Code | Faculty |
10131083 | Faculty of Health Sciences |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duration of study: 3 years |
Prof FM Mulaudzi [email protected] | +27 (0)123541908 |
The Bachelor of Nursing Science (Education and Administration) [BCur(I et A)] provides professional nurses registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC), with the opportunity of obtaining post-basic, professional qualifications in any of the following areas of specialisation (major speciality):
Successful completion of the degree programme will also provide graduates with the opportunity to further their studies, in their chosen fields of specialisation at postgraduate level, provided there are sufficient applications.
Candidates who comply with the admission requirements must compile a suitable curriculum in the selected area of specialisation, in consultation with the head of department.
The curriculum mentioned in iii above, must be reviewed on an annual basis in consultation with the head of department.
Conferment of the degree
The Bachelor of Nursing Science (Education and Administration) [BCur(I et A)] is conferred on students who comply with all the requirements for the degree programme and who have completed all required practical and/or clinical training.
The degree certificate will be endorsed with the specific area of specialisation (and the relevant subspeciality, in the case of Clinical Nursing).
Note: Also consult the General Regulations.
Registration as a nurse with two years’ experience
Please note that Grade 12 learners cannot apply for these programmes.
Adiitional requirement:
Proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council as a General Nurse.
Additional admission requirements for Clinical Nursing Science
A minimum of 360 credits is required, subject to:
Students will be exempted from corresponding modules passed in the preceding seven (7) years.
Academic exclusion from further study
- If a student obtains a final mark of less than 50% in the relevant module at the first examination opportunity and thus fails.
- If a student does not obtain the subminimum in the examination, as required for a specific module.
- If a student does not sit the examination in a module at the first examination opportunity due to illness or extraordinary circumstances.
The following fundamental modules are relevant:
Certain hospitals and healthcare facilities have been approved for the purposes of practical and/or clinical training. Students will be required to complete their practical work and/or clinical training at these facilities.
The degree is conferred with distinction on a student who has obtained an average of at least 75% in the required 300-level modules.
Faculty certificates
Minimum credits: 108
• Students with Industrial and organisational psychology as their second major subject register for BDO 110 and BDO 120.
• Students with Community nursing science as their second major subject register for GVP 110, GVP 120 and GVP 160.
• The successful completion of VDN 110, VDN 120, GVP 110, GVP 120 and GVP 160 will result in the the additional qualification in Community Nursing with the South African Nursing Council (SANC).
• The successful completion of VDN 110, VDN 120, VPB 110, VPB 120, VPB 160, BDO 110 and BDO 120 will result in the additional qualification in Nursing Management with SANC.
Module content:
Healthcare environment: structure, dynamics and impact on the clinical standards of nursing practice.
National population and health profiles. Epidemiological viewpoints on health. The healthcare environment and the dynamics of healthcare services. Factors influencing contemporary health service delivery. Policies and the rendering of healthcare in South Africa. Selected healthcare practice models (including the characteristics of nursing practice). The basic principles and methodology of nursing research. Applying research to nursing practice.
Leadership principles in nursing practice.
Leadership styles and skills. Directing in the nursing unit. Principles of human resource management and development. The principles of adult teaching and learning in clinical practice. The adult learner and evaluation.
Module content:
Communication and management principles for nursing practice.
Assertiveness and interpersonal communication, team building, and managing cultural diversity and change. Written communications. Management of conflict, crisis intervention and stress management. Facilitation of health, wellness and community development.
Basic first-level management principles in nursing practice. Quality assurance and standards for nursing practice. Principles of financial planning and management. Private nursing practice.
Ethical-legal framework for nursing practice.
Professional tasks and responsibilities of registered nurses and midwives/accoucheurs. Development of the nursing profession, nursing ethos and fundamental viewpoints. Principles of professional practice. Conduct, statutory control and professional self-regulation. Human rights, the rights of patients and international perspectives on patient care. Ethics, ethical dilemmas and ethical decision-making in nursing practice.
Module content:
*Only for BCur students
Introduction to industrial and organisational psychology
Industrial and Organisational Psychology is an applied field of Psychology that is involved with employee and organisational behaviour, and which has become a study field and professional speciality in its own right. This module aims to introduce the student to:
Individual processes
This section consists of the principles of learning as found in the work context. The role of perception in the work environment will be discussed by considering aspects such as shape, depth, distance and colour perceptions. Cognition, thought, reasoning, memory, creativity and decision-making will be included. Intelligence will be addressed and placed in an industrial and organisational psychology perspective.
Module content:
*Only for BNurs students
Human development and personality
This module consists of a discussion of the life span and important periods in human development with emphasis on their meaning in the work context. With regard to personality, the following themes will be addressed: the cultural context of personality, its formation and determinants of personality; personality as determinant of behaviour as well as the development and maintenance of self-image. Attention will be given to the basic methods of personality measuring and personality assessment.
Motivation and employee well-being
One of the many factors that form part of individual processes is Motivation and Emotion. An understanding of individual processes will contribute to an understanding of how and why employees perform in their workplaces. The first part of this semester course aims to introduce the student to the foundational theories of motivation and emotion. The second part of this semester course is concerned with the recognition and classification of psychological disorders and the management and promotion of psychological well-being in organisations. A positive view of psychological health aims at facilitating people’s inner resources or strengths and resiliencies so that they stay healthy and cope effectively.
Module content:
The community nursing context.
Community health, community-based nursing care and primary health care (PHC).
Processes in community nursing.
Assessment, diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. Health education and home healthcare nursing.
