Code | Faculty |
08120002 | Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde |
Credits | Duration |
Duur van studie: 2 jaar |
Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This programme may be phased out in due time and be replaced by a three-year degree programme pending approval and accreditation.
Check Faculty website for notification in this regard.
The University retains the right not to admit students in the old programme as from 2015.
Students are admitted annually after selection according to the approved procedure.
Each student must apply, immediately after first admission, to the Registrar of the South African Veterinary Council for registration as a student in veterinary nursing. Registration is compulsory and must be renewed annually for the duration of the study.
After the diploma has been awarded, diplomates are required to register with the South African Veterinary Council as veterinary nurses before they may be employed in South Africa in this capacity.
The stipulations of General Regulation G.10.1 regarding satisfactory attendance, preparation, as well as the payment of class fees, apply to examination, promotion and attendance modules. In addition, attendance at all the prescribed lectures, practicals, clinics (including holiday clinics) and excursions is compulsory. Absence with good reason from any of these must be substantiated by a medical certificate or other acceptable proof, failing which admission to the examination could be refused. Failure to comply with General Regulation G.10.1 will also result in examination refusal.
In order to pass an examination module, a student must obtain a subminimum of 40% in the examination and a final mark of at least 50%. In promotion modules, a semester or year mark of at least 50% is required to pass.
The theoretical part (i.e. written and/or oral) and the practical part (where applicable) of the examinations contribute an equal amount (i.e. 50:50) in the calculation of the final mark.
If the examination includes a practical as well as a theoretical part, a sub-minimum of 40% is required in each section.
An examination mark of 50% is required to pass a supplementary examination. The semester or year mark is not taken into calculation.
Supplementary examinations may be granted to a student in an unlimited number of modules in the first year of study, but not in the second year of study.
A student must pass all the modules of the first year of study in order to be promoted to the second year of study. A single further examination will, however, be allowed for students who have only one of the following modules outstanding at the end of the academic year, provided the final mark is at least 40%:
Supplementary examinations in the first year
Subject to the provisions of Regulation V.13 (d)(i), students who obtain a final mark of between 40% and 49% in General nursing 111, Microbiology 111 or Veterinary ethology 110, may be admitted to a supplementary examination immediately after the first semester examinations. The provisions of Regulation V.13 (d)(v) also apply.
Supplementary examinations in the final year
A student in the final year of study may be granted a maximum of two supplementary examinations.
A head of department may require from a student who has been admitted to a supplementary examination, to do additional prescribed work for a specified period of time before he or she may take the supplementary examination as approved by the Dean.
Special examination
A student who has failed one or two modules and who has not been admitted to a supplementary examination, or who fails the supplementary examination(s), may be allowed to take a special examination after having worked full-time in the department/s concerned for a period determined by the head/s of department and with the Dean's approval. If he or she fails the latter, the Dean will determine when a further examination may be taken.
Repetition of the final year of study
A student who has failed more than two modules at the time of the Examination Commission meeting, must repeat the last two semesters of the curriculum with due cognisance of rule V.13 (e), unless the Dean decides otherwise.
General pass requirements
In addition to the stipulations of General Regulations, G.3.2(b), a student will not be allowed to repeat the same year of study twice.
A student who has to discontinue his or her studies in terms of stipulations (e) and (g) above, may request the Dean in writing to consider his or her application for re-admission to the Faculty in terms of prescribed procedures as stipulated in Application of General Regulation G.3 and Faculty Regulation V.1.c(ix) in the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria as approved by the Faculty Board.
A student, who fails one or more modules in the first year of study, is subject to selection once again. A limited number of four students will be re-admitted to the first year of study. If re-admitted, the student has to repeat the first year of study. Students may apply for exemption from the examination in modules already passed, provided that a year or semester mark of at least 50% is obtained in the relevant modules in the year during which first-year studies are repeated and the requirements of V.13 (c) have been met. For modules passed with a final mark of 65% or more, full exemption of lectures and examinations is granted.
Clinical experience (including practical work)
Proof of satisfactory completion of prescribed clinical and practical components of the programme as prescribed below, must be submitted to the Head: Student Administration of the Faculty, prior to the commencement of the final examinations. Failure to do so may lead to examination refusal.
In state control of stock diseases and administration: experience at an approved institution as approved by the Dean.
Practical and clinical experience at the Faculty and at approved private practices as well as other institutions as approved by the Dean.
Clinical skills training in the first year
Clinical skills training must be completed at various clinics of the Veterinary Academic Hospital throughout the year and during the December holidays, and also on a rotation basis at Outpatients, Isolation Ward and Intensive Care Unit after-hours and over weekends.
Clinical skills training in the final year
Clinical skills training must be completed in various clinics of the Veterinary Academic Hospital. Students also have to work on a rotation basis at Outpatients, in the Isolation Ward and the Intensive Care Unit after hours and over weekends and holidays.
After-hour duties are also required in the Equine Clinic, Ambulatory Services and the Reproduction Clinic.
Students are also required to gain experience at the following institutions for two weeks each: an approved veterinary institute, private practice or clinic of their own choice at the Veterinary Academic Hospital. Additional rotations must be done at the Veterinary Academic Hospital during the April holidays.
The diploma is awarded with distinction to a student who has obtained at least 60% in each module throughout the programme, and an average of at least 75% in the final year.
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