Code | Faculty |
04251024 | Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duur van studie: 2 jaar | Totale krediete: 200 |
Prof FJ Viljoen [email protected] | +27 (0)124203228 |
Prof M Hansungule [email protected] | +27 (0)124204532 |
Hieride inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
Closing date for applications: SA applicants – 30 November; non-SA applicants – 31 August.
The curriculum will generally consist of:
At least an honours degree in an academic discipline relevant to legal aspects in South Africa or Africa as well as to the contents of the specific MPhil (coursework) programme,
any other qualification in an academic discipline relevant to legal aspects in South Africa or Africa as well as to the contents of the specific MPhil (coursework) programme that allows admission to a master’s programme at the institution where the undergraduate qualification was obtained. If the duration of that qualification is less than four years, substantial proven practical or professional experience in legal aspects in South Africa or Africa will furthermore be required, subject to the discretion of the Dean.
A minimum average mark of 65% with respect to the prescribed modules of the honours programme is required for admission to the MPhil coursework programmes.
Where an average of below 65% is achieved, the student may be admitted on recommendation of the relevant head of department after consultation with the programme coordinator and consideration of other merits (eg relevant professional experience; the applicant’s performance in undergraduate modules related to the particular MPhil; the candidate’s performance in independent research essays or similar components) and/or an admission examination.
Linguistic competence, primarily in English; foreign applicants who did not complete undergraduate studies through the medium of English must show proof of competence in English at a minimum average level of 6 out of 10 for IELTS or a minimum total score of 83 in TOEFL calculated as follows: reading 21, listening 17, speaking 23 and writing 22. In any other instance where there is doubt as to the English linguistic competence of an applicant, the Dean may require the same proof as prescribed for foreign applicants.
Foreign qualifications are subject to SAQA evaluation. (Some MPhil coursework programmes or modules as indicated in the yearbook may only be available to students who hold a relevant South African qualification.)
Even though a student may comply with the above requirements, the Dean may, on the recommendation of the head of department presenting a specific degree or module, refuse to accept a prospective student for any MPhil programme if such a student's performance in the chosen modules or field of study during undergraduate study was not satisfactory. Alternatively, the Dean could set additional requirements with a view to admission.
In the event of having failed all modules during a particular year of study, a student will only be allowed to continue with his/her studies with the consent of the Postgraduate Committee.
Although no supplementary examination will be granted with regard to LLM and MPhil modules, the General Regulations and rules apply with regard to special and ancillary examinations.
The relevant head of department must recommend a supervisor and title for a mini-dissertation and these must be approved by the Postgraduate Committee. The mini-dissertation must be assessed and finalised as set out in the Faculty Board-approved LLM/MPhil Policy Document of the Faculty.
Mini-dissertations, where required, must be submitted in the format determined by the supervisor and approved by the Postgraduate Committee. The supervisor may likewise, subject to the approval of the Postgraduate Committee, also determine the research topic and the scope of the proposed research. (Refer to the Faculty of Law regulations regarding mini-dissertations and also Postgraduate administrative processes brochure for the Faculty)
For the degree to be awarded with distinction a student must obtain an average of at least 75% for all the coursework modules, as well as a minimum of 75% for the mini-dissertation. The modules must have been written for the first time.
Period of registration
The duration of the programme will in general be four semesters (2 years) but may be completed within two semesters (1 year) where possible, subject to fulfilment of all the requirements for the degree and payment of the full amount prescribed for the MPhil degree. Programmes may also be structured to allow for one year of study only. The one- or two-year period may only be extended by the Postgraduate Committee on recommendation of the Head of Department based on good reason shown and if it is clear that the student will be able to complete the programme in a further year of study.
