Announcement: New dates for extended nomination and election of President of UP Convocation

Posted on July 23, 2019

Further to the decision taken by the Executive Committee of the University of Pretoria, to provide the Convocation with a further opportunity to nominate candidates for election as President of the Convocation, please note that the new dates are as follows:

Nominations open on Thursday, 15 August 2019, with the publication of the call for nominations in the national press.

Nominations close on Thursday, 29 August 2019, at 16:00.

Voting opens on Monday, 7 October 2019, at 09:00.

Voting closes on Monday, 21 October 2019, at 16:00.

Please note that all candidates who had been duly nominated in the first round of nominations will remain part of the pool of candidates eligible for election and need not be re-nominated.

The full requirements regarding the position, the nomination forms and information on the nomination and voting processes will be available on the UP website at from Wednesday, 14 August 2019.

- Author Department of University Relations

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