Programme: BEd (Intermediate Phase Teaching)

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
09133021 Faculty of Education Department: Humanities Education
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 4 years Total credits: 680 NQF level:  07

Admission requirements

Important information for all prospective students for 2022

  • The admission requirements apply to students who apply for admission to the University of Pretoria with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications.
  • Applicants with qualifications other than the abovementioned should refer to:
    • Brochure: Undergraduate Programme Information 2022: Qualifications other than the NSC and IEB, available at click here.
  • Citizens from countries other than South Africa (applicants who are not South African citizens) should also refer to:
  • School of Tomorrow (SOT), Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) and General Education Development Test (GED): The University of Pretoria no longer accepts qualifications awarded by these institutions.
  • National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) Level 4: The University of Pretoria may consider NCV candidates, provided they meet the exemption for bachelor’s status criteria and the programme requirements.

Transferring students

A transferring student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme at the University of Pretoria (UP) –

  • is a registered student at another tertiary institution, or was previously registered at another tertiary institution and did not complete the programme enrolled for at that institution, and is not currently enrolled at a tertiary institution, or has completed studies at another tertiary institution, but is not currently enrolled at a tertiary institution, or has started with tertiary studies at UP, then moved to another tertiary institution and wants to be readmitted at UP.

A transferring student will be considered for admission based on

  • an NSC or equivalent qualification with exemption to bachelor’s or diploma studies (whichever is applicable); and meeting the minimum faculty-specific subject requirements at NSC or tertiary level; or having completed a higher certificate at a tertiary institution with faculty-specific subjects/modules passed (equal to or more than 50%), as well as complying with faculty rules on admission;
  • previous academic performance (must have passed all modules registered for up to the closing date of application ) or as per faculty regulation/promotion requirements;
  • a certificate of good conduct.

Note: Students who have been dismissed at the previous institution due to poor academic performance, will not be considered for admission to UP.

Returning students

A returning student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme –

  • is a registered student at UP, and wants to transfer to another degree at UP, or was previously registered at UP and did not complete the programme enrolled for, and did not enrol at another tertiary institution in the meantime (including students who applied for leave of absence), or has completed studies at UP, but is not currently enrolled or was not enrolled at another tertiary institution after graduation.

A returning student will be considered for admission based on

  • an NSC or equivalent qualification with exemption to bachelor’s or diploma studies (whichever is applicable); and meeting the minimum faculty-specific subject requirements at NSC or tertiary level; or previous academic performance (should have a cumulative weighted average of at least 50% for the programme enrolled for);
  • having applied for and was granted leave of absence.

Note: Students who have been excluded/dismissed from a faculty due to poor academic performance may be considered for admission to another programme at UP.  The Admissions Committee may consider such students if they were not dismissed more than twice. Only ONE transfer between UP faculties will be allowed, and a maximum of two (2) transfers within a faculty.

Important faculty-specific information on undergraduate programmes for 2022

  • The closing date is an administrative admission guideline for non-selection programmes. Once a non-selection programme is full and has reached the institutional targets, then that programme will be closed for further admissions, irrespective of the closing date. However, if the institutional targets have not been met by the closing date, then that programme will remain open for admissions until the institutional targets are met.
  • The following persons will be considered for admission: Candidates who are in possession of a certificate that is deemed by the University to be equivalent to the required National Senior Certificate with university endorsement; candidates who are graduates from another tertiary institution or have been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution; and candidates who are graduates of another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
  • Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS. 
  • As soon as candidates are admitted to the BEd degree, they will be informed that they must register at the University in January of the following year. It is in the interest of prospective students, in particular those who need financial support and/or placement in a residence, to apply as soon as possible.
  • English will be the only language of teaching and learning (in lectures, tutorials and assessments) for all academic modules in the undergraduate programmes, except in cases where the modules or programmes require a language other than English. Any modules providing professional preparation that requires separate English and Afrikaans classes will be identified and will be explicitly listed as such. Modules for the BEd (Foundation Phase Teaching) that are language context specific, namely English, Afrikaans and indigenous African languages, will continue to be offered in current language contexts due to the University’s recognition of the need for homelanguage teaching in the foundation environment, as specified in the Policy on Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (Gazette 38487, 19 Feb 2015). The teaching practice modules will allow English and Afrikaans assessments according to the language of tuition of the schools in which the teaching practice was performed.
  • All modules will be presented in English, as English is the language of tuition, communication and correspondence.

University of Pretoria website: click here

Minimum requirements

Achievement level

English Home Language or English First Additional Language





Other programme-specific information

Module description

Module code






Fundamental modules

Academic information management

AIM 111, 121





Classroom literacies

JLZ 110, 120 or

JLZ 111, 121






Professional Practice

JFP 471





Core modules

Conversational Competence:

One of:

IsiZulu, or

Sepedi, or


(An exemption exam can be written)


CCZ 100, or

CCI 100, or

CCW 100







Literacies in education

JLZ 300






OPV 112, 122

OPV 212, 222

OPV 312, 322








Research project

JNM 461, 464





Teaching practice

PRO 280

PRO 380

PRO 452, 453








Professional studies

JPS 121





Learning support (Students who choose Natural science or Design and technology as a specialisation module on third year level do not have to take JLD  320)

JLD 221

JLD 320







Methodology of E-Learning

JLT 330





Fundamental Mathematics Concepts

(Not required if Mathematics is chosen as elective)

JWI 181






Methodology of English first additional language

JME  210





Basic economic and management sciences (Not required if Mathematics and Science and Technology are taken as full electives)

JLE  181





Elective modules

Choose two electives at first-year level of which one must be a language. These electives should also be taken up to second year level of which the language taken at first- year level must be one of the second year electives.

If Intermediate Mathematics is chosen as an elective, all modules listed must be taken, the same applies for Science and Technology chosen as an elective combination.

Students who choose History or Geography as an elective must take all first year modules for both subjects, and then choose either Geography or History on second year-level.

Modules are chosen according to the class timetable. NO TIMETABLE CLASHES ARE ALLOWED.


For beginners:

ZUL 110, 120

ZUL 210, 220

For speakers of IsiZulu as a home language or 1st or 2nd additional language:

ZUL 111, AFT 121

ZUL 211, AFT 220

















For beginners:

SEP 110, 120

SEP 210, 220

For speakers of Sepedi as home language or 1st or 2nd additional language:

SEP 111, AFT 121

SEP 211, AFT 220
















IsiNdebele (Only for speakers of isiNdbele as a home language or first or second additional language)

NDE 110, AFT 121

NDE 210, AFT 220







For beginners:

STW 110, 120

STW 210, 220

For speakers of Setswana as home language or 1st or 2nd additional language:

STW 111, AFT 121

STW 211, AFT 220


















AFR 110, 120

AFR 214, 220

JAF 361










ENG 110, 120

ENG 210, 220

JEN 361









Intermediate mathematics

WTW 133, 144

JGT 210, JGI 220

JWI 311, 321








JLD 320 and JLE 181 are not required if Mathematics is taken together with this elective.

