Programme: BSc in Real Estate

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Code Faculty Department
12132033 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology Department: Construction Economics
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 3 years Total credits: 367 NQF level:  07

Programme information

Real estate is the study of fixed property and related aspects such as property economics, development, management, valuation, financing, investment and marketing.

Apart from a future in areas such as property investment, property finance and facilities and property management, further studies to obtain an honours degree in real estate can lead to registration as a professional property valuer. Career opportunities encompass the whole spectrum of the property sector, whether as entrepreneurs in the private sector or as employees in the private, government or semi-governmental sectors.

The degree is awarded if all the prescribed modules have been passed.

Promotion to next study year

Refer also to G5.

Promotion to the second semester of the first year and to the second year of study

  1. A newly registered first-year student who failed all the prescribed modules for the programme at the end of the first semester shall not be readmitted to the School for the Built Environment in the second semester.
  2. A student who complies with all the requirements of the first year of study, or has at least obtained 110 credits, is promoted to the second year of study.
  3. A student who has not obtained at least 70% of the credits of the first year of study after the November examinations must reapply for admission should he/she intend to continue with his/her studies. Written application must be submitted to the student administration of the School for the Built Environment no later than 12 January. Late applications will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances after approval by the Dean and conditions of readmission as determined by the admissions committee shall apply should first-year students be readmitted.
  4. Students who have not passed all the prescribed modules of the first year of study, as well as students who are readmitted in terms of (c) must register for the outstanding modules of the first year.
  5. A student who is repeating his/her first year, may, on recommendation of the relevant head of department and with the approval of the Dean, be permitted to enrol for modules of the second year of study in addition to the first-year modules which he or she failed, providing that he or she complies with the prerequisites for the second-year modules and that no timetable clashes occur. The number of credits per semester for which a student registers may not exceed the prescribed number of credits per semester by more than 16 credits.

Promotion to the third year of study

  1. A student must pass all the prescribed modules at first-year level (level 100) before he or she is admitted to any module at third-year level (level 300).
  2. A student who complies with all the requirements of the second year of study, or has at least obtained 230 credits, is promoted to the third year of study provided that no first-year module(s) are outstanding.
  3. The Dean may, on the recommendation of the Head of Department, allow a student, who qualifies for promotion to a subsequent year of study, but who has not passed all the modules of that year, to carry over those modules to the next or a later year.
  4. The number of credits per semester for which a student registers may not exceed the prescribed number of credits per semester by more than 16 credits and the prerequisites must be met.
  5. A student who complies with all the requirements for the degree with the exception of one year module or two semester modules, in which a final mark of at least 40% has been obtained, may be admitted to a Chancellor's examination in the module(s) concerned, at the start of the ensuing semester.
  6. On the recommendation of the Head of Department, in exceptional circumstances deviation from the abovementioned stipulations, may be approved by the Faculty Executive Committee, provided that no timetable clashes occur.

Pass with distinction

The degree is conferred with distinction on a student:

  1. if no module of the second and third study year was repeated and a weighted average of at least 75% (not rounded) was obtained in one year in all the modules, of the final study year;
  2. the degree programme was completed within the prescribed three study years, and the final study year modules were passed on first registration without any supplementary or special examinations.

Minimum credits: 126

Fundamental modules

Core modules

  • Module content:

    The structure of the building industry and the role of building disciplines and related parties. Content from Humanities and social sciences 120 to introduce students to a variety of texts and encouraged them to understand themselves as products of – and participants in – different traditions, ideas and values.

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  • Module content:

    Students are introduced to design aspects in the built environment by doing basic technical drawings of simple building structures with appropriate detail sketches.

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  • Module content:

    Principles, methods and materials used in best practice in the construction of single-storey buildings up to wall plate height.

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  • Module content:

    Principles, methods and materials used in best practice in the construction of single-storey buildings from wall plate height to completion including finishes and external work. Introduction to alternative practices and materials for sustainability.

