Gender projects for the New Year

Posted on January 15, 2010

The first project is entitled, Addressing the sexual vulnerability of female adolescents in South Africa. The project’s point of departure is that comprehensive sexuality education is a crucial constituent of any young person’s formal education, as well as a public health necessity. Many adolescents are sexually active, and thus are vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, unplanned pregnancy, botched abortions, and sexual coercion or violence. Despite the fact that sexuality education programmes are being both developed and implemented in South African schools, a number of sometimes interlinked factors prevent young girls from accessing such programmes. In this regard, the project aims to provide a number of sexuality education sessions for female adolescents enrolled at schools in the greater Tshwane area. These sessions will involve active learning training sessions, with the facilitation of discussions by experts in group-work exercises (story-telling, narratives, games etc) in order to elicit active participation by the school learners. It is through such an approach that the project aims to equip its target audience with an awareness of the myths that limit women’s ability to choose safer sexual practices or to refuse (any other) sexual activity.

The second project is entitled, An assessment of incentives for employing women in corporate environments. The purpose of this study is twofold, namely: to investigate how incentives (with special emphasis to financial incentives) could be used to benefit companies for employing more women with reference to local and international best practices at organisational and government levels; and to identify re-entry strategies for women who take extended career breaks for family reasons.

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