Natural Science and

Design and technology

JWT 115, 125

JWT 230, JOT 240

JWT 315, 325










Students may only choose Art Education or Music Education or Life Orientation and Human Movement studies and Sport management as a second elective.

All modules listed must be taken from first to second year level.

Art education

JKG 100, JKU 101

JKG 200, JKU 201






Music education


JMO 181, 182


JMO 101, 102

JMO 201, 202, 203, 204














Life orientation and Human movement studies and sport management

(must be taken together)

JLO 110, 120

JLO 210, 220 and

JMB 112, 113, 122, 123

JMB 212, 213, 222, 223











Social Sciences

Students choose either History or Geography at second- year level but take all listed first year modules.

Geography and


GGY 156, 168

GES 110, 120

ENV 101

GGY 201, 252, GIS 221

ENV 201











History and


GES 110, 120

GGY 156, 168

ENV 101

GES 210, 220

ENV 201













Methodology of elective modules.

Choose 2 methodologies in accordance with the chosen electives modules, of which one methodology must conform to the chosen language. The same methodologies will be taken on second-, third- and fourth-year level.

Methodology of Afrikaans

JMA 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of English

JME 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of IsiZulu

JZL 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of Sepedi

JSP 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of IsiNdebele

JND 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of Setswana

JSW 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of Geography

JMG 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of History

JMH 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of Art education

JMK 201, 301, 451, 454





Methodology of Music education

JMM 200, 300, 451, 454





Methodology of Life Orientation (JLO) and Physical Education (JMB)

JML 201, 301, 461, 464





Methodology of Intermediate Mathematics/ Mathematics

JMW 204, 303, 453, 456





Methodology of Science and Technology

JMN 204, 304, 451, 454





Class attendance
The teacher education programmes of the Faculty of Education have been approved and accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Due to the fact that the Faculty places high emphasis on the development of skills and competences, class attendance is compulsory for all student teachers for the full duration of the training period specified by SAQA (South African Qualification Authority).

JNH 454 First aid is compulsory only for students who take Human Movement Studies and Sport Management as elective up to 3rd year level.

Mathematics modules
WTW 146 and WTW 148 are available to BEd students who take only a single full year of Mathematics as an elective with either WTW 114 or WTW 134 as first semester module.

Examinations and pass requirements

Special and Chancellor's examinations

  • A third-year student who has failed a maximum of four semester modules or the equivalent thereof, with a final mark of at least 40% in each, may be admitted by the Dean to a special examination in those modules during January of the following year, provided that this will enable the student to comply with all requirements for promotion to the fourth year of study.
  • A final-year BEd student requiring a maximum of 4 semester modules or the equivalent thereof to complete his or her degree, with a final mark of 40% in each, may be admitted to a Chancellor's examination, during January of the following year. If the Chancellor's examination is conducted before 1 February, a student is not required to register again and the examination is treated as a supplementary examination. If the Chancellor's examination is conducted on or after 1 February, the student must register again for the module(s) in question and the lecturer may require that a semester mark be obtained in an appropriate manner. In such a case, the result of the examination will not be taken into consideration with a view to the graduation ceremonies in March/April.
  • Students will be promoted to the next semester or year without writing the prescribed examination if their semester mark in the relevant module (OPV 112, 122) is 70% or higher, with the understanding that students will only receive credit for the modules in which they were promoted if the modules are concluded with a prescribed examination in the second semester of the final year (OPV 322).

Pass with distinction

The degree is conferred with distinction to a student who obtains an overall weighted average (GPA) of 75% with a minimum of 70% in the first three years of study (no rounding) with the condition that the degree is completed in the prescribed 4 years.

Minimum credits: 170

Elective Modules
Students select one of the following African Languages on first-year level:

  • IsiZulu - ZUL 110, 120 for beginners or ZUL 111, AFT 121 for speakers of IsiZulu as a home or first or second additional language
  • Sepedi - SEP 110, 120 for beginners or SEP 111, AFT 121 for speakers of Sepedi as home or first or second additional language
  • Setswana - STW 110, 120 for beginners or STW 111, AFT 121 for speakers of Setswana as a home or first or second additional language
  • IsiNdebele - NDE 110,  AFT 121 (only available to speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language)

Students who do not meet the requirements for GGY 166 must register for GGY 168.

Fundamental modules

  • Module content:

    Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology.

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  • Module content:

    Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.

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  • Module content:

    The module is aimed at building on students’ personal literacies and relating these to the types of literacy they need to study successfully at university. The primary focus is on academic reading abilities, including reading strategies, acquiring an academic vocabulary and learning to read important academic genres critically, such as examination papers and academic articles.

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  • Module content:

    The module is aimed at building on students’ personal literacies and relating these to the types of literacy they need to study successfully at university. The module focuses primarily on academic reading abilities, including reading strategies, acquiring an academic vocabulary and learning to read important academic genres critically, such as examination papers and academic articles. Additional support is provided through practical tasks and discussions.

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  • Module content:

    The module focuses on producing academic texts. Students learn how to use different modes of writing, including description, discussion, cause and effect, explanation and argumentation. They learn how to plan, write and edit an academic essay using a process approach. Specific attention is paid to engaging with other authors, and referencing appropriately. The module also pays attention to formatting academic work and representing verbal information visually.

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  • Module content:

    The module focuses on producing academic texts. Students learn how to use different modes of writing, including description, discussion, cause and effect, explanation and argumentation. They learn how to plan, write and edit an academic essay, using a process approach. Specific attention is paid to engaging with other authors, and referencing appropriately. The module also pays attention to formatting academic work and representing verbal information visually. Additional support is provided through practical tasks and discussions.

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Core modules

  • Module content:

    To endow prospective teachers, who has no knowledge of an African language, with a basic conversational competence in Northern Sotho (Sepedi). Successful completion of this module will enable teachers to effectively communicate – verbally and non-verbally - in a multilingual classroom.

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  • Module content:

    To endow prospective teachers, who have no knowledge of an African language, with a basic conversational competence in Setswana. Successful completion of this module will enable teachers to effectively communicate – verbally and non-verbally - in a multilingual classroom.

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  • Module content:

    To endow prospective teachers, who have no knowledge of an African language, with a basic conversational competence in IsiZulu. Successful completion of this module will enable teachers to effectively communicate – verbally and non-verbally - in a multilingual classroom.

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  • Module content:

    The module entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Emphasis is placed on reaching the prescribed learning outcomes with regard to the history of money; needs and wants; inequality and poverty; savings, budgets, income and expenses; accounting concept; and the entrepreneur and starting a business. Practical application through an entrepreneur’s day is included.


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  • Module content:

    This module guides the student to develop teaching skills, plan learning activities, and design learning and teaching materials that are suitable for the South African educational context.