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  • Module content:

    This module deals with the core principles of economics. A distinction between macroeconomics and microeconomics is made. A discussion of the market system and circular flow of goods, services and money is followed by a section dealing with microeconomic principles, including demand and supply analysis, consumer behaviour and utility maximisation, production and the costs thereof, and the different market models and firm behaviour. Labour market institutions and issues, wage determination, as well as income inequality and poverty are also addressed. A section of money, banking, interest rates and monetary policy concludes the course.

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  • Module content:

    This module deals with the core principles of economics, especially macroeconomic measurement the private and public sectors of the South African economy receive attention, while basic macroeconomic relationships and the measurement of domestic output and national income are discussed. Aggregate demand and supply analysis stands core to this course which is also used to introduce students to the analysis of economic growth, unemployment and inflation. The microeconomics of government is addressed in a separate section, followed by a section on international economics, focusing on international trade, exchange rates and the balance of payments. The economics of developing countries and South Africa in the global economy conclude the course.

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to real estate which aims to develop an understanding of real property: characteristics and functions of the real property market; pricing of land and resources. Welfare and economic efficiency and includes economic efficiency through the price system. Urban land use: land use and land values; pattern of urban land use; growth of urban land areas; quality of urban environment; housing, regional policy. The government and land resources: impact of government economic policy on land resources; theory of urban public finance; taxation and land resources; recent developments.

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to property development which aims to develop an understanding of property development including: a study of the principles of property development including the relevant statutes and ordinances; urban development; control of land in South Africa; town planning; overview of property development. Development: timing and rate of development, redevelopment, public sector development, economics and planning controls, the construction industry.

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  • Module content:

    Sanitary services; soil and waste drainage for simple, multi-storey and multi-purpose buildings; local sewage by-laws; construction of all types of sewage and sanitary fittings.

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  • Module content:

    Sanitary services; hot and cold-water supply to simple and multi-storey buildings; local by-laws; water reticulation to town development; different hot-water systems; water purification systems; water and energy saving.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to quantity surveying, mensuration; interpretation of drawings, methodology of measuring, working up processes, general instructions, measuring of simple building elements.

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  • Module content:

    *Students will not be credited for more than one of the following modules for their degree: WTW 134, WTW 165, WTW 114, WTW 158. WTW 134 does not lead to admission to Mathematics at 200 level and is intended for students who require Mathematics at 100 level only. WTW 134 is offered as WTW 165 in the second semester only to students who have applied in the first semester of the current year for the approximately 65 MBChB, or the 5-6 BChD places becoming available in the second semester and who were therefore enrolled for MGW 112 in the first semester of the current year. 
    Functions, derivatives, interpretation of the derivative, rules of differentiation, applications of differentiation, integration, interpretation of the definite integral, applications of integration. Matrices, solutions of systems of equations. All topics are studied in the context of applications.

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Minimum credits: 121

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Advanced application of construction technology for the erection of multi-storey, steel reinforced concrete structures as well as steel portal frame construction. Bulk excavations for the creation of deep basements including lateral support through piling systems and other retaining wall structures to prevent embankment failure. Introduction to construction management principles and the effect thereof on the construction process in terms of time, cost and quality. Management of temporary site works, applying formwork design principles, building equipment and earth moving machinery required in advanced construction technology.

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  • Module content:

    Material study of metals and materials. Study and development of sensitivity for and the philosophy of industrial safety, accident prevention and total loss control safety risk management in the construction industry.

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  • Module content:

    The development of an understanding of the South African Law of Property and statutes relating to immovable and real rights; the acquisition of rights over land in South Africa; forms of land tenure; possession and occupation of immovable property, survey of land, registration of rights over immovable property, servitudes, real and personal securities, subdivision of land zoning regulations.

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to property management which aims to develop an understanding of the role of the property manager, functions of property management, the management contract, the owner/manager relationship. Maintenance of the long-term property acquisition/lease programme; purchase of land and buildings; leasing and insurance; law of leases, leasing non-owned premises; marketing and leasing of owned premises; lease management; management of residential, group housing, sectional title, office, shopping centre and industrial developments. Marketing of management services. The property cycle. Operational property/asset management . Financial control and budgets. Tenant relations. Risk management.

