
Human resources strategy 782

Modulekode GIE 782
Kwalifikasie Nagraads
Fakulteit Gordon Institute of Business Science

In this course students will be required to develop a strategy for attracting, retaining, developing and managing top quality talent within their business. Students will be exposed to the latest thinking and practices for maximising human performance within entrepreneurial businesses. They will critically review what other successful and unsuccessful businesses have done or not done to develop teams and manage people and they will use this as a basis to make decisions and formulate a human resources strategy for their businesses. The course will cover issues of compensation and incentives, performance measurement and management, industrial relations, structuring, job profiling and recruitment.

Modulekrediete 12.00
Voorvereistes No prerequisites.
Kontaktyd Vier-en-twintig uur
Onderrigtaal Engels
Akademiese organisasie Gordon Institute of Bus Sci
Aanbiedingstydperk Semester 1 of Semester 2

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