Code | Faculty |
02240600 | Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences |
Credits | Duration | NQF level |
Minimum duration of study: 1 year | Total credits: 135 | NQF level: 08 |
Renewal of registration
In calculating marks, General Regulation G.12.2 applies.
Apart from the prescribed coursework, a research project is an integral part of the study.
Introductory soil science
Pedology and Soil chemistry
or on recommendation from the head of department
Minimum credits: 135
Additional information:
The honours degree is awarded on the basis of formal modules passed. Students registered for the BScHons in Soil Science [Option: Environmental Soil Science] will register for all the soil science modules prescribed at honours level, as well as any other modules deemed necessary by the head of department.
Module content:
Integrated agronomic, climatic, soil, botanical, economic and managerial considerations in crop production systems aimed at maximum economic yield and sustainability. The use of conservation agriculture (CA) in field crop production is becoming ever increasingly important, especially since it is directly related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 (food), 6 (water), 7 (energy) 13 (climate) and 15 (soil). During the semester applicable AC and SDG examples will be highlighted in case studies of specific field crops. Practicals will consist out of a trial on the experimental farm.
Module content:
The principles of experimental design as required for the selection of an appropriate research design. Identification of the design limitations and the impact thereof on the research hypotheses and the statistical methods. Identification and application of the appropriate statistical methods needed. Interpreting of statistical results and translating these results to the biological context.
Module content:
Advanced theoretical and experimental soil chemistry, including the organic fraction.
Module content:
Advanced theoretical soil physics with the emphasis on mathematical modelling of fluxes of water, heat and solutes.
Module content:
Study of the latest trends and developments in plant nutrition, soil biology and soil fertility.
Module content:
Research project on a practical aspect of Environmental Soil Science.Literature review, formulation of a problem statement, hypotheses and aims of the research, as well as the design and execution of a laboratory or field scale trial. Project to be written up in a specific scientific format suitable for publication with an oral and visual presentation on the research.
Module content:
Environmental variables. Quantitative description and measurements of atmospheric environmental variables and water in organisms. Mass and energy fluxes. Quantitative description of energy fluxes in organisms' environments. Energy balances of animals and plant communities will be derived.
Module content:
Principles of the scientific process. Literature accessing and article assessment. Manuscript preparation and presentation of seminars. Use of visual aids.
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