
Veterinary elective practice 602

Modulekode VEP 602
Kwalifikasie Voorgraads
Fakulteit Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde

* Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.

The purpose of this module is to give students additional exposure in a practice area of interest. The aim is to provide the graduate with theoretical and practical exposure to strengthen Day 1 competencies in those components of veterinary science needed for him/her to enter the particular career path with confidence. The scope of the module is expansion, integration and practical application of knowledge established through the core component of the BVSc programme. Students will complete one of the following six practice areas: Small Animal and Exotic Practice, Rural and Wildlife Practice, Veterinary Public Health and State Veterinary Practice, Equine Practice, Intensive Animal Production Practice, and Veterinary Research Career.

Modulekrediete 40.00
Kontaktyd Ja
Onderrigtaal Engels
Akademiese organisasie Geselskapsd Klin Stud
Aanbiedingstydperk Semester 1

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