Book about conversations with leading South African business CEO's launched

Posted on November 29, 2010

It is the first book of its kind in South Africa.

In the book, CEO’s talk openly and honestly about their lives, their careers, the mistakes they made and the challenges facing future South African leaders. The book has a unique mix of anecdote and analysis as it ranges through the lives and careers of the interviewees.
In the book, all fourteen CEO’s had something special to say. So speaks Bobby Godsell, amongst others, about shared options such as the bad side of BEE and it’s pretend-ownership by benefiting only from the upside without any exposure to the downside. The aim of the book was to speak to people who have left a mark on a particular business sector or the country as a whole. The accompanying CD gives an honest underpinning to the transcript.

The Centre for Responsible Leadership at the University of Pretoria initiated the idea for Courageous Conversations as a way to generate debate about the future of business leadership and the challenges that will confront future leaders.
“The current level and quality of leadership in both the public and private sector will need to change and adapt to the challenges of the future” says Prof Derick de Jongh, Director of the Centre for Responsible Leadership.

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