Lorca's "The House of Bernarda Alba" presented by UP Drama Department

Posted on May 19, 2012

in mourning for their dead father. The eldest daughter is desperate to marry and be free of her oppressive mother.

"The House of Bernarda Alba" explores themes of human passion and desires, as well as the role of women in society. In Lorca’s dramas reality and poetic values are balanced. Laughter and tears run through all his dramatic inventions. His theatre always has a poetic angle, and creates a fusion between poetry and drama.

This fascinating play is directed by veteran actor and director Pieter Brand. Pieter Brand, a lecturer in the Drama department, is a multi-award winning actor and director, with no fewer than 9 VITA awards,
amongst others, to his name.

"The House of Bernarda Alba" runs in The Masker Theatre (University of Pretoria Hatfield Campus) from 22 May till 26 May 2012 at 19:00.

Bookings: Yvonne Rabie 012 420 2558 or [email protected]

Click here for the pdf invitation (English and Afrikaans).

Poster for Bernarda Alba

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