
Program: MPhil Financial Management Sciences

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07255192 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 180


Before registration a candidate must submit a research outline of approximately 1 000 words to the Research Committee of the Department. If the research outline is officially approved, the candidate will be allowed to register and a supervisor will be appointed. The candidate will work under the guidance of his/her supervisor until the research is completed according to the rules and regulations of the University.

Admission requirements

  • A completed qualification at NQF level 8 with an average of at least 65% and a solid knowledge base of the Financial Management Sciences deemed to be sufficient by the Departmental Postgraduate Selection Committee.

Additional requirements

A completed qualification at NQF level 8 with a solid knowledge base of the Financial Management Sciences deemed to be sufficient by the relevant head of department.

Other programme-specific information

Financial management 884 is a prerequisite for the dissertation.

Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    An overview of the research process to be followed and the outcomes required of postgraduate students; Foundational research skills for postgraduate students; What is research?; What is a research theory and how can I ensure that my study makes a clear theoretical contribution?; An overview of the structure of a research proposal; Identifying and evaluating possible research topics; Delineating the scope of a study; Writing a literature review; Choosing an appropriate inquiry strategy (research approach) for a study; Writing the research design and methods section of a research proposal.

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