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  • Module content:

    The module will include an overview of mathematics as the science of pattern and order and what it means to do mathematics in the Intermediate Phase. It will also highlight basic concepts that are useful in everyday life with specific reference to problem solving in everyday contexts. The four operations will be discussed against the background of the number system with particular emphasis on fractions, percentages, data handling and proportionality as well as the basics of financial mathematics.

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  • Module content:

    In this module students are guided to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to the political, professional, historical and cultural complexities of teaching.  Selected themes in the history of South African education will be explored to enable students to think critically about their role as engaged professional educators today.

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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on child development and learning. In addition to the underlying principles of developmental psychology and theories of development, child development is discussed in terms of physical growth and motor development; development of perception, cognition and language; emotional development; social development and moral development. Developmental psychopathology is also introduced. In terms of child learning, the principles of learning, theories of learning and barriers to learning are discussed. In addition, school learning is explained in terms of learning, reading and study skills.

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Elective modules

  • Module content:

    Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde met klem op lees-en skryfvaardigheid. Letterkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse letterkunde aan die hand van kortverhale en gedigte.

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  • Module content:

    Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse sintaksis, fonetiek en taalgeskiedenis. Letterkundekomponent:Inleiding tot die Romankuns Inleiding tot die Drama

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the literature of isiNdebele/isiZulu/Sepedi/Setswana such as an introduction to literary concepts such as literary text(s), topic, characters, events, time and place; the analysis of selected short stories.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes - 2 discussion classes per week Introduction to Literature in English (1)

    This module introduces the study of literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, prose, drama). The texts studied here will be mainly from the pre-twentieth century era and may include texts written in English from both Africa and other parts of the world. The aim of this module is to equip students with the critical and analytical skills required for a perceptive reading of poetry, novels and plays.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes: 2 discussion classes per week
    Introduction to Literature in English (2)
    This module introduces the study of post-nineteenth century literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, drama, prose). Texts will be from both Africa and other parts of the world. By the end of this module students should have the background and analytical skills to perceptively read modern and contemporary poetry, novels and plays.

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  • Module content:

    Introducing the basic concepts and interrelationships required to understand the complexity of natural environmental problems, covering an introduction to environmental science and biogeography; including a first introduction to SDGs and Aichi targets.

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  • Module content:

    The making of the Modern World: a survey
    A selection of themes on Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe and their contribution to the making of the Modern World.

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  • Module content:

    Africa and South Africa: a survey
    An overview focusing on the making of African and South African societies from the earliest times to the present with emphasis on the most significant historical forces, factors and events.

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  • Module content:

    This module begins by fostering an understanding of human geography. Then follows with the political ordering of space; cultural diversity as well as ethnic geography globally and locally; population geography of the world and South Africa: and four economic levels of development. The purpose is to place South Africa in a world setting and to understand the future of the country.

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  • Module content:

    Note: Students cannot register for both GGY 166 and GGY 168.

    Investigating southern African landscapes and placing them in a theoretical and global context. The geomorphological evolution of southern Africa. Introduction to the concepts of Geomorphology and its relationships with other physical sciences (e.g. meteorology, climatology, geology, hydrology and biology). The processes and controls of landform and landscape evolution. Tutorial exercises cover basic techniques of geomorphological analysis, and topical issues in Geomorphology.

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  • Module content:

    Note: Students cannot register for both GGY 168 and GGY 166.
    This module serves as an introduction to the field of physical geography and geomorphology. Initially, a theoretical overview of a variety of geomorphic realms will be studied. Students will be taught about the key processes that are present in each realm and how those processes work together in order to produce specific landforms. In addition, students will receive training in several fundamental analytical techniques, including cartographic skills, aerial photographs and introductory GIS.

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  • Module content:

    This module provides students with an overview of historical and contemporary art movements. Important artists and artworks of this period are emphasized and discussed in context. History of art education within the school context is explored with emphasis on Western art movements and styles.


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  • Module content:

    This module focuses on examining various methods and techniques for stimulating creativity in the classroom, by introducing fundamental art elements and principles, techniques and use of media. This module includes the exploration of concepts of visual literacy, the development of understanding and application thereof by the student in creative ways through experimentation with traditional art media. Community Engagement / Service Learning

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  • Module content:

    The main focus of this module is on personal development and therefore the question: “Who am I?” is posed. The content is designed to focus on the student as individual and on the various factors that influence individual development. Students are guided to develop relevant knowledge, intrapersonal skills and attitudes to display resilient behaviour.

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  • Module content:

    This module also focuses on personal development, but with the emphasis on the question: “ How is my interaction with other people?” Knowledge and application of interpersonal skills such as conflict management,emotional intelligence and assertiveness will be dealt with.

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  • Module content:

    The purposes of physical activities as well as theories and philosophies of movement are studied.  In addition, the coaching of young athletes and the challenges facing the teacher as coach receive attention. The importance of planning as the first phase of sports management is emphasised.

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  • Module content:

    In this module the student is required to master and apply basic swimming and life-saving techniques. Attention is also paid to motor skill development and games in the school context.

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  • Module content:

    In this module students are introduced to the structure and functions of systems in the human body.  The skeletal system and the muscular system receive primary attention. Additionally, students acquire knowledge and skills in management – particularly organizational skills in the sports context.

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  • Module content:

    Skills and methods for hockey and mini hockey are taught and applied. In athletics the acquisition of skills in various track events receive attention.

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  • Module content:

    To offer students an opportunity to develop their existing music theoretical knowledge to provide them with the requirements needed for the music modules in the following years.

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  • Module content:

    To offer students musical skills and development with the focus on instrumental and vocal progress.  Accompaniment and the performance of concert compositions are included.

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  • Module content:

    To equip students to specialize in music theory and who have no, or limited previous music training. It is a music course with elementary music theory knowledge.

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  • Module content:

    To equip students to specialize in practical music skills and who have no, or limited previous music training. It is a music course with elementary practical music skills and fundamental knowledge.

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  • Module content:

    Atoms; nuclei; elements; compounds; chemical bonds; intermolecular forces, chemical reactions; oxidation and reduction; acids and bases; organic chemistry.

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  • Module content:

    Motion; Newton’s laws; momentum; energy; gravity; heat; gases, liquids, electricity, magnetism; waves, sound and light.

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  • Module content:

    For speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language.
    Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    *For absolute beginners only.
    The acquisition of basic Sepedi communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific social situations.

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  • Module content:

    *For speakers of Sepedi as home language or first or second additional language.
    Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi - communication and grammar
    The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts.

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  • Module content:

    * For absolute beginners only.

    The acquisition of basic Setswana communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary within specific social situations.

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  • Module content:

    *For speakers of Setswana as home language or first or second additional language. Aspects of the grammar of Setswana such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    Setswana – communication and grammar
    The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts.