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  • Module content:

    Overview of economic principles as it applies specifically to the property market sector. The role of government and other stakeholders. Introductory marketing concepts and the role of utility, productivity and value with regard to property price setting and the supply/demand balance. The nature of property as an economic product and the economic constraints of the property market. South African demographics and the impact on property development. The role of urbanisation as the main driver for market and location studies pertaining to urban development. The influence of the economy on property development and the challenge of residential markets to improve living standards. Retail trends influencing shopping behavior and shopping centre development. The economic drivers that influence manufacturing and industrial markets. The economics of real estate and business services as it applies to office markets.

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  • Module content:

    *Only for BSc (Mathematical Statistics. Construction Management, Real Estate and Quantity Surveying) and BEng (Industrial Engineering) students.
    Purpose and functioning of financial management. Basic financial management concepts.  Accounting concepts and the use of the basic accounting equation to describe the financial position of a business. Recording of financial transactions. Relationship between cash and accounting profit. Internal control and the management of cash. Debtors and short-term investments. Stock valuation models. Depreciation. Financial statements of a business. Distinguishing characteristics of the different forms of businesses. Overview of financial markets and the role of financial institutions. Risk and return characteristics of various financial instruments. Issuing ordinary shares and debt instruments.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to the principles of indoor comfort. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Installation and operation of lifts and other mechanical services. Fire detection and protection.

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  • Module content:

    Theory of electricity; regulations of electricity-supply authorities; electrical installations; distribution of electricity.

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  • Module content:

    The Joint Community Project module is a credit-bearing educational experience where students are not only actively engaging in interpersonal skills development but also participate in service activities in collaboration with community partners. Students are given the opportunity to practice and develop their interpersonal skills formally taught in the module by engaging in teamwork with fellow students from different disciplines and also with non-technical members of the community. The module intends for the student to develop through reflection, understanding of their own experience in a team-based workspace as well as a broader understanding of the application of their discipline knowledge and its potential impact in their communities, in this way also enhancing their sense of civic responsibility. Compulsory class attendance 1 week before Semester 1 classes commence.

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  • Module content:

    Water reticulation; sewerage reticulation; stormwater reticulation; roads.

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  • Module content:

    Students can only get credit for one of the following modules: STC 152 or STK 123. 

    Descriptive statistics: Sampling and the collection of data; frequency distributions and graphical representations. Descriptive measures of location and dispersion. Probability. Introductory probability theory and theoretical
    distributions. Statistical concepts are demonstrated and interpreted through Excel (practical coding) and simulation within a data science framework.

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  • Module content:

    Students can only get credit for one of the following two modules: STK 120 or STK 121 or STC 121. This module is also presented as STK 121/STC 121, an anti-semester module in the first semester. This is a terminating module.

    Sampling distributions. Estimation theory, i.e. point estimation and confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing of sampling averages and proportions (one and two-sample cases). Non-parametric methods. Analysis of variance. Categorical data analysis. Curve fitting and regression analysis. The analysis of time series. Statistical concepts are demonstrated and interpreted through Excel (practical coding) and simulation within a data science framework.

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  • Module content:

    General surveying; instruments, their handling and adjusting; surveying systems and simple calculations; determining of levels; setting out of the works; tacheometry and plotting; scales, planimetry; areas and volumes; construction surveying; aerial photography.

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Minimum credits: 120

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Introduction to law. General principles of the law of contract. Specific contracts: purchase contracts; letting and hiring of work; employment contracts. Agency. General aspects of entrepreneurial law.

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  • Module content:

    Concepts, principles, history, current trends in settlement, shelter and integrated living environments; role of housing in society; statutory policy and planning frameworks and paradigms; housing delivery options; housing development management; financing and property rights options; housing types and densities; housing product, norms and standards; management and maintenance of social housing stock; housing needs assessment and post-occupancy evaluation; consumer education and protection.

