Modulekode | LEK 887 |
Kwalifikasie | Nagraads |
Fakulteit | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe |
Module-inhoud | *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar. Selected topics in environmental economics. This module will introduce students to various issues of special importance in environmental economics and policy with special emphasis on international dimensions. Examples of key themes to be covered include trade and the environment, trans-boundary externalities, global public goods, multi-lateral environmental agreements, international aid, economic growth and environmental change, poverty and the environment, etc. The main objective of the module is to equip students with the appropriate tools for analysing the linkages between economic development, trade and globalization, poverty, economic and environmental policy and environmental change. |
Modulekrediete | 15.00 |
Programme | |
Diensmodules | Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe |
Voorvereistes | MIE 780 en EKT 713 of gelykwaardige modules |
Kontaktyd | 1 lesing per week |
Onderrigtaal | Module word in Engels aangebied |
Departement | Landbou-ekonomie, Voorligting en Landelike Ontw |
Aanbiedingstydperk | Semester 2 |
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