
Foundation phase mathematics 212

Module code JGS 212
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Education
Module content

The purpose of the course is to develop a deeper understanding of critical elements of mathematics, including the natural number system, its properties and the four number operations. The transition to the rational number system is explored with attention to its properties and operations. Number patterns and relationships between numbers are explored to develop greater fluency in mathematics computations. Attention is given to pictorial, verbal, diagrammatic and symbolic representations. The development of major topics, measurement, geometry, statistics and probability are explored with a view to providing insights into teaching and learning. Throughout the course attention is given to problem solving and algebraic reasoning.

The methodology of the course will include hands-on activities which promote confidence and agency in the classroom. While some attention is given to teaching in the Foundation Phase, this outcome is not central to the course.



Module credits 12.00
Contact time 1 practical per week, 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Early Childhood Education
Period of presentation Semester 1

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