Industrial and organisational psychology 319

Modulekode BDO 319
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Human resource management systems
This section provides an introduction to human resource management systems and addresses current developments and problems in the field, which will be comprehensively addressed and include the following:
job analysis, description, specification, and design, remuneration theory and systems, job evaluation and grading as well as benefit and fringe-benefit systems. Remuneration systems as motivation for employees will also be included.
Human resources provision
Human resources provision will be presented from an industrial psychological perspective and will include the following themes: human resources planning;
macro and micro variables which could affect personnel forecasting and provision; human resource information systems; the auditing of skills as well as techniques such as recruitment, selection, placement and induction.

Modulekrediete 20.00
Service modules Faculty of Health Sciences
Prerequisites BDO 110, 120; BDO 219 GS, BDO 229 GS (except for Business Management students).
Contact time 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Human Resource Management
Period of presentation Semester 1

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