Radiation physics 211

Module code RFI 211
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Module content

Radio-active decay: half-life, alfa decay, beta decay, gamma decay. Production of isotopes cyclotron, nuclear reactor, Van de Graaff accelerator. Absorption: nucleons, alfa particles, beta particles. Dosimetry: exposure, absorbed dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, dose limits. Radiation detectors: Geiger counter, scintillation counter, thermoluminescent detector, semi-conductor detectors. Radiopharmaceuticals. Biological effects: genetic and somatic effects.

Module credits 10.00
Service modules Faculty of Health Sciences
Prerequisites RFI 110, RAW 180, RAN 100, FSG 161, FSG 162, RAW 182 and MTL 180
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Physics
Period of presentation Semester 2

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