Posted on April 03, 2020
Dear UP student,
This is an uncertain time, not only for us, but also for the whole world. However, in the second week of lockdown, as we are all slowly settling into our new routines, we want to encourage you to take heart and develop a routine that also includes your academic work.
We indicated before the lockdown period that we will resume all academic activities on 20 April 2020. Should it not be possible to resume contact lectures when the University re-opens on 20 April, we plan to continue the academic programme by teaching online until the University’s normal functioning can be resumed.
We want you to complete your academic year successfully
We wish to emphasise that the University is committed to ensuring that all our students complete their academic year successfully. All your study materials will be available on clickUP. Please ensure that you receive all essential communications by reading your clickUP and UP App notifications regularly.
Keep in touch
If you have not done so already, now is the time to download the UP App and the Blackboard app on your cellphone. (Get the UP Mobile App on Google Playstore or download it from the App Store.)
What you should do in the week before the academic programme commences
We want to encourage you to use the week before the academic programme commences (i.e. the week starting on 13 April 2020) to:
Steps to take when you have to work from home
In instances where contact teaching on our campuses will not be possible, working from home may be challenging. However, in such instances you would be best served by taking responsibility for your academic success by sticking to your regular timetable as far as possible. It is essential to keep up with the work on a daily basis! Therefore:
Effective online (and contact) teaching and learning require students to come prepared to the online (and contact) class, complete pre-class assessments and engage in class.
UP will support you as best we can
We can assure you that our students' success is a key priority for the University! We are doing our best to ensure that online learning can be as obstacle-free as possible. Consequently:
Support available to you:
Keep on learning and preparing for your future workplace
Use this time at home as an opportunity to improve your ability to learn independently and to prepare yourself for the Future of Work. Studies on the Future of Work identify self-directed individual learning and lifelong learning as essential skills for the future workplace. Keep on learning!
Take care of yourselves and keep safe.
Best wishes,
Professor N Duncan
Vice-Principal: Academic
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