
Program: PhD Nursing Science

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
10260312 Faculty of Health Sciences Department: Nursing Science
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360 NQF level:  10


The PhD degree study in the field of Nursing Science is conferred by virtue of a thesis and, if the Dean decides otherwise, an examination (VGK 900) which deals with the field of study of the thesis.

Admission requirements

  1. Master’s degree in Nursing Science or relevant master’s degree

Research information

  1. The thesis (VGK 990) deals with a problem from one or other field of Nursing Science, it must give an overview of the literature on the topic, and a description of the observations made and experiments done by the student, as well as a discussion of the conclusions reached. It must furthermore convince the promoter and examiners that it represents original research.
  2. A complete research protocol in respect of the proposed thesis must be submitted to an evaluation committee at the commencement of the doctoral studies, and if necessary, also to the Ethics Committee for approval.
  3. The evaluation committee is constituted by the head of department, in conjunction with the Chairperson of the School, and will consist of experienced persons in research in the proposed field of study of the candidate.
  4. At least two committee members will be appointed from other national and/or international tertiary institutions. Due to financial constraints, technological aids will be used in the case of committee members from foreign universities who will therefore not be able to attend the meeting. The report of the evaluation committee will be made available to the candidate in writing.

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