Community-based project 201

Module code JCP 201
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Module content

This project-orientated module is a form of applied learning which is directed at specific community needs and is integrated into all undergraduate academic programmes offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology. The main objectives with the module are as follows:
(1) The execution of a community related project aimed at achieving a beneficial impact on a chosen section of society, preferably but not exclusively, by engagement with a section of society which is different from the student's own social background.
(2) The development of an awareness of personal, social and cultural values, an attitude to be of service, and an understanding of social issues, for the purpose of being a responsible professional.
(3) The development of important multidisciplinary and life skills, such as communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.
Assessment in the module will include all or most of the following components: evaluation and approval of project proposal, assessment of oral and/or written progress reports, peer assessment in the event of team projects, written reportback by those at which the project was aimed at, and final assessment on grounds of the submission of a portfolio and a written report.

Module credits 8.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 1 other contact session per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Informatics
Period of presentation Year

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