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  • Module content:

    Real numbers, elementary set notation, exponents and radicals. Algebraic expressions, fractional expressions, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities. Coordinate geometry: lines, circles. Functions: definition, notation, piecewise defined functions, domain and range, graphs, transformations of functions, symmetry, even and odd functions, combining functions, one-to-one functions and inverses, polynomial functions and zeros.
    Sequences, summation notation, arithmetic, geometric sequences, infinite geometric series, annuities and instalments. Degrees and radians, unit circle, trigonometric functions, fundamental identities, trigonometric graphs, trigonometric identities, double-angle, half-angle formulae, trigonometric equations, applications.

    This module is offered at the Mamelodi Campus to students from the BSc and BCom Extended programmes. At the Groenkloof Campus it is offered to BEd students.

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  • Module content:

    Functions: exponential and logarithmic functions, natural exponential and logarithmic functions, exponential and logarithmic laws, exponential and logarithmic equations, compound interest. Limits: concept of a limit, finding limits numerically and graphically, finding limits algebraically, limit laws without proofs, squeeze theorem without proof, one-sided limits, infinite limits, limits at infinity, vertical, horizontal and slant asymptotes, substitution rule, continuity, laws for continuity without proofs. Differentiation: average and instantaneous change, definition of derivative, differentiation rules without proofs, derivatives of polynomials, chain rule for differentiation, derivatives of trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of differentiation: extreme values, critical numbers, monotone functions, first derivative test, optimisation.

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  • Module content:

    *For absolute beginners only
    The acquisition of basic isiZulu communicative skills with emphasis on everyday expressions and suitable high frequency vocabulary, within specific situations.

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  • Module content:

    *For speakers of isiZulu as home language or first or second additional language.
    Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as an introduction to the word categories; an introduction to the structure, meaning and use of the noun, the adjective, the relative, the possessive; the verb; writing and spelling rules; dictionaries and dictionary use; grammatical analysis.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu - communication and grammar
    The acquisition of more advanced communication skills in further social situations. More extensive vocabulary and more advanced language structures are acquired and used. Further awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Writing and spelling rules. Dictionaries and dictionary use. Reading and comprehension of basic texts

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Minimum credits: 170

Elective Modules
Students continue with one of the following African Languages as selected on first-year level:

  • IsiZulu - ZUL 210, 220 for beginners or ZUL 211, AFT 220 for speakers of IsiZulu as a home or first or second additional language
  • Sepedi - SEP 210, 220 for beginners or SEP 211, AFT 220 for speakers of Sepedi as home or first or second additional language
  • Setswana - STW 210, 220 for beginners or STW 211, AFT 220 for speakers of Setswana as a home or first or second additional language
  • IsiNdebele - NDE 210,  AFT 220 (only available to speakers of isiNdebele as home language or first or second additional language)

Core modules

  • Module content:

    The purpose of this module is to equip student with knowledge on the holistic development of a child in an inclusive South African context. The module focuses on causes of learning difficulties, skills teachers need to support these learners, as well as ways to accomdate and differntiate the curriculum for the benefit of learners with diverse educational needs in the intermediate phase. The intrinsic, and extrinsic causes of barries to learning are examined and mulitidisciplinary approaches to intervention are introduced. The family as the primary educational institution, the parenting styles and child-rearing errors are acknowledged as factors that contribute to the devleopment and academic progress of the child.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to introduce students to the use of learning and teaching support materials, teaching and learning strategies as well as required assessment strategies and approaches for the teaching of English as a First Additional Language subject, in the Intermediate Phase. The module comprises a wide range of instructional activities dealing with listening to stories, reading, writing and spelling. It introduces students to CAPS and works through the four broad strands dealing with the methodologies of listening and speaking (Oral), reading, and viewing (using relevant vocabulary), writing and presenting (writing sentences and connecting words), and language structures and conventions.

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  • Module content:

    Curriculum in the classroom:
    This module addresses four components that are directly related to classroom teaching and learning. The first unit deals with the foundations of the curriculum covering the work done by Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Gandhi, Steiner, Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Illich, Freire and Lakoff. Unit two discusses curriculum design and development and also focuses on the organisation of knowledge through educational taxonomies. The last two units cover teaching strategies as well as issues related to classroom testing and classroom assessment practices.

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  • Module content:

    Supportive learning environments:
    Theoretical approaches to learning environments (bio-ecological and asset-based approaches, indigenous knowledge systems, solution-oriented intervention; appreciative inquiry); school-based support in terms of Inclusive Education, whole-school approach, the supportive role of the teacher and the well-being of the child; community-based support in the form of community engagement and community education.

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  • Module content:

    This is an official full time module where students experience the professional school environment during the first three weeks of the school year. The main focus is on observation of general classroom practice, school administration, extra - mural activities and to act as responsible citizens of the school environment and students have to prepare a professional portfolio. The module includes an observation assignment as well as a reflection on what they have experienced with the designated teachers. Placements for this module may be in schools outside Pretoria. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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Elective modules

  • Module content:

    Taalkundekomponent: Morfologie, sintaksis, leksikologie en semantiek. Letterkundekomponent: Afrikaanse poësie

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  • Module content:

    Afrikaanse prosa
    Literatuurteorie en -kritiek

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the literature of isiNdebele/isiZulu/Sepedi/Setswana such as the continuation of the study of concepts such as text, topic, characters, events, time and place; the study of plot and style; the critical analysis of a novel/novelette.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes - 3 discussion classes per week
    Modern English literature and English language studies
    This module focuses on post-nineteenth century literature in English as well as on historical and theoretical aspects of the English language.

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  • Module content:

    *Alternative evening classes - 3 discussion classes per week
    Twentieth-century, postcolonial and contemporary literature
    This module focuses on post-nineteenth century literature in English. Various genres are covered and particular attention is given to postcolonial writing.

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  • Module content:

    Introduces basic concepts and interrelationships required to understand our atmosphere, with a strong focus on an introduction to weather and climate. A key component of the course is an introduction to climate change, including the science of climate change, introducing climate change projections, and climate change impacts. A key focus of the second part of the course will be climate change implications for the attainment of SDGs and Aichi targets on the African continent, under a range of plausible scenarios.

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  • Module content:

    A selection of themes on the history of Africa and its people in the recent past that shaped the African historical experience.

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  • Module content:

    The development of South Africa through segregation and apartheid to democracy.

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  • Module content:

    The module introduces students to urban settlement patterns, processes and structures. Using a series of case studies, it aims to develop an understanding of the challenges facing urban areas both in South Africa and globally.

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  • Module content:

    Note: Enrolment is limited. Preference will be given based on choice of majors. Students should enquire at the department if they wish to register for the module, but are unable to do so.
    *GIS 221 does not lead to admission to any module at 300 level.
    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), theoretical concepts and applications of GIS. The focus will be on the GIS process of data input, data analysis, data output and associated technologies.This module teaches students to use GIS as a tool. Examples used throughout the course are drawn from South African case studies.

