
Program: PGCE (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching)

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Code Faculty Department
09227031 Faculty of Education Department: Humanities Education
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 120 NQF level:  07


The PGCE consists of a university-based learning (UBL) component and a school-based learning (SBL) component. The UBL component is presented in the format of classroom-based learning during which students construct a practice theory of and for education. For the purpose of the SBL component, students are placed in two partnerships schools with different compositions of a shadow week of 3 weeks and an extended placement of 7 weeks which amounts to a total of 10 weeks, during which they engage in education practice while they are supported and assessed by qualified mentor teachers and university lecturers.

The choices in compiling the package have to be approved by the package coordinator before registration.

Admission requirements

  1. Relevant bachelor’s degree, or a relevant approved diploma with at least one module relevant to a school subject, passed at second-year diploma /bachelor’s level for the Senior Phase, and at least one module relevant to a school subject, passed at third-year diploma/ bachelor’s level for the Further Education and Training Phase

Additional requirements

Senior Phase and FET Phase Teaching:

For an SP Specialisation: Appropriate subjects at second-year level (see programme modules).

For an FET Specialisation: Appropriate major subject at least at completed second-year level at NQF level 7 (see programme modules).

To become a First Language teacher or First Additional Language teacher a prospective student need to have successfully passed all academic modules at third-year university level for FET and second-year university level for SP; and have demonstrated mastery of or proficiency in the specific language.

Mastery of or proficiency in the specific language can be gauged by submitting sufficient proof from a recognised and accredited Language testing system; and/or consideration by the Dean in accordance with the selection committee after an interview.

A proficient/master user of a language has the following abilities (taken from CEF):

  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer clauses, and recognize implicit meaning;
  • Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions;
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional  purposes;
  • Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation;
  • Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situation

If a student is selected into the PGCE and it becomes evident that additional Language learning is necessary, students may be requested to enrol for specialised modules such as ENG 118 for English Grammar etc. concurrently.

For Foreign Language teachers the following candidates can be considered:

  • First Language speakers of the language: Second-year university level is sufficient for FET-level teaching.
  • Additional Language speakers of the language:
  • Student should have passed the language at matric level AND second-year university level OR
  • Student should have passed third-year university level if he/she took the beginner courses during first-year university.

Other programme-specific information

Elective modules:

Choose two of the following 8 learning areas in accordance with the admission requirements

(relevant academic modules are indicated in brackets)

SPH 401: Languages (Afrikaans, English)

SPH 402: Mathematics (Mathematics, Applied mathematics, Statistics or any other related academic module)

SPH 403: Art and culture (Art, Drama, Dance, Anthropology or any other related academic module)

SPH 404: Social sciences (History, Geography, Sociology, Political science or any other related academic module)

SPH 405: Life orientation (Psychology, Human movement studies, Recreation or any other related academic module)

SPH 406: Economic and management sciences (Economics, Business economics, Entrepreneurship, Business management, Accounting or any other related academic module)

SPH 407: Natural sciences (Biology, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biotechnology or any other related academic module)

SPH 408: Technology (Any technology, technical or computer related academic module)

Class attendance
The teacher education programmes of the Faculty of Education have been approved and accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Due to the fact that the Faculty places high emphasis on the development of skills and competences, class attendance is compulsory for all student teachers for the full duration of the training period specified by SAQA (South African Qualification Authority).

Examinations and pass requirements

PPF 400 and PRO 410 are assessed through continuous and integrated assessment conducted on beginner teacher competence-based criteria. Assessment and feedback will be done continuously, as well as at the end of the first semester. At the end of the year students will be required to demonstrate their professional growth through various assessments by a mentor-teacher and mentor-lecturer, and a professional reflection..

Chancellor's examinations in the Faculty of Education
A final-year student, who has failed a maximum of three semester modules or their equivalent with a final mark of at least 40% in each, may be admitted by the Dean to a Chancellor's examination in these modules during January of the following year, provided that this will enable the student to comply with all the requirements for the certificate.

Pass with distinction

The PGCE will be awarded with distinction to a student who obtained 75% in each of the Professional development (PPF 400), Facilitating learning (FCL 400) and the specialisation module(s), as well as an average of 75% in all the other modules (not ronded).

