
Religion studies 320

Module code REL 320
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Theology and Religion
Module content

Part 1: Religions as neighbours
Plurality; Religious interaction; Practical issues, e.g. Themes to be addressed are: conflict, propaganda, indoctrination, dialogue, syncretism, respect and tolerance. Models of dealing with plurality will be studied, e.g. fundamentalism, relativism, pluralism, inclusivism, exclusivism, secularism and co-responsibility and cooperation.
Part 2: Religion and the arts
Iconography; overview on the exposition of biblical themes in the expressive arts and music; religious aspects of well-known artefacts and musical compositions; function of art and music in worship.

Module credits 30.00
Service modules Faculty of Education
Faculty of Humanities
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Afrikaans and English are used in one class
Department Religious Studies
Period of presentation Semester 2

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