issues of social justice, gender and sexuality, the ethics of science and technology, the role of art and others. The focus is on key themes and debates of contemporary relevance and may include issues from any of the sub-disciplines of philosophy such as political philosophy, moral philosophy, epistemology, aesthetics, philosophy of mind and artificial intelligence, and philosophy of science.
Module content:
Historical trends in the modern world
A selection of political, economic and social themes.
Module content:
Interpreting the process of global change. Explaining the debates and the origin and nature of globalisation and its significance.
Module content:
The Information Organisation. The module is concerned with the organisation of information in the digital environment focusing on the structure and use of document management and workflow systems, as well as distribution channels and virtual environments. The characteristics and application of the internet, intranets, as well as portals and applications use, are considered within the information culture of the organisation. The module introduces the practical component of business continuity and information organisation which includes information access, storage, organisation and security using SharePoint as web-based collaborative platform.
Module content:
Knowledge Management. This module focuses on knowledge management at an operational level and corporate strategic level. It deals with the management of knowledge, which enables the organisation to be competitive. In this module the focus is on aspects such as: the 21st-century organisation, the external and internal stakeholders that have an interest in products, as well as the infrastructure that should be in place in organisations to manage such products. The module includes topics relating to knowledge management at a corporate strategic level from a people, process and technological perspective.
Module content:
Digital repositories. This module deals with the design, development and management of digital repositories. It addresses the characteristics of the digital repository in a rapidly changing technological world and a challenging information society. Core aspects include: system design, digital collections, metadata and rights management, standards and the development and evaluation of digital repositories. The role repositories in the Open Access movement is considered.
Module content:
Socio-political aspects of information in global context. This module examines aspects of the information and knowledge society within local, regional and international contexts. Criteria and sub-criteria of the information and knowledge society is discussed and applied on various developed and developing communities and countries. Other socio-political aspects such as the Digital Divide, Information Poverty and ICT4D are also discussed.
Module content:
Competitive intelligence. This module provides an overview of competitive intelligence (CI) and focuses on the needs for CI in organisations. The CI cycle, identifying key intelligence topics, needs and questions are covered. The ways in which organisations compete and the benefits that CI can bring to these organisations to forecaste will also be covered. The growing need for CI among South African organisations will also be examined. Practical examples and case studies will be used to highlight the value of CI in organisations.
Module content:
International political economy
The nature and functioning of the international contemporary political-economic order are analysed against the background of the process of globalisation. Analysis of the mainstream theories employed by scholars in this field is also included. The focus is on the interaction of political and economic trends and issues such as the vital role played by state and non-state actors; the rise of new economic powers in the Global South; and global economic governance.
Module content:
Security and strategic studies
A study of traditional and contemporary approaches to security and strategy. Attention is paid to theories on war, security and strategy; military and non-military security issues and threats; the nature, levels, patterns, forms and instruments of strategy; and the laws of war. Global and regional strategic and security issues and trends are analysed, along with multilateral approaches to understanding and confronting security issues.
Module content:
Latin literature, Roman history and mythology/religion
Selected passages of prose and poetry; legal and patristic texts may also be included. Latin grammar. Roman history. Greco-Roman mythology and religion.
Module content:
Latin literature and antiquities
Selected passages of prose and poetry; legal and patristic texts may also be included. Roman history.
Selected passages of prose and poetry; legal and patristic texts may also be included. Roman history. Selected topics from Roman antiquities and daily life.
Module content:
Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; more intensive study of the structure, meaning and use of the noun (specifically derived nouns) and verb (specifically moods and verbal extensions); an introduction to the sound changes/phonology of isiNdebele.
Module content:
This module in public administration is designed specifically to assist students to have a better understanding regarding the depth, origin and development of ethics in public service and administration. The emphasis here is on building responsive public servants whose duties and responsibilities do not only encourage the effective and efficient functioning of public organisations in an aim to facilitate better service delivery to all, but also apply ethical personal and organisational codes and standards in their daily operational activities. The purpose of this module is to enable the student to apply, synthesise and abstract theory into practice for a better public service of the future.
Module content:
This module on public administration is designed to broaden the view of students on the understanding of the origin and development of administrative systems. The emphasis is on the practical application of knowledge to problems of developing societies. Increasing global interdependence require scholarly interest in comparative public administration. A motivating force for comparative Public administration is the search for discovering regularities in administrative processes and behaviours throughout the human experience, irrespective of place and time.
Module content:
The function of myths and rites in current society is investigated. The relation between religion and art is explored. The place and function of music in religion is investigated. The way in which holy texts are interpreted (scriptural reasoning) within different religions is explored.
Module content:
The following social themes are addressed: Religion and Media; Religion and Ecology; Religion and Xenophobia; Religion and Homophobia; Religion and Violence; Religion and Gender equality; the possibility of Inter-religious dialogue.
Module content:
Sepedi grammar - Capita selecta
Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; more intensive study of the structure, meaning and use of the noun (specifically derived nouns) and verb (specifically moods and verbal extensions); an introduction to the sound changes / phonology of Sepedi.
The acquisition and inculcation of advanced communicative skills within a larger number of social, occupational and educational situations. Awareness of the nature and function of language structures is heightened further. Attention is also paid to cultural phenomena.
Module content:
Structure, agency and power in social theory
How do we theorise the interrelationships between structure, agency, and power in society? This is the central question in this module, which provides students with an intensive introduction to critical social theories. Engaging with current affairs and debates in society, the module will enable students to learn how to develop theoretical knowledge about the ways in which power is structured and exercised in society – both from above and below, as well as across fields (the economic, the political, the cultural) and scales (the body, private and public spheres, communities and nation-states, and the world-system).
Module content:
Thinking methodologically
This module sets out to introduce students to ‘doing research’. In this respect the assumptions and processes underpinning methodological choices in sociological research are considered in order to think about foundations of research, about how knowledge claims are made, how science is conceptualised, what role theory plays, as well as how values and ethics shape the politics of research. In addition to these foundational questions, a broad introduction to methods used in social research is provided by considering both the theoretical dimensions and practical application of various research tools. The purpose of the module is to equip students with the necessary competence to, describe ontological and epistemological debates and different approaches to research in the social sciences, delineate a research problem, identify units of analysis, make sampling decisions and formulate questions and hypothesis as well as understand the principles of quantitative (elementary statistical decision-making) and qualitative data analysis.
Module content:
isiZulu grammar - Capita selecta
Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; more intensive study of the structure, meaning and use of the noun (specifically derived nouns) and verb (specifically moods and verbal extensions); an introduction to the sound changes/phonology of isiZulu. The acquisition and inculcation of advanced communicative skills within a larger number of social, occupational and educational situations. Awareness of the nature and function of language structures is heightened further. Attention is also paid to cultural phenomena.
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