
Gordon Institute of Business Science

Faculty regulations and information

The rules for the degrees published here are subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information.

The General Regulations (G. Regulations) and General Rules apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of all students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations and rules as well as all faculty-specific and programme-specific regulations and information as stipulated in the online yearbook. Ignorance concerning these regulations will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

Please note: Due to the continuous restructuring of the Faculty and the accompanying phased-in introduction of modules and credits, some of the information in this publication may not fully reflect the most recent developments in the Faculty. Problems that are experienced as a result of this situation may be taken up with GIBS.

Any person who wishes to register at GIBS for the first time, or after an interruption of studies, should apply or reapply for admission.

A selection procedure takes place prior to admission. Application forms are available at

The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the General Regulations or in the GIBS regulations.

Language of tuition
All GIBS modules will be conducted in English.

Amendment of regulations and fees
GIBS retains the right to amend the regulations and to change tuition fees without prior notification.

Please note: The fees advertised and thus levied in respect of a module or study programme presentation represents a combination of the costs associated with the formal services rendered (for example lectures, module material, field trips, simulations, etc.) as well as associated indirect overheads such as the provision of Information Centre and recreation facilities, security and cleaning services, electricity and water supply, etc. Therefore the fees in respect of a module or study programme presentation cannot simply be reconciled with visible services that are rendered in respect of such module or study programme.

1.1 Registration for a particular year of study
(Also consult General Regulation G.2)
At the beginning of an academic year, a student registers for all the modules he or she intends taking in that particular year. A student may also only register for modules that fit into the lecture, test and examination timetables. For renewal of registration, see General Regulation G.3 and for termination of registration, General Regulation G.4.

1.2 Examinations

  1. A student is admitted to an examination only if the lecturer of that module in consultation with the Dean, certifies that the student has prepared himself or herself satisfactorily by due performance in his/her work and fulfilled the attendance requirements. Class attendance in all modules and for the full duration of all programmes is compulsory for all students.
  2. The minimum mark to be admitted to an examination is 45%.
  3. The examination dates are set at the beginning of each year. Students must make arrangements with their organisations to be available on those dates as no alternative dates are offered. Should a student be unable to write an examination for reasons of serious illness, family crisis or unavoidable travel outside of South Africa, the Programme Manager must be informed in writing, preferably before the examination date or, failing that, within three days of the examination.
  4. A written application for an aegrotat examination must be made to the Programme Manager, accompanied by proof of the reason for missing the examination (for example medical certificate, copy of passport, subpoena). Aegrotat examinations are written in December. The examination papers (or orals) are completely different to the original papers. The applicant will be informed of the dates during the year.
  5. Case studies for examinations will be distributed an hour before each examination to allow for reading, under examination conditions, in the examination venue.
  6. (Also consult General Regulation G.12.1 and G.12.2). As far as repetition of modules is concerned, General Regulation G.11.2 (c) does not apply to GIBS.

1.3 Pass requirements and subminimum in examinations
A final weighted average mark of at least 50% in a module is required to pass. A subminimum of 45% is required in the examination for each module. Should the student fail to achieve the required subminimum, the student will be considered to have failed the module. To pass the Master of Business Administration or the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration with distinction, a student must obtain a final weighted average mark of at least 75%.

1.4 Aegrotat examinations
(Also consult General Regulation G. 12, par. 5.1 and 5.2)

  1. A student who was prevented from preparing for an examination, or from sitting for it, owing to unforeseen circumstances or illness, may be granted permission by the Dean to write an aegrotat examination in the particular module(s).
  2. An application to sit for an aegrotat examination, supported by applicable corroborative proof (e.g. an original medical certificate), must be submitted to the Programme Manager’s office, not later than 3 (three) days after the module exam should have been written.
  3. Once a student has sat for an examination, he or she may not afterwards apply for an aegrotat examination on the basis of unforeseen circumstances or illness.
  4. A student who has been granted permission to write an aegrotat examination and then fails to write the examination, will not be allowed another opportunity to write any further examination in the specific module.
  5. GIBS does not offer supplementary examinations. 

It is the responsibility of all students to familiarise themselves with the General and GIBS Regulations of the University, as well as the procedures, rules, and instructions pertaining to study at GIBS. Ignorance of the applicable regulations, rules and instructions, or the incorrect interpretation thereof will not be accepted as an excuse for not complying with the stipulations of such regulations, rules and instructions. 

Application of old and new regulations
(See General Regulation G.5)
Subject to transitional measures laid down by GIBS, a student must complete his or her degree in accordance with the regulations that were applicable when he or she first registered for a specific field of study or specialisation. If a student interrupts his or her studies or changes a field of study or specialisation, the regulations applicable in the following year in which studies are resumed, or the field of study is changed, apply.

The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section. Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

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