Module content:
Care of individuals, families and communities in the community nursing context. Comprehensive approach to the care of infants, children, women, men and those within unique settings or circumstances (e. g. the elderly, the homeless, marginalised communities, emergency situations and reproductive health). Common community health problems.
Communicable diseases and immunisation, HIV/Aids. Chronic physical and mental health problems. Social pathology in the community.
Module content:
*Attendance module only
Community nursing science practical work.
Compulsory practical work, which includes mother and child health, school health, occupational health and safety, geriatric care, the prevention and control of communicable diseases, rehabilitation services and community resources, environmental safety, physical and nursing assessment of patients, diagnosis and care and health education.
Family study and community profile.
Module content:
Systems approach, theories and policies: Application in nursing management. Ethical code and the generic administrative process. Planning and organising on first-level management. Healthcare facilities, financial planning and time utilisation. Problem-solving, change and organisation.
Module content:
Directing on first-level management. Provision and utilisation of personnel. Leadership. Control on first-level management. Inspections and supervision. Patient classification and record keeping.
Module content:
*Attendance module only
Nursing management practical work.
Compulsory practical work, including budgeting, statistics, non-nursing duties, job descriptions, memoranda and report writing. Performance appraisal tool.
Minimum credits: 72
• Students with Industrial and organisational psychology as their second major subject register for BDO 219 and BDO 229.
• Students with Community nursing science as their second major subject register for GVP 250 and GVP 260.
Module content:
*Only for BNur students
Group behaviour and leadership
This module will focus on organisational behaviour with specific reference to the principles of group behaviour and the role of work teams in the organisation. Particular attention will be paid to group development, group interaction, group structures, group processes and the promotion of team performance in the organisation. Leadership and the effect of power and politics in the organisation will be studied. The function of leadership in individual, group and task-oriented behaviour will also be addressed.
Organisational behaviour
The behavioural basis for organisational structuring and organisation design will be addressed. This will include organisational culture as an important facet in any organisation. The dynamics and approaches to organisational change will be addressed with specific reference to the role of change agents, resistance to change and organisational development with a practical discussion of the contemporary problems of organisational change, personnel turnover, fatigue, boredom, absenteeism, conflict accidents.
Module content:
The community nursing process.
Assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation within the community health nursing context. Epidemiology and demography in community health nursing.
Module content:
Community involvement.
Community empowerment, development and participation. Quality assurance and change in the community context.
Module content:
The responsibilities of the nursing manager with regard to the provision and use of nursing personnel.
Module content:
The responsibilities of the nursing manager with regard to the retaining of nursing staff and the rendering of a quality nursing service.
Minimum credits: 180
• Students with Industrial and organisational psychology as their second major subject register for BDO 319 and BDO 329.
• Students with Community nursing science as their second major subject register for GVP 300.
Module content:
Human resource management systems
This section provides an introduction to human resource management systems and addresses current developments and problems in the field, which will be comprehensively addressed and include the following:
job analysis, description, specification, and design, remuneration theory and systems, job evaluation and grading as well as benefit and fringe-benefit systems. Remuneration systems as motivation for employees will also be included.
Human resources provision
Human resources provision will be presented from an industrial psychological perspective and will include the following themes: human resources planning;
macro and micro variables which could affect personnel forecasting and provision; human resource information systems; the auditing of skills as well as techniques such as recruitment, selection, placement and induction.
Module content:
Performance management, training and development/Virtual organisations
This section will address the main characteristics of a performance management system and will focus on the strategic and motivational value of the process and will address the following: the basic concepts in performance management, the performance management process, performance management methods, and the performance appraisal interview. This module will also address training and development in the workplace and will specifically emphasise the training process. This will include: basic concepts in training and development, the training process, needs assessment, design and implementation of a training programme and legislation related to training and development in SA. Virtual organisation is the result of social, economic and technological change. This section focuses on the relevant definitions and characteristics. You must understand the differences between virtual organisations and traditional organisations. This includes the role and impact of HR on virtual organisations.
People and career development
This section will address current methods that can be used to develop human resources and to present career development programmes in order to promote performance at both an individual and organisational level. Emphasis will be on the implications of changes in organisations to careers, career concepts, career management models, life and career stages, career issues, organisational choice, career development support practices, and emerging human resource practices. The integration of individual career expectations with the organisation’s requirements and strategies will be illustrated using the career management literature.
Module content:
Learning strategies and educational media.
Developing teaching strategies and designing audiovisual aids and evaluation tools. Theory of didactics.
Cognitive and intellectual functioning of adults. Educational relations.
Module content:
Curriculum and programme development.
Application of the principles of curriculum building. Management of curricula, programmes and nursing schools.
Student guidance.
Learning problems and remedial practices. Student support systems. Learning theories.
Module content:
*Attendance modules only
Nursing education practical work.
Compulsory practical work, including the preparation and presentation of at least ten (10) lectures and five (5) clinical teaching sessions.
Module content:
Application of relevant nursing theories.
Quality assurance. Nursing care planning and applicable nursing interventions in individual group, family and community contexts. Family care.
Module content:
Development of nursing education.
Historical development of nursing education.
Philosophical aspects and the functioning of nursing schools.
Recent developments in nursing education.
Outcomes-based education (OBE).
Curriculum development.
Curriculum building. Correlation between theory and practice. The learning process and active learner development.
Module content:
Facilitation of learning.
Assessment of progress and evaluation.
Nursing process as modality in nursing education.
Allocation of learners in clinical practice and the facilitation of clinical learning. Nursing theories and their application.
Module content:
The nursing manager on mid-level management as planner, organiser, leader and controller.
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