
The call for nominations for the President of the University of Pretoria Convocation* is closed.

The voting process will take place from Wednesday, 25 September 2024 to Monday, 14 October 2024.

Important: Alumni must update their information on the alumni website ( 14 August to be eligible to vote.

* The Convocation includes alumni, members of UP’s Executive, current permanent academic staff, professors emeriti, and other retired academic employees.

To see all the biographies of  the new Convocation Advisory Board displayed, please click on More News at the bottom of the page.

President of the Convocation

Dr Hinner Köster

*What is the Convocation?

The Convocation is a legally constituted body which includes approximately 300 000 alumni of the University as its largest constituency. Members of the University’s executive, deans of faculties, all current permanent academic staff members, professors emeriti and other retired academic employees also form part of the Convocation. As a key stakeholder group, the Convocation has a vested interest in the stature and success of the University. The University’s Convocation structures are regulated by the provisions of the UP Statute (2018) and the Institutional Rules of the University.


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