Nursing dynamics 120

Modulekode VDN 120
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Health Sciences

Communication and management principles for nursing practice.
Assertiveness and interpersonal communication, team building, and managing cultural diversity and change. Written communications. Management of conflict, crisis intervention and stress management. Facilitation of health, wellness and community development.
Basic first-level management principles in nursing practice. Quality assurance and standards for nursing practice. Principles of financial planning and management. Private nursing practice.
Ethical-legal framework for nursing practice.
Professional tasks and responsibilities of registered nurses and midwives/accoucheurs. Development of the nursing profession, nursing ethos and fundamental viewpoints. Principles of professional practice. Conduct, statutory control and professional self-regulation. Human rights, the rights of patients and international perspectives on patient care. Ethics, ethical dilemmas and ethical decision-making in nursing practice.

Modulekrediete 14.00
Prerequisites VDN 110
Contact time 1 other contact session per week, 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Nursing Science
Period of presentation Semester 2

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