
Disorders of childhood 481

Modulekode GNK 481
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Health Sciences

The module is designed to help students gain knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to understand and respond to the special needs and vulnerability of children in relation to development, nutrition, environment and adaptation; recognise by means of history and examination, common and important abnormalities of development, nutrition, environment and adaptation and be able to deal with them effectively; recognise by means of history and examination, common and important health problems of infancy and childhood and be able to deal with them effectively.
The mornings are devoted to direct contact with paediatric patients and their problems by means of small-group activities at a variety of experimental learning sites.
The afternoon periods are used for representative case studies with regard to a series of general or important themes, illustrated by multidisciplinary symposia, lectures, problem-solving exercises and self-tuition.

Modulekrediete 31.00
Prerequisites GNK 381,GNK 383,BOK 380,GNK 386,GPS 380,BOK 382,GNK 488,SMO 311,SMO 380,SMO 382
Contact time 6 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Paediatrics
Period of presentation Semester 1

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