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  • Module content:

    Descriptive statistics: 
    Sampling and the collection of data in the educational environment; frequency distributions and graphical representations. Descriptive measures of location and dispersion.
    Probability and inference:
    Introductory probability theory and theoretical distributions. Sampling distributions. Estimation theory and hypothesis testing of sampling averages and proportions (one and two-sample cases). Identification, use, evaluation and interpretation of statistical computer packages and statistical techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Space, shapes, size and measurement. Geometric thinking and reasoning. Euclidean geometry: a synthetic and analytical approach.

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  • Module content:

    History of art education as stipulated in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) is explored. Emphasis is placed on European and South African art movements. Important artists and artworks of these periods are emphasized and discussed in context. Evaluations and discussions of art exhibitions will take place, as well as the interpretation and analysis of artwork.

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  • Module content:

    This module allows students to discover their own creative ideas and thoughts by means of various art media, techniques and processes. There is emphasis on theoretical and practical components such as art appreciation, principles and elements of art, art programmes and the critical evaluation of the creative process. A deeper analysis, interpretation and application of structure, form, composition, texture, spatial relations and colour manipulation are explored. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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  • Module content:

    The human being in context: social and community life. Life orientation educator. Social skills.

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  • Module content:

    The human being in the world. Diversity, values and principles. Issues concerning discrimination, race, religion, culture, sexuality, age, abilities. Contemporary issues concerning classrooms, individual and systemic perspectives. Support for matters concerning HIV/Aids. Safe schools. Violence in schools. Crime. Emotional problems. Prevention of deviant social behaviour.

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  • Module content:

    * This module is only presented in Afrikaans.

    'n Deeglike inleidende oorsig oor die beginsels en praktyk van Afrikaansonderrig. Generiese leerinhoude ten opsigte van taalverwerwing word verbesonder deur die praktiese toepassing soos voorgeskryf deur die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaringsdokumente. Studente behoort aan die einde van die module tersaaklike tekste te kan gebruik om voorbeeldlesse uit te werk.

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  • Module content:

    Recreational studies - demarcation and terminology.  The importance and development of values for spending free time in a meaningful way in modern society. The importance of leading as a management function in Sport Management is emphasized.  Special reference is made to communication, leadership and motivation.

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  • Module content:

    Water activities - mastering and practical execution of some swimming styles as well as life-saving skills.
    Motor skills - mastering of practical skills for the development of gymnastics, with and without adaptation of large apparatus.

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  • Module content:

    Sport injuries and posture deviations - demarcation and terminology.  General principles for prevention and treatment of sport injuries.  Posture development and the influence of proper habits in the development of a good posture.  Identification and pathology of specific deviations.  A theoretical and practical perspective on control as the final phase of the management process in sport to ensure the success of the management process is emphasised.

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  • Module content:

    Ladies - dance:  mastering of practical skills for dance design and creative dancing.
    Men - soccer:  mastering of basic skills and techniques of soccer .
    Athletics:  field events.

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  • Module content:

    This module introduces the principles and practice of teaching and learning English as a home or an additional language. A theoretical underpinning strengthens students’ understanding of language development. Students are also guided in the theory of instructional design as they practise planning, designing and presenting optimal learning opportunities. Students are familiarised with the principles contained in the NCS and CAPS.


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  • Module content:

    An intensive study of the 2012 Curriculum and Assessment Policy (CAPS) relating to the teaching of Geography to learners in the FET-, Senior- and Intermediate Learning Phases.  The following aspects are addressed: The long-, medium- and short term planning of learning activities, the design of sensible learning activities, assessment, the effective use of teaching media as well as the preparation and presentation of mini lessons with a duration of 18 minutes.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to apply the NCS and CAPS documents in order for students to teach the subject History. Students synthesise and analyse the content in the History curriculum and are equipped to create new methods of teaching to enhance learning in this subject, as well as to conduct assessment in all its aspects as prescribed by the CAPS document for the relevant phases. Themes are, among others, trends in International and South African Historiography; authentic and alternative assessment; selected themes from the prescribed textbook; teaching strategies: worksheets, assignments, games and simulations; using newspapers in the classroom.

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  • Module content:

    A thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the National Curriculum Statement documents. Emphasis is placed on reaching the prescribed learning outcomes.

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  • Module content:

    To guide students to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes with specific reference to the National Curriculum and Policy Statement (CAPS) and Physical Education as a topic of Life Orientation. To equip the student teacher with the knowledge and skills to maintain themselves in managing, developing and organising Physical Education activities as prescribed for specific phases. The student teacher is trained further in the CAPS document relating to Life Orientation, and learns how to plan lessons based on this document.

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  • Module content:

    A holistic approach to Music Education as part of the Learning area Creative Arts is followed where the integration of different art forms is incorporated. The focus in this module is on active involvement in music making (music activities) providing opportunities for learners to develop their music skills as well as music theoretical knowledge (music concepts). The school-based activities offer opportunities for practical experience.

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  • Module content:

    A thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the National Curriculum Statement documents. Emphasis is placed on reaching the prescribed learning outcomes.

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  • Module content:

    To build on the knowledge of music theory obtained in the previous year to provide them with the requirements needed for the music modules in the following years.

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  • Module content:

    This module offers further development of technical aspects and musical development with the focus on instrumental and vocal progress. Accompaniment and the performance of concert compositions are included.

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  • Module content:

    To equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to apply the principles of Music Education in practice and to develop and enhance the inherent musicality of all learners. A holistic approach to Music Education is followed, based on the Curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS) and its application to Music Education within the Creative Arts. The focus in this module is on active involvement in music making (music activities) including instrumental accompaniment.  Opportunities are provided to develop students’ music skills as well as music theoretical knowledge (music concepts).

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  • Module content:

    To equip students with a general overview on music history, style periods and tone colour. The contents include the tone colour of various music instruments and the characteristics of music style periods (Western Art Music, Indigenous African Music, and popular music styles).

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  • Module content:

    A thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the National Curriculum Statement documents. Emphasis is placed on reaching the prescribed learning outcomes.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to develop students' skills which will enable learners to communicate in isiNdebele as effectively as possible on a more academic level. The module offers a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the National Curriculum Statement Documents.  

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  • Module content:

    This module develops an understanding of the interrelationship between technology, science, society and the environment. It will lead students to understanding the unique character of the design process. Two knowledge strands, namely structures and systems and control will be addressed.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to develop students' skills which will enable learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in Sepedi. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using NCS and CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using NCS and CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to develop students' skills which will enable school learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in Setswana. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using NCS and CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using NCS and CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Plate tectonics, rocks , minerals, the earth’s surface and oceans, the atmosphere, weather, climate, motions of the earth, the solar system, stars, galaxies and the universe.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to develop students' skills which will enable learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in isiZulu. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of isiNdebele such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to isiNdebele speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi - communication and grammar
    The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures.
    Sepedi - reading and writing
    Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of Sepedi such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to Sepedi speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    Sepedi  -  communication, grammar, reading and writing
    The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to Sepedi speech sounds / phonetics.  Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.

