
Multi-literacies 730

Modulekode JGL 730
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Education

This module introduces the concepts of multi-literacies and multimodality highlighting the importance of these when teaching learners from diverse linguistic and cultural communities. The topics dealt with in this module should not be seen in isolation but are interrelated and are applicable to teaching in the global classroom. Topics include, among others, language and literacies; language acquisition theories; current language policies; the multilingual classroom; English as a lingua franca; World Englishes; globalisation and school and social literacies. The student is expected to design appropriate applications of various concepts in innovative classroom practices that reflect an advanced knowledge of key South African texts, policies and issues as addressed in this module.

Modulekrediete 16.00
Prerequisites Any undergraduate equivalent language and/or literacy module
Contact time 7 lectures
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Humanities Education
Period of presentation Semester 1 or Semester 2

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