
Dissertation: Archaeology 890

Modulekode AGL 890
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Humanities

A detailed and in-depth examination and discussion of a topic of archaeological relevance based on a Faculty-approved research proposal and ethical clearance. A 30 000–50 000 word dissertation based on primary field research and other relevant research sources that demonstrates a specialised knowledge of the archaeological research process. While research findings can be negative, the master’s dissertation must be methodologically detailed and replicable. The dissertation must demonstrate the candidate’s ability to formulate strategies and responses to contextual and abstract problems. The research process must be fully accountable and demonstrate a sensitivity to working in a postcolonial context. A version or section of the dissertation must be submitted for publication in an accredited journal.

Modulekrediete 180.00
NQF Level 09
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Anthropology and Archaeology
Period of presentation Year

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