
Program: MSW Play-based Intervention (Coursework)

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
01251074 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 180
Dr MP le Roux
[email protected]
+27 (0)124205321


Closing date for applications: 31 July annually.

Admission requirements

  • BSW degree in social work with a minimum average mark of at least 65% or an equivalent qualification.
  • A compulsory module in research methodology, namely MWT 864, must be passed.

Additional requirements

A compulsory module in research methodology, namely MWT 864, must be passed.

Pass with distinction

A student passes with distinction when an average mark of 75% is achieved for the core modules and the mini-dissertation, subject to a minimum of 70% for the mini-dissertation.

MWT 864 is a non-credit-bearing module and must be attended satisfactorily as prerequisite for MWT 895.

Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    *Departmental selection
    Play therapy with the child

    Developmental social work and child welfare; approaches; child development theories; the multi-disciplinary team; the Gestalt play therapy process; therapeutic relationship with the child; sensory awareness and contact; enhancing the sense of self; utilisation of projection; play techniques: drawing.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Closed - requires departmental selection
    The child in the family
    Play techniques: clay and sand tray work; the child in context of the family; assessment in different contexts (eg therapeutic, forensic, safety and risk); trauma and loss; play-based family intervention.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Closed - requires departmental selection
    The child in the community

    The effect of adverse conditions; play techniques; biblio play; drama and sociodrama;  puppets and music; prevention, early intervention and early childhood development; resilience in individuals, families and communities.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Departmental selection
    Research ethics, research approaches, types of research, research designs and research process as applicable to social work.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    * Closed - for departmental selection
    Integration and demonstration of theoretical components of play therapy in practice. This include ground principles of play therapy approaches and development theories, principles and techniques of play assessment and play therapy; the implementation of the play therapy process with the child client within his different systems.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    A comprehensive report (80-100 pages) on an approved research project based on independent research in a specialist field in social work selected in consultation with a supervisor. Scholastic and advanced research of selected specialist area including the planning, resourcing and managing of processes. Accountability for achieving and evaluating personal and/or group output.

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