
Program: BComHons Informatics

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07240173 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 120

Admission requirements

Relevant BCom degree with 60% for Informatics on 3rd year level or equivalent IT courses.

Preparatory work for the honours degree, as determined by each Head of Department, with an assessment thereof, is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates can be exempted from this requirement if they pass an exemption assessment as determined by the head of the department concerned.

A candidate may be refused admission to an honours degree by the Head of Department if he or she does not comply with the level of competence required in the subject as determined by the department – with the proviso that a candidate, who fails to comply with the level of competence required, may be admitted if additional study assignments, as agreed upon, are completed and/or examinations are written.

A candidate, who is refused admission to an honours degree, may request that the Dean reconsiders his or her application for admission in terms of the set procedures.

Other programme-specific information

NB: The department reserves the right not to present a module if the particular expertise is not available in the department in that year.

Examinations and pass requirements

In calculating marks, General Regulation G12.2 applies.
Subject to the provisions of General Regulation G.26, a head of a department determines, in consultation with the Dean

  • when the honours examinations in his/her department will take place, provided that:
  1. honours examinations which do not take place before the end of the academic  year, must take place no later than 18 January of the following year, and all examination results must be submitted to the Student Administration by 25 January; and
  2. honours examinations which do not take place before the end of the first semester, may take place no later than 15 July, and all examination results must be submitted to the Student Administration on or before 18 July.

There are no supplementary examinations in this programme.

A pass mark is required for the following modules before applying for BComHons: FRK 111 (Financial Accounting), EKN 110 (Economics), STK 110 (Statistics) and OBS 114 (Business Management).

NB: Full details are published in each department's postgraduate information brochure, which is available from the head of department concerned. The minimum pass mark for a research report is 50%. The provisions regarding pass requirements for dissertations contained in General Regulation G.12.2 apply mutatis mutandis to research reports.

Subject to the provisions of General Regulation G., the subminimum required in subdivisions of modules is published in the study guides, which is available from the head of department concerned.

Minimum krediete: 120

Core modules

Elective modules

Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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