Minimum krediete: 151

All "Fundamental" and "Core" modules must be selected together with one Senior Phase (SPH) module and one FET Phase (V##) module as "Elective" modules. Only select one of the "Conversational Competence" modules (CCW, CCI or CCZ 100). An exemption exam can be written.

Fundamental modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    FOE 401 introduces the study of education and its foundations. Students are guided in the exploration of philosophers in education such as Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Gandhi, Steiner, Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Illich, Freire and Lakoff. A dissecting look at the historic and futuristic trends that impacts change in education.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    GPE 401 refers to knowledge of varied situations, contexts and environments of education as well as prevailing policy, political and organizational contexts. GPE 401 is driven by an agenda of social justice and service learning where students discuss dealing with future scenarios in education emerging from globalisation, world of work and other contextual streams. Students study and experience the contextual understanding of the human and sociological development impacting on education with particular reference to following an asset-based approach to managing a diverse, multicultural, multi-ethnic group of learners often contending with problematic home circumstances and under the threat of HIV/Aids.

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Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    To endow prospective teachers, who has no knowledge of an African language, with a basic conversational competence in Northern Sotho (Sepedi). Successful completion of this module will enable teachers to effectively communicate – verbally and non-verbally - in a multilingual classroom.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    To endow prospective teachers, who have no knowledge of an African language, with a basic conversational competence in Setswana. Successful completion of this module will enable teachers to effectively communicate – verbally and non-verbally - in a multilingual classroom.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    To endow prospective teachers, who have no knowledge of an African language, with a basic conversational competence in IsiZulu. Successful completion of this module will enable teachers to effectively communicate – verbally and non-verbally - in a multilingual classroom.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    In FCL 401 students study the principles, practices and methods of teaching in a generic pedagogical sense. In particular general instructional knowledge is introduced using discursive resources to analyse practices across a variety of contexts, drawing from the latest textbooks, case studies (video and written based) and discussions.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    ICT 410 builds on the basic competency that the AIM modules produce and aims to further enhance students’ information and communication technology literacy. The main focus of this module is on advancing technology skills in using information and communication technology for pedagogical, administrative and professional practices of pre-service teachers. This module aims to present ICT; as a cognitive and instructional tool in teaching and learning; as a tool to enhance administrative functioning and as a tool for professional development.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    To facilitate knowledge and understanding of inclusion and insight into the causes of barriers to learning. The module focuses on the basic identification of learning difficulties and elementary diagnostic assessment to determine the underlying causes thereof, as well as intervention strategies in order to successfully address learning barriers across phases using the School-based Support system and curriculum differentiation. The student will learn how to adapt the curriculum for learners experiencing problems (including learners with disabilities or special needs) and how to support these learners in building a positive self-esteem by providing opportunities for learning success and in doing so enabling the learners to believe in their own abilities.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    LNT 401 incorporates general pedagogical knowledge which includes knowledge of learners, learning, curriculum and general instructional and assessment strategies. This study focuses on different theories of learning. Students will be challenged to explore most recent research on learning style preferences and motivation, whole-brain learning and multiple intelligences and possible causes of poor and underachievement to enable them to cater for the diversity of learners. Theory and practice of teaching assessment. Recording and reporting of assessment. Self-assessment, peer assessment and formal assessment. Accommodations and alternative assessment of learners with a disability. Concepts, elements and skills of critical and creative thinking will be dealt with to create challenging and supportive learning environments.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    PEL 410 deals with professional ethics and aims to develop a positive work ethic within beginner teachers. This module explores and reflects on human rights, environmental and democratic issues impacting on own practices. Critical analysis of education systems (education policy) and its impact on the micro level (in the classroom) in education. Knowledge of the elements of effective school management, systems of discipline and defining activities that promote an awareness of citizenship, human rights and the principles and values of the Constitution. Interpret educational legislation dealing with HIV/Aids, drugs and violence. Identifying and internalising ethical professional educator behaviour (professional ethics in teaching).

