Research Focus Areas

UP’s research strength is closely tied to a theme-based approach that leverages knowledge fields and research platforms for the greatest impact. In this way, we aim to ensure that resources are concentrated on relevant research, and research capacity are consolidated and strengthened. 

Several strategies contribute to this overarching strategy of the University; for example:

  • By establishing theme-based research priorities and platforms that require new ways of doing science, we make it possible for leading and young researchers to engage in complex societal and scientific problems.
  • By bidding and securing, in fields of research strength, DST-NRF South African Research Chairs (SARChI), and Centres of Excellence (CoE), we extend the ambit of our engagement and visibility.
  • Partnerships with industry and governments, local and regional, generate the possibility for team science and new networks, and industry-sponsored Research Chairs.

In addition, research entities — Institutes, Centres and Units — are spaces within the University’s structures where research and academic expertise are consolidated and a critical mass established to present exceptional research and postgraduate training opportunities.

Research Focus Areas 

SARChI Chairs

Industry Chairs

Institutes, Centres and Units

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