Modulekode | GLY 366 |
Kwalifikasie | Undergraduate |
Fakulteit | Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences |
Module-inhoud | The hydrological cycle, water resources and water usage; porosity and permeability, heterogeneity and isotropy; the occurrence of groundwater, vadose and phreatic zones; aquifer types, relations and groundwater flow; hydrostratigraphy, surface water and groundwater interaction, springs; water balance, water flow, recharge and baseflow; Darcy’s Law, hydraulic conductivity and subsurface flow; capillarity, hydraulics, Bernoulli’s equation and the continuity principle; hydraulic parameters and their derivation from aquifer pumping tests, including Theis, Cooper-Jacob and other modifications; water quality, solubility, natural waters, ionic balance and plotting water chemistry data; groundwater mining, aquifer compaction and subsidence; saline intrusion, dryland salinity, pollution, NAPLs; site remediation and toxicology. |
Modulekrediete | 18.00 |
Programme | |
Prerequisites | GLY 263 |
Contact time | 2 practicals per week, 4 lectures per week |
Language of tuition | Module is presented in English |
Department | Geology |
Period of presentation | Quarter 2 |
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