
Bovine herd health 801

Modulekode BHH 801
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Veterinary Science

The primary aim of this module is to provide the candidate with the skills and competence to promote the health and production efficiency of cattle operations (dairy, beef and feedlots). The module will enable students to integrate and apply knowledge so that health and production can be monitored and problems can be identified and solved on a herd basis.

The module content will be based on advanced theoretical training in bovine herd health with emphasis on principles of herd health and production programmes, animal health economics, monitoring dairy herd health and production (applied nutrition, fertility, udder health, foot health, general cow health, calves and replacement heifers), monitoring the health and performance of beef cow calf enterprises (resource base, forage and beef cow-calf stock flow, applied nutrition, fertility, young stock, integrated resource, health and management program), and beef feedlots

Modulekrediete 40.00
Prerequisites A BVSc, a four year BSc in Agriculture (Animal Science), Microbiology, Zoology or an equivalent degree
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Production Animal Studies
Period of presentation Year

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