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  • Module content:

    Setswana – communication and grammar
    The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures.
    Setswana – reading and writing
    Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and
    information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of Setswana such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to Setswana speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    Setswana – communication, grammar, reading and writing
    The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to
    impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to Setswana speech sounds/phonetics. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu - communication and grammar
    The acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures.
    isiZulu -  reading and writing
    Writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a selected range of communicative purposes. Writing entails creative writing as well as reduplication. Reading and comprehension of texts which contain reasonably extensive vocabularies and a relatively large variation of language structures. Commence with the reading of fairly simple literary works. Students are also further trained in the use of the dictionary.

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  • Module content:

    Aspects of the grammar of isiZulu such as a continuation of the study of the word categories; grammatical analysis; the structure, meaning and use of the pronoun and the enumerative; an introduction to isiZulu speech sounds/phonetics.

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  • Module content:

    isiZulu - communication, grammar, reading and writing
    The further acquisition of advanced communication skills in further social, occupational and educational situations. More extensive vocabulary and advanced language structures are acquired and used. Heightened awareness of the nature and function of language structures. Continuation of the writing of coherent, idiomatic and grammatically correct texts in order to impart ideas and information for a range of communicative purposes. An introduction to isiZulu speech sounds/phonetics.  Reading and comprehension of texts which contain more extensive vocabularies and a larger variation of language structures. Reading of further literary works.

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Minimum credits: 170

Core modules

  • Module content:

    The purpose of the module is to equip the student with the knowledge and skills needed to identify learners with learning difficulties in the classroom, assess these learners and plan intervention strategies to support them. We focus on the early identification of learning difficulties, diagnostic assessment to determine the underlying causes thereof, as well as intervention strategies in order to successfully address learning barriers in the Intermediate Phase. The student will learn how to adapt the curriculum for learners experiencing learning difficulties and how to support these learners in building a positive self-esteem by providing opportunities for learning success and in doing so enabling the learners to believe in their own abilities.


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  • Module content:

    Computer literacy, information literacy, integration literacy. The use of computers in computer labs vs. classroom instruction. Evaluating of software and web sites for educational use. Computer security: risks and safeguards. Ethics and the information age. Models of online learning. Catering for different learning styles. Project based learning. Computer based assessment.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to equip students with the necessary communicative and classroom literacies to succeed as a professional in the domain of teaching. Students will show evidence of understanding and being able to implement the theories and strategies underpinning spoken and written communication required within an education context. The development of a critical awareness of language as a non-neutral (biased) conveyor of meaning will also be fostered. An overview of the linguistic diversity encountered in most South African classrooms provides the prospective teacher with strategies for dealing more effectively with multilingualism in a culturally diverse pedagogical context. Students will also acquire instructional skills and a functional knowledge of Classroom English i.e. oral skills required for facilitating learning and classroom management.

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  • Module content:

    To gain insight into the global context of the classroom, learners and ideas taught, as well as into the local world and country in which the classroom, learners and school are situated. Diversity and social justice and their importance in the local and global context, as well as their importance for teaching and learning are explored.
    Through individual and group learning tasks, students come to understand the overlapping themes of globalisation; understanding the nation state and its place in the regional and global world; and the role of technology and the media in globalisation and education. Significant social, political, historical and economic factors influencing the classroom are also investigated. Students collect, organise and critically evaluate information; appreciate the value of diversity in various social contexts; apply problem solving skills to learning tasks; and communicate ideas effectively in group tasks.

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  • Module content:

    The module deals with the understanding and application of the Bill of Rights in creating a safe and disciplined classrooms.  The second theme deals with managing a classroom through relationship building, participative decision-making, effective planning and monitoring, motivation and communication.

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  • Module content:

    This is an official full time module where students engage in teaching within the professional school environment under the supervision of an experienced mentor teacher for a period of three weeks at the beginning of the school year. The main focus is on general classroom practice, school administration, extra - mural activities and to act as responsible citizens of the school environment. The students have to compile a  professional portfolio and prepare  and facilitate a prescribed number of lessons and these are formally assessed by the school. Placements for this module may be in schools outside Pretoria. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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Elective modules

  • Module content:

    *This module is only presented in Afrikaans.

    In hierdie module maak die student kennis met die teorie en praktyk van Afrikaans. Inhoude word verbesonder vir die eise van die onderwysprofessie. Die manifestasies van.die taalwetenskap, taalkwessies en taalvariëteite in die onderwys vorm die taalgedeelte van die module. Op letterkundige vlak bestudeer die student teorieë, werkswyses en tekste met betrekking tot Afrikaanse drama, prosa en poësie.


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  • Module content:

    This module serves as an advanced study of a selection of English dramas, novels and poetry, as dealt with in their elective, and endeavours to enhance the students’ skills in the critical reading of a variety of literary genres. Students are required to display critical reading and academic writing skills in English in order to understand and appreciate the complexity and value of the selected genres. The teaching and learning will have as its focus the specific application of the selected literary genres to the teaching thereof. How to approach a play, novel or poem, and how to teach the relevant components in the various phases and grades will be dealt with.

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  • Module content:

    * This module is only presented in Afrikaans.

    Die module bemagtig die student om die verskillende taalvaardighede in al die onderrigfases te kan beplan, aanbied en assesseer. Hierdie module gaan in detail op die onderrig van elk van die taalvaardighede in. Studente behoort ook na afloop van hierdie studie-eenheid in staat te wees om die verskillende taalvaardighede te kan integreer met die spesifieke genres (bv. Poësie, Prosa, Drama en Taal).

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  • Module content:

    This module follows progressively on JME 200 and pays in-depth attention to the practical aspects of teaching and assessing expressive and receptive communicative skills in accordance with national policy documents. A sound understanding of lesson planning based on constructive alignment is evidenced by a comprehensive portfolio. 

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  • Module content:

    An in-depth study of the effective use of teaching media, the construction of models, the explanation and teaching of problematic theoretical and practical Geographic concepts, practical work, the implementation of GIS in the teaching of Geography, the design of sensible class and homework activities, assessment, the art of lesson presentation and the preparation and presentation of 18 minute duration mini-lessons.


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  • Module content:

    The module is aimed at equipping students to successfully present History as prescribed in the NCS and CAPS for History. Students will study the theoretical underpinning of historical writing, content of the syllabus and how to address it, as well as the requirements expected of learners qualifying for the FET-examinations in History. Students are expected to prepare teaching activities according to the requirements of the school syllabus to prepare them for their role as teachers of history. Students present lessons through micro-teaching and apply appropriate assessment and questioning; study the use of cartoons in questioning in this phase; apply cross-curriculation in lesson planning; set a Heritage assignment; plan and prepare for a History excursion and apply previously acquired communication skills in the teaching of History. 

