
Theatre studies: Theory 322

Modulekode TNT 322
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Humanities

*Closed – only for BDram students
*This module offers a choice between intermediate performance studies and intermediate performing arts management
Intermediate performing arts management: Managing the production and managing the artist
Being subjected to constant flux and change, the current state of the performing arts industry in South Africa (as introduced in TNT 111), will be reconsidered in this module. Aspects of production management, including organisation and administration, the writing of proposals and budgeting for productions/performances will be investigated. To enable students to secure a career in the industry, they will be introduced to the notion of managing the self/the artist as a business/product. This will include, amongst others, negotiating contracts, compilation of CVs and portfolios and preparation for interviews and auditions (interacting with TNP 310).
Intermediate theatre and performance studies
In this module students will explore and interrogate selected western and non-western theories, paradigms and practices of actor and performer training with particular emphasis on embodiment by the performer. The work of key contemporary practitioners will be examined in order to establish how their training systems and approaches relate to performance traditions and how they have changed our perception of the artist's body/instrument in contemporary performance.

Modulekrediete 20.00
Prerequisites TNT 111 or TNT 122
Contact time 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department School of the Arts
Period of presentation Semester 2

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