
Program: MPhil Business Management Supply Chain Management (Coursework)

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Code Faculty
07255285 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 180 NQF level:  09
Mr W Niemann
[email protected]
+27 (0)124204635


Supply chain managers oversee some of the most essential business processes affecting the profitability of firms today. These managers are responsible for synchronising the flow of products, information, and funds between their organisations and both their suppliers and customers in a way that adds value for the end consumers of their products.

The programme content focuses on key issues such as the fundamental theory of supply chain management, contemporary issues in supply chain management and strategic management and leadership.

The programme consists of coursework and a research article. The coursework part of the degree programme is offered during the first and second semester of the first year of study and the research article during the second semester. The coursework is presented by means of five contact sessions per module during the first and second semester. Contact block weeks will take place after-hours on a Monday to Thursday evening from 17:30 – 21:00 during the first semester and on a Monday evening from 17:30 – 21:00 during the second semester. Attendance of the contact sessions is compulsory. All lectures, tests and examination sessions will be conducted at the University of Pretoria’s main campus in Hatfield. Students have a maximum of two years to complete the MPhil degree but it is advisable to complete the programme in one year.

Admission requirements

  • Relevant Honours degree with an average of at least 60%.

Please consult the programme brochure at click here for comprehensive information on this study choice.

Examinations and pass requirements

The pass mark for both a dissertation and a mini-dissertation is 50%. The provisions regarding pass requirements for dissertations, contained in General Regulation G.12.2, apply mutatis mutandis to mini-dissertations. A pass mark of at least 50% is required in the examination of each module.

Research information

Article for publication
A dean may require, before or on submission of a dissertation/mini-dissertation, the submission of a draft article for publication to the supervisor. The draft article should be based on the research that the student has conducted for the dissertation/mini-dissertation and be approved by the supervisor concerned. The supervisor should then have the opportunity to take the paper through all the processes of revision and resubmission as may be necessary and/or appropriate in order to achieve publication.

Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    Strong emphasis on market research, quantification of the market but also a basis for academic publications and a doctorate.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    Key principles and concepts of strategy and strategic management; competitive strategy; emergent and deliberate strategy; formulation of strategy; analysis of the external and internal environment; stakeholder analysis; competitive advantage; shareholder value; strategy and performance; hyper-competition; corporate and business level strategy. An advanced strategic management simulation that is online and interactive to apply strategy principles, and to foster team collaboration.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The module is devoted to fundamental supply chain management theory. Students will be expected to read a broad selection of published papers and write their own research papers. Students will be graded through coursework and tests, as well as on their research papers.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This module entails an evaluation of the most recent developments in supply chain management, including recent research contributions in the field. Students will be expected to read a broad selection of published papers and write their own research papers to be presented in a colloquium. Students will be graded through coursework and tests, as well as on their research papers.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This module equips the student to conduct independent research by executing a research project on a relevant topic, of which the findings are reported in an academic article.

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