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  • Module content:

    The focus of this module is on a deeper theoretical and practical understanding and knowledge of the subject matter relating to the visual art discipline. Emphasis is placed on effectively collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating contemporary visual culture, as well as the creative process as stipulated by the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). 

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  • Module content:

    This module consists of theoretical as well as practical components. It strives to equip student teachers with knowledge, skills and attitude to maintain themselves in the practical execution of sport management, organization and control in a school environment as well as in classroom management and leadership in general.  Managerial skills and the characteristics of the effective Life Orientation teacher are also addressed. In the second semester focus is on classroom practice, differentiation and assessment of physical education activities and learning activities for different ages. 

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  • Module content:

    A study of the theoretical and practical aspects of choral conducting and stage productions. It builds on previously acquired knowledge and skills obtained. Music serves as primary focus, but the integration of other art forms is also included.  

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  • Module content:

    Theoretical underpinnings and concepts specific to the field of Natural Science teaching in South Africa.. Best practices, instructional design, assessment and reflective practice in Natural Science teaching.


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  • Module content:

    Theoretical underpinnings and concepts in teaching of Mathematics in the Intermediate Phase in South Africa; instructional design, assessment and reflective practice.

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  • Module content:

    Following on JND 200, this module aims for students to further develop skills which will enable learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in isiNdebele. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using NCS and CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using NCS and CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Following on JSP 200, this module aims for students to further develop skills which will enable learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in Sepedi. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using NCS and CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using NCS and CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Following on JSW 200, this module aims for students to further develop skills which will enable school learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in Setswana. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using NCS and CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using NCS and CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques.

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  • Module content:

    Numeration and operations for teachers: exploration of numeration systems and bases; developing number concepts; operations with whole numbers; and other methodological strategies.

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  • Module content:

    Algebra for teachers: investigate strategies for algebraic thinking and reasoning; proportionality; developing fraction concepts; establishing relationships between fractions, decimals and percentages; and functions.

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  • Module content:

    Cytology; genetics; ecology; evolution.

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  • Module content:

    Biological diversity; human biology.

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  • Module content:

    Following on JZL 200, this module aims to further develop students' skills which will enable learners to communicate as effectively as possible on a more academic level in isiZulu. Students learn to compare and contrast approaches to learning and teaching; identify and differentiate concepts used in OBE, NCS and CAPS; implement OBE by planning and preparing lessons using CAPS learning and teaching methodologies and techniques in an integrative manner; and assessing using CAPS assessment methods, tools and techniques. 

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Minimum credits: 170

Fundamental modules

  • Module content:

    Themes that prepare students for professional practice. School expectations. Ethics, professional appearance, assessment frameworks; record keeping; discipline. Role and organising of extra-curricular activities. Dealing with emergencies.

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Core modules

  • Module content:

    The module helps develop a theoretical and practical frame of reference of the field of research and introduces students to the collection of information and identification and formulation of a research problem. Research ethics as well as qualitative and quantitative approaches including principles of action research are addressed. A research proposal and plan is created and assessed.

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  • Module content:

    The module comprises the practical implementation of theory in a research project. Research contexts may include the work-integrated learning or community focus. Research according to the proposal of JNM 461 is performed, and a research report is provided by the student under the direction of a supervisor. The report is assessed.

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  • Module content:

    This is an official full time module where students engage in teaching within the professional school environment under the mentorship of an experienced mentor teacher as well as an experienced mentor lecturer for a period of 8 weeks in the second term of the school year. The main focus is on general classroom practice, school administration, extra - mural activities and to act as responsible citizens of the school environment. The students have to prepare a professional portfolio  and facilitate a prescribed number of lessons and these are formally assessed by the school as well as an experienced designated mentor lecturer. Placements for this module will only be in schools in the Pretoria area. Supportive micro teaching lessons will take place before, during and after the teaching practice PRO 452. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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  • Module content:

    This is an official full-time module where students fully engage in teaching within the professional school environment under the mentorship of an experienced mentor teacher as well as an experienced mentor lecturer for a period of 8 weeks in the third term of the school year. The main focus is on general classroom practice, school administration, extra - mural activities and to act as responsible citizens of the school environment. The students have to prepare a professional portfolio and facilitate a prescribed number of lessons and these are continuously formally assessed by the school. The professional portfolio will be assessed by the designated mentor lecturer.  Placements for this module can take place in schools nationally or internationally. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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Elective modules

  • Module content:

    * This module is only presented in Afrikaans.

    Klem word gelê op die bereiking van die voorgeskrewe leeruitkomste in die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaringsdokumente . Afrikaansonderrig as huis- en  addisionele taal soos in die nasionale  kurrikulum vervat, word uitgelig. 'n Teoretiese grondslag word vasgelê vir die ontwerp en aanbied van lesse.

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  • Module content:

    * This module is only presented in Afrikaans.

    Klem word gelê op die bereiking van die voorgeskrewe leeruitkomste in die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaringsdokumente. Afrikaansonderrig  as huis- en  addisionele taal soos in die nasionale  kurrikulum vervat, word uitgelig. 'n Teoretiese grondslag word vasgelê vir die ontwerp en aanbied van lesse.

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  • Module content:

    This module builds progressively on previously acquired knowledge and skills obtained in JPS 121, JME 200 and JME 300. This knowledge and skills are progressively applied in the methodologies (JME 200, 300 and 451/454). The module offers a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the National Curriculum Statement Documents.  It focuses on developing learning experiences for the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as language structure and grammar. Designing of lessons and learning and teaching support materials (LTSM) are developed. Various teaching styles and paradigmatic orientations relevant to the learning experience are dealt with. 

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  • Module content:

    The module is a continuation of the principles and practices of teaching and learning in the English classroom. Further development of planning learning experiences for the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as language structure and grammar is focused on, based on the principles of inquiry-led learning, blended learning and constructive alignment.  Designing of lessons and learning and teaching support materials (LTSM) are developed, with a strong focus on technology and e-learning. Various teaching styles relevant to the learning experience are dealt with. 

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  • Module content:

    The art of lesson presentation and the preparation and presentation of 18 minute duration mini-lessons (to be continued from the end of the Third Year of study).

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  • Module content:

    After the Internship during the Second Semester: Reflection on Internship, school textbook evaluation, applied project work and fieldwork.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to equip students to successfully present History in the Senior and/or Further Education and Training Phase. The theoretical underpinning of historical writing, content of the syllabus as well as the requirements expected to guide learners studying History as subject are studied. Students are expected to prepare phase specific teaching activities according to the requirements of the school syllabus for the phase in which they are enrolled to prepare them for their role as teachers of history. Students present lessons through micro-teaching and apply appropriate assessment and questioning; present an oral history assignment and apply previously acquired communication skills in the teaching of History. 

