Option to increase Family Cover for Funeral Benefit

Posted on July 29, 2019

We are pleased to inform you that following consultations at the University of Pretoria Bargaining Forum (UPBF), the University Management have approved that employees be provided the option to increase their Family Cover effective 1 September 2019. Thereafter, option changes can only be effected annually in the month of December for January the following year.

The additional difference in the premium for the cover will be funded by the employee. The employer subsidy for the additional cover will remain capped at the annual premium based on the current family cover benefits as per option 1 below. 

You now have the option of:

Either, remaining on the following current cover which is fully subsidised by the employer at a rate of R9.78 per employee per month:

Family Cover


Primary Insured Person

R20 000

Insured Spouse

R20 000

Insured Children:


  Aged >= 14 years

R20 000

  Aged >= 6 years but < 14 years

R10 000

  Aged >= 2 years but < 6 years

R5 000

  Aged < 2 years

R5 000


R5 000


Increasing your Family Cover to the R50 000 benefit structure which is at a premium of R25.09 per employee per month:

Family Cover


Primary Insured Person

R50 000

Insured Spouse

R30 000

Insured Children:


  Aged >= 14 years

R30 000

  Aged >= 6 years but < 14 years

R25 000

  Aged >= 2 years but < 6 years

R10 000

  Aged < 2 years

R10 000


R10 000

Should employees choose to increase their Family Cover, then the University will contribute R9.78 per month (current subsidy) and the employee will have to contribute the balance of R15.31. This will be processed as a deduction against the employee’s salary.

Kindly note that staff members who wish to increase their family cover for their funeral benefit are required to complete the attached form.

The forms must be submitted to the relevant Human Resources Offices by close of business on Friday, 31 August 2019 to be effective from 1 September 2019.

Should you require further information or further clarity, please contact the relevant Human Resources Office on your campus.

- Author Department of Human Resources

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