Sociology 210

Module code SOC 210
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Module content

Industrial sociology
This module addresses sociological approaches to the workplace. Its focus is on theories of work and the current themes and debates within the sociology of work with an emphasis on exploring these issues from a southern perspective. Some of the themes that will be covered include the theorisation and conceptualisation of work, work in industrialising societies, workplace restructuring and reorganisation, flexibility in the labour market, changing technologies and the implications for work and employment, and new forms of work (including atypical work, service work, emotional labour, professional work).

Module credits 20.00
Service modules Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Prerequisites SOC 110(GS), SOC 120(GS)
Contact time 1 tutorial per week, 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Sociology
Period of presentation Semester 1

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