Minimum krediete: 100
This module is an introduction to the Law and Sustainable Development discipline. Using a “systems” approach, the module exposes students to the complexities of development given globalisation, the separation of powers, and international public interest / human rights law. Three core subsystems (politics, economics and law) are considered, to make the case for a multidisciplinary but integrated development model. In this model, the law, judiciary and legal practitioners play a primary role to galvanise and shape development policy and a secondary role to redress infractions and omissions. Students will consider development in a post-WWII context and the paradigms that have shaped the thinking, policies, programmes and practices adopted by nation states to advance the aspirations and legal obligations set out in international, regional and national human rights instruments. The module content includes:
Hierdie module handel oor die volgende aspekte: (a) Poststrukturele/postmoderne regsteorie (b) Postkoloniale regsteorie (c) Feministiese regsteorie (d) Toepassing binne 'n ontwikkelingskonteksModule-inhoud:
‘n Kombinasie van ten minste sewe van die volgende temas: (a) Die staat, demokrasie en menseregte (b) Internasionale betrekkinge en menseregte (c) Geskiedenis van menseregte, insluitend “grassroots narratives” (d) Menseregte in die visuele media (kuns en film) (e) Menseregte in die letterkunde (f) Menseregte feite-vasstelling en verslagdoening; menseregte en joernalistiek (g) Menseregte en MIV/Vigs (h) Medisyne, mediese etiek en menseregte (i) Burgerlike samelewing; sosiale bewegings en menseregte (j) Armoede en menseregte (k) Globalisering en menseregte (l) Menseregte en sosiale verandering (m) Navorsing in die sosiale wetenskap en menseregte (n) Tradisie, godsdiens en menseregte (o) Gender en menseregte (p) Oorbruggende en versoenende geregtigheidModule-inhoud:
Die module deel met die volgende aspekte: (a) Transformatiewe grondwetlikheid (b) Postapartheid jurisprudensie (c) Reg, geheue, versoening en herstelModule-inhoud:
(a) Beplanning en organisering van ‘n navorsingsprojek (b) Konsep navorsingsvoorstel: Hipotese en navorsingsvraag (c) Teorie in navorsing en metodologiese benaderings tot regsnavorsing (d) Taal (e) Verwysing en die etiek van verwysing (f) Konsephoofstukke en afrondingModule-inhoud:
’n Analise van die teorie en praktyk van grondwetlike sosio-ekonomiese regte in Suid-Afrika met ‘n spesifieke fokus op litigasie en regsaktivisme in die verband.Module-inhoud:
(a) Beskerming van sosio-ekonomiese regte in vergelykbare plaaslike jurisdiksies, in die besonder in Afrika (b) Inleiding tot internasionale menseregte (c) Sosio-ekonomiese regte in die VN-menseregtestelsel (d) Sosio-ekonomiese regte in die Afrika-menseregtestelsel (e) Sosio-ekonomiese regte in die Europese menseregtestelsel (f) Sosio-ekonomiese regte in die Inter- Amerikaanse mensregtestelsel (g) Sosio-ekonomiese regte in ander ontluikende regionale menseregtestelselsMinimum krediete: 200
(a) Die student moet ’n navorsingsvoorstel gedurende die eerste jaar van registrasie ten opsigte van die LLM-graad by sy/haar studieleier inhandig alvorens daar begin kan word met die skryf van die miniverhandeling. (b) ‘n Miniverhandeling (MND 800) moet bestaan uit 13 000 tot 15 000 woorde insluitend die voetnotas maar die inhoudsopgawe en die bibliografie uitgesluit. Die miniverhandeling moet by die promotor ingehandig word nie later nie as Augustus van die tweede jaar van registrasie vir die LLM-graad. Die miniverhandeling moet handel oor die vakinhoud van een of ‘n kombinasie van die LLM-modules waarvoor die student geregistreer is. ’n Versoek ten opsigte van die verlenging van die tydperk vir indiening van die miniverhandeling kan slegs deur die Dekaan verleen word, op aanbeveling van die LLM-komitee.Module-inhoud:
Ontwikkeling en voordrag van ’n navorsingsvoorstel. (’n Navorsingsvoorstel moet in die eerste semester van die tweede studiejaar by die studieleier ingedien en aanvaar word alvorens die student toegelaat sal word om vir die miniverhandeling te registreer.)Copyright © University of Pretoria 2024. All rights reserved.
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