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to equip students to successfully present History in the Senior and/or Further Education and Training Phase. The theoretical underpinning of historical writing, content of the syllabus as well as the requirements expected to guide learners studying History as subject are studied. Students are expected to prepare phase specific teaching activities according to the requirements of the school syllabus for the phase in which they are enrolled to prepare them for their role as teachers of history. Students present lessons through micro-teaching and apply appropriate assessment and questioning; present an oral history assignment and apply previously acquired communication skills in the teaching of History. 

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  • Module content:

    This module provides an advanced understanding of the visual arts discipline in the different phases as stipulated by the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Furthermore, these modules enable students to teach the visual art subject matter responsibly and effectively as successful art educators. Students are expected to identify a problem, plan and present their research, as well as explore art classroom management and learner needs. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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  • Module content:

    This module provides an advanced understanding of the visual arts discipline in the different phases as stipulated in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Furthermore, these modules enable students to teach the visual art subject matter responsibly and effectively as successful art educators. Students are expected to identify a problem, plan and present their research, as well as explore art classroom management and learner needs.

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  • Module content:

    This module addresses the practical application of teaching skills, planning and presenting of Physical Education lessons as topic of Life Orientation (presentation of micro-lessons).
    Themes include:

    • Exploring a meta-cognitive approach in teaching and learning
    • The LO teacher as educator (including overcoming challenges innovatively)
    • The LO teacher as counsellor (including eco-systemic approaches)
    • Development of the self in society
    • Health, social and environmental responsibility
    • Constitutional rights and responsibilities
    • Physical education
    • Study skills

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  • Module content:

    On attainment of the learning outcomes students demonstrates their knowledge and understanding of the theory to be applied in all practical sport and movement development situations as prescribed by the National Curriculum and Assessment policy statement in a school environment. Particular attention is given to metacognitive skills development of the students in order to empower them for their teaching tasks, as well as to enable them to engender these metacognitive skills in their learners.

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  • Module content:

    Students are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitude needed to apply in practice and to develop and enhance the inherent musicality of all learners. This module builds on previously acquired knowledge and skills which are progressively applied in the methodologies. Music serves as primary focus, but the integration of other art forms is also included.

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  • Module content:

    An application of previous academic knowledge and practical skills towards a stage production. The focus is on a community based project.

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  • Module content:

    Innovative teaching methods and teaching skills in Natural Science. Thematic planning, selection and use of multiple resources in Natural Science. Assessment practices; communication skills and classroom management in Natural Science. Teaching philosophy and reflective practices in Natural Science.


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  • Module content:

    Innovative teaching methods and teaching skills in Natural Science. Thematic planning, selection and use of multiple resources in Natural Science. Assessment practices; communication skills and classroom management in Natural Science. Teaching philosophy and reflective practices in Natural Science.


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  • Module content:

    Innovative and creative teaching methods and teaching skills in Intermediate Mathematics. Thematic planning. Selection and use of multiple resources in Intermediate Mathematics. Assessment practices. Communication skills. Classroom management. Pedagogical content knowledge of Intermediate Mathematics.

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  • Module content:

    Reflective practices and misconceptions in Intermediate Mathematics. Pedagogical content knowledge in Intermediate Mathematics.

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  • Module content:

    The module comprises the following themes: history of the different phases of education in South Africa and different teaching methods used in each phase; NCS and CAPS processing (scheme of work, schedule and assessment); multiple intelligences; facilitating grammar lessons; facilitating literature lessons; facilitating creative writing lessons and marking of letters and compositions; questioning skills for facilitating assessment (methods, techniques and tools); and using technology in teaching.

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  • Module content:

    Lesson design and application of design (continuing and applying second and third year methodology content); phase specific application; application, adaptation and integration of outcomes so that straddling can take place; subject specific principles of assessment and application; innovative teaching; thematic planning; finding, using and adapting resources for teaching; selection and assessment of authentic texts as well as textbooks; facilitating and mediating learning; multi-level teaching (adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners); differentiation (learning styles and individual differences, multiple intelligences) and inclusive education; co-operative learning;  electronic resource training, e-learning and micro teaching.

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  • Module content:

    This module aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills regarding the following components of teaching Sepedi at schools: education policies and teaching methods; grammar; literature; creative writing; assessment; and e-learning. The module comprises the following themes: history of the different phases of education in South Africa and different teaching methods used in each phase; NCS and CAPS processing (scheme of work, schedule and assessment); multiple intelligences; facilitating grammar lessons; facilitating literature lessons; facilitating creative writing lesson and marking of letters and compositions; questioning skills for facilitating assessment (methods, techniques and tools); and using technology in teaching.

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  • Module content:

    Lesson design and application of design (continuing and applying second and third year methodology content); phase specific application; application, adaptation and integration of outcomes so that straddling can take place; subject specific principles of assessment and application; innovative teaching; thematic planning; finding, using and adapting resources for teaching; selection and assessment of authentic texts as well as textbooks; facilitating and mediating learning; multi-level teaching (adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners); differentiation (learning styles and individual differences, multiple intelligences) and inclusive education; co-operative learning;  electronic resource training, e-learning and micro teaching.


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  • Module content:

    This module aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills regarding the following components of teaching Setswana at schools: education policies and teaching methods; grammar; literature; creative and composition writing; assessment; and e-learning. The module comprises the following themes: history of the different phases of education in South Africa and different teaching methods used in each phase; The NCS and CAPS processing (scheme of work; schedule and assessment); multiple Intelligences; facilitating grammar lessons; facilitating literature lessons; facilitating creative writing lessons and marking of letters and compositions; questioning skills for facilitating assessment (methods, techniques and tools); and using technology in teaching.

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  • Module content:

    Lesson design and application of design (continuing and applying second and third year methodology content); phase specific application; application, adaptation and integration of outcome so that straddling can take place; subject specific principles of assessment and application; innovative teaching; thematic planning; finding, using and adapting resources for teaching; selection and assessment of authentic texts as well as textbooks; facilitating and mediating learning; multi-level teaching (adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners); differentiation (learning styles and individual differences, multiple intelligences) and inclusive education; co-operative learning;  electronic resource training, e-learning and micro teaching.

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  • Module content:

    The module comprises the following themes: The NCS and CAPS processing (scheme of work, schedule and assessment ); multiple Intelligences; facilitating grammar lessons; facilitating literature lessons; facilitating creative writing lessons and the marking of letters and compositions; questioning skills for facilitating assessment (methods, techniques and tools); and using technology in teaching.

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  • Module content:

    Lesson design and application of design (continuing and applying second and third year methodology content); phase specific application; application, adaptation and integration of outcomes so that straddling can take place; subject specific principles of assessment and application; innovative teaching; thematic planning; finding, using and adapting resources for teaching; selection and assessment of authentic texts as well as textbooks; facilitating and mediating learning; multi-level teaching (adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners); differentiation (learning styles and individual differences, multiple intelligences) and inclusive education; co-operative learning;  electronic resource training, e-learning and micro teaching.

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