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  • Module content:

    Erection and construction of specialised building components and finishes. Acoustics. Material study of plastics, glues, rubber, mastics, bonding agents, fibre cement, bituminous products, sealers, epoxies and waterproofing.

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  • Module content:

    Thermal properties of insulation systems and construction materials. Review of current development and construction practice; alternative construction technologies; innovation in construction; technical evaluation of innovative construction materials and methods; life cycle costing and life cycle analysis; the National Building Regulations.

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  • Module content:

    This course aims to develop an understanding of the Valuation Profession and includes concepts of value, classification of value and accuracy of valuations, the Surveyor-General; the Registrar of Deeds; records of the valuer.  Factors affecting the value of different types of properties; appreciation and depreciation, different approaches to valuation, the value of improvement, the valuation report. An introduction to the statues and ordinances (relevant sections) affecting valuation including the Property Valuers Profession Act. Case law relating to the valuation of fixed property; property valuation, highest and best use of property, influence of the “wrong” development on market value; influences of leases on values; leases and rentals; theory of the income, residual, cost and accounts methods of valuation

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to property investment with the aim to develop an understanding of the nature and scope of investment.  It includes the nature and scope of real estate investment, objectives of property investors, participants in the property investment process, the investment decision process, investment criteria, investment time horizons, decision-making approaches, different taxes applicable to property investment and development; asset classes; investment strategies; investment principles; investment lifecycle; Time value of money. Listed vehicles and REIT’s.  The international market and investment standards, international investment strategy and risk in international investments.

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  • Module content:

    The establishment of townships; types of dwelling units and housing types; principles of medium and high density residential development; development of sectional title and group housing; development of retirement centres; introduction to commercial property development; development of office buildings, parking garages, shopping centres, industrial parks; and rehabilitation and conversion of buildings; Green Building; Development life-cycle; risk assessment; management and marketing of property developments; environmental impact assessment.

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  • Module content:

    *Only for BCom (Financial Sciences, Investment Management and Law) and BSc (Construction Management , Quantity Surveying and Real Estate) students.
    Framework and purpose of financial management; understanding financial statements; analysis of financial statements for decision making; time value of money; risk and return relationships; business valuation; short-term planning; current asset management.

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  • Module content:

    Principles of illumination; illumination installations; lightning security; security systems; communication systems. Multimedia installations.

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  • Module content:

    An introduction to the principles of construction contract law and an overview of standardised conditions of contract for the built environment.

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  • Module content:

    Introduction to sustainable development and general sustainable construction principles, processes and technology. Sustainable practices on the construction site. Relevant regulations and voluntary programmes, including an introduction to ‘Green Star’ rating. Introduction to the principles of lean construction and BIM.

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The General Academic Regulations (G Regulations) and General Student Rules apply to all faculties and registered students of the University, as well as all prospective students who have accepted an offer of a place at the University of Pretoria. On registering for a programme, the student bears the responsibility of ensuring that they familiarise themselves with the General Academic Regulations applicable to their registration, as well as the relevant faculty-specific and programme-specific regulations and information as stipulated in the relevant yearbook. Ignorance concerning these regulations will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression, or basis for an exception to any of the aforementioned regulations. The G Regulations are updated annually and may be amended after the publication of this information.

Regulations, degree requirements and information
The faculty regulations, information on and requirements for the degrees published here are subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information.

University of Pretoria Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) verification project
The higher education sector has undergone an extensive alignment to the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF) across all institutions in South Africa. In order to comply with the HEQSF, all institutions are legally required to participate in a national initiative led by regulatory bodies such as the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Council on Higher Education (CHE), and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The University of Pretoria is presently engaged in an ongoing effort to align its qualifications and programmes with the HEQSF criteria. Current and prospective students should take note that changes to UP qualification and programme names, may occur as a result of the HEQSF initiative. Students are advised to contact their faculties if they have any questions.

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