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This module is specifically designed to facilitate the integration of all content in the PGCE course. The principle objective of this module is to assist in your holistic development as a professional teacher. The purpose of this module is to introduce students to professional practice within the school context.  Secondly, the aim is to facilitate assimilation and connection between knowledge and skills that have been obtained in the PGCE course as a whole. This is done in order for student-teachers to create a personalised and integrated professional practice theory. Through this development student-teachers then practice the skill of being reflective practitioners.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This is the first official full-time module where students fully engage in teaching within the professional school environment under the mentorship of an experienced teacher as well as an experienced mentor lecturer for a period of 6 weeks in the second term of the school year. The students need to take responsibility for individual and solo teaching in their respective specialization courses. The main focus is on general classroom practice, school administration, extra-mural activities and to act as responsible citizens within the school environment. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This is the first official full-time module where students fully engage in teaching within the professional school environment under the mentorship of an experienced teacher as well as an experienced mentor lecturer for a period of 6 weeks in the third term of the school year. The students need to take responsibility for individual and solo teaching in their respective specialization courses. The main focus is on general classroom practice, school administration, extra-mural activities and to act as responsible citizens within the school environment. Community Engagement / Service Learning.

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Elective modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    Home Language teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents: The Home Language level provides for language proficiency that reflects the basic interpersonal communication skills required in social situations and the cognitive academic skills essential for learning across the curriculum. Both communicative and text-based approaches in Language teaching will be unpacked in detail. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    SPH 412 entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Mathematics in the Senior Phase covers five Content Areas including numbers, operations and relationships; patterns, functions and algebra; space and shape (Geometry); measurement and data handling. With the 5 content areas as backdrop, student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    SPH 413 entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents: student-teachers are trained to provide exposure to and study of a range of art forms including dance, drama, music and visual arts (including design and crafts). Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    SPH 414 entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. This Social Sciences curriculum aims to provide opportunities for learners to look at their own worlds with fresh, critical eyes and perhaps more importantly, it aims to introduce learners to a world beyond their everyday realities.  Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The focus of SPH 415 is to build the confidence of prospective Life Skills teachers so that they are able to attend to needs, values, beliefs and responsibilities empowering learners to make informed decisions and to use characteristics that have been identified through research to bring about positive behaviour change and management.  Student-teachers develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment. Student teachers are expected to create and gather age-appropriate resource materials as part of their final assessment in this course.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    SPH 416 focuses on an intensive study of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) relating to the teaching Financial literacy, the economy and entrepreneurship to learners in the Senior Phase EMS learning. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    SPH 417 aims to prepare student teachers to inspire, fascinate and challenge learners to engage and commit themselves to understand, explore and take responsibility for the natural world and acquire the skills of observation and testing. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    SPH 418 is uniquely designed to equip prospective SP Technology teachers to teach learners in terms of the following aspects: the Design Process, Investigation  and Designing, making and evaluating and presenting (communication). Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Afrikaans Language teaching is a unique specialization that offers the specific language at either home language, first additional language or second additional language entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    African Language teaching is a unique specialization that offers the specific language at either home language, first additional language or second additional language entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Business Studies teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Dance Studies teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Dramatic Arts teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Economics teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    English teaching is a unique specialization that offers the specific language at either home language, first additional language or second additional language entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Foreign Language teaching is a unique specialization that offers the specific language at either home language, first additional language or second additional language entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Geography teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    History teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Hospitality studies teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Consumer Studies teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Life Orientation teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Life Sciences teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Music teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Physical Sciences teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Accounting teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Tourism teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Visual Arts teaching entails a thorough overview of the learning content with specific focus on practical application as prescribed by the CAPS and the National Curriculum Statement documents. Student-teachers must develop sound teaching practice skills (micro-teaching), curriculum differentiation, content and teaching plans (CAPS) and appropriate informal, formal assessment of content as well as recording, reporting and moderation of assessment.

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The General Academic Regulations (G Regulations) and General Student Rules apply to all faculties and registered students of the University, as well as all prospective students who have accepted an offer of a place at the University of Pretoria. On registering for a programme, the student bears the responsibility of ensuring that they familiarise themselves with the General Academic Regulations applicable to their registration, as well as the relevant faculty-specific and programme-specific regulations and information as stipulated in the relevant yearbook. Ignorance concerning these regulations will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression, or basis for an exception to any of the aforementioned regulations.

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