Ancient culture studies 727

Modulekode AKG 727
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Humanities

Social organisation and social values in the Ancient World
An in-depth study of the social organisation of the Ancient World with special reference to themes such as world view, social classes, slavery, economics and government and/or a study of the social values that governed the cultures of the Ancient World. Specific reference is made to concepts such as space and spatiality, honour and shame, the polarity of holy/unholy, views about the group and the individual in ancient society and the role of race and gender in ancient societies. Depending upon a student’s area of specialisation the focus will fall on the Ancient Near East or the Greco-Roman world. Language students will read capita selecta of relevant literature from the Hebrew/Greek/Latin literary corpus.

Modulekrediete 20.00
NQF Level 08
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Ancient and Modern Languages and Cultures
Period of presentation Year

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