Admission requirements
A candidate can be admitted if he/she holds one of the following qualifications:
- a BEdHons degree/BEd (Postgraduate); or
- an applicable honours degree and a teacher’s diploma; and
- have achieved an average of at least 60% in the honours or related examination.
Senate may:
- grant a graduate of another university (either in South Africa or elsewhere) a status at the University that is equivalent to the status the student has at such other higher education institution;
- admit a person, who
- has passed examinations at another university or institution (either in South Africa or elsewhere) which Senate deems equivalent to or higher than the examinations prescribed for a degree at the University which are set as a prerequisite for admission to a particular postgraduate study programme or for the admission of such a person as a research student; ot
- in another manner has reached a standard of competence Senate considers adequate for the purposes of postgraduate study or research at the University as a student for a postgraduate degree or certificate.
Additional requirements
Selection is based on:
- meeting the minimum academic requirements required for admission;
- previous academic performance;
- applicable academic and/or teaching background;
- availability of supervision for the required research project;
- proven academic potential which may include academic communication and computer application skills;
- additionally, an interview may be requested;
- the requirements of professional registration bodies;
- the discretion of the head of department.
Other programme-specific information
- Renewal of registration after the two-year period is permitted only under special circumstances in which case the head of department may give approval for a limited fixed extension of this period in terms of the set procedures.
- Students will be granted two opportunities to pass NMQ 800. Unsuccessful candidates will not be allowed to continue with the programme.
- This requirement applies to both the full research as well as the coursework master’s degrees.
Research information
All master’s students must submit a dissertation or a mini-dissertation and must pass Research Proposal (NMQ 800). For the MEd research degree programmes, a dissertation on a topic approved by the Dean on the recommendation of the Head of department must be submitted, following the approval of a complete research proposal. A literature study is not acceptable.
- One publishable article based on the research that the student conducted for the dissertation or the mini-dissertation and approved by the supervisor, must be submitted. The article must be submitted at the offices of Student Administration before 15 February for the Autumn graduation ceremonies and before 15 July for the Spring graduation ceremonies.
- In addition to the copies referred to above, each successful student must submit a bound paper copy as well as two electronic copies of the approved mini-dissertation/dissertation to the Head: Student Administration in the format specified by the faculty and in accordance with the minimum standards set by the Department of Library Services
- (see publish/ standards.htm#specs), before 15 February for the Autumn graduation ceremonies and before 15 July for the Spring graduation ceremonies. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in the degree being awarded during a subsequent series of graduation ceremonies.
- All students have to submit a research proposal during the first year of registration and defend it successfully before a panel of examiners appointed by the Dean, in collaboration with the Head of department, Supervisor and Research Coordinator, before they can start with the research.
- Students have to apply for ethical clearance to the Head of department and Ethics Committee and only commence with field work once the application for ethical clearance has been approved by the Ethics Committee.
- Students have to present a progress report on the research to the Supervisor annually. Continued reregistration depends on satisfactory annual progress.
- All students have to attend the research capacity building sessions on quantitative and qualitative research at master’s level.
Pass with distinction
The MEd degree is conferred with distinction on a student who obtains at least 75% in the dissertation.
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