Code | Faculty |
09240021 | Faculty of Education |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duration of study: 1 year | Total credits: 128 |
Dr WM Carvalho-Malekane [email protected] | +27 (0)124205757 |
A candidate can be admitted if he/she holds one of the following qualifications:
Selection is based on:
Subject to exceptions approved by the Dean, on the recommendation of the head of the department, a student may not sit for an examination for the honours degree more than twice in the same module.
A final-year student who has failed a maximum of three semester modules or their equivalent, with a final mark of at least 40% in each, may be admitted by the Dean to a special examination/s in these modules during January of the following year, provided that this will enable the student to comply with all the requirements for the degree.
Minimum credits: 128
When the full-time option is chosen, all "Fundamental" and "Core" modules must be selected. When the part-time option is chosen, NMQ 745, EDS 711, CDD 710 and API 711 must be selected in the 1st year and NMQ 755, one elective, CDV 780 and PFO 710 must be selected in the final year. Elective module prerequisites include Mathematics II for Mathematics education (MCE 730), Biology II or Zoology II or Botany II or General science ll for Life sciences education (LSN 730) and Physics II or Chemistry II or General science II for Physical sciences education (PHN 730). If SCU 731 is chosen, it can only be taken in the second semester. Approval from the Head of Department is required for MCE 730, LSN 730 and PHN 730.
Module content:
Supervised research project of limited scope. Use qualitative and/or quantitative methods. Writing a short report.
Module content:
Guided literature research, formulation of a conceptual framework and development of a research proposal for a supervised research project of limited scope.
Module content:
Foundations, principles and ethics of assessment practices. International trends. Quantitative and qualitative modes of assessment and appropriate instruments. Generating evidence for assessment. Assessment and quality assurance. Techniques of computer-based assessment.
Module content:
Principles and foundations of curriculum/programme design and development. International and national models and trends in curriculum/programme development. Principles of outcomes-based programming in the SAQA context. Curriculum development models and instruments in action. Situation and task analysis needs assessment. Development. Dissemination. Implementation as a change process. Assessment and evaluation.
Module content:
Meta-theories in education. Empiricism; rational empiricism; critical rationalism; critical theory; phenomenology; hermeneutics; system theory; philosophies in education: traditional philosophies; indigenous (African) philosophies. The influence of modernism and postmodernism on education. Sociological imperatives for education. Theories of societal change and roles and values of education. Comparative perspectives on learning theories and their meaning for education.
Module content:
The nature of educational enquiry: contexts of research, research ethics, truth, rationality, subjectivity and objectivity; Quantitative and qualitative modes of enquiry, research designs and data collection techniques. Various approaches to qualitative research including case study research, historical research, ethnographic research, and action research. Basic concepts and principles of quantitative research. Statistical techniques in the educational research process. Survey methodology and questionnaire design. Classification and graphical representation of data. Descriptive measures. Statistical inference. Data-processing procedures. Parametric versus non-parametric tests. Some test statistics (e.g. F-Test and T-test). Formulating a research methodology for a limited project.
Module content:
Professional development as educator to optimise independence, interdependence, and self-renewal. Implementing principles of personal vision, personal leadership, personal management, interpersonal leadership, creative cooperation, and balanced self-renewal through action research.
Module content:
The aim of this module is to equip students with intellectual, academic and literacy skills in the fields of Education Law and Policy. It also seeks to prepare them for further studies in these fields and to enhance their professional development at their places of work. The module will be of benefit to those who intend pursuing studies in education law or education policy; and to practitioners of policy and law at schools and other education working environments.
Module content:
This module is informed by a commitment to gender equality and gender justice. It explores the concept of gender in various educational settings. It entails the intersecting relationships between gender, curriculum and identity by including related topics such as feminism and its origins, masculinity and femininity in the classroom and LGBTI issues in education among other. The module further explores topics such as gendered relationships between dominant and marginalised subjects, gender curriculum and young children as well as sexuality and the curriculum. It aims to develop a gendered awareness of how the curriculum operates in terms of curricula policies, classroom practices and materials and how this influences the construction of gendered identities.
Module content:
The module aims to examine and debate the nature of African History and how it manifests itself within African and non-African school contexts. Selected issues related to the teaching of African History such as Eurocentrism; African scepticism; Gender; Racism; African indigenous historical knowledge; postcolonialism; decolonisation and the nature of historical evidence on Africa will be engaged with. In the process methodologies, policies and theories to teach African History effectively will be explored.
Module content:
Theoretical basis and nature of learning diversity, learning problems/barriers to learning, learning disabilities, cognitive functioning and special educational needs. Background, principles and implementation of inclusive education policy. Principles and practical application of learning support. Identification, screening, informal assessment and support to learners who display spoken and written language, mathematics, perceptions and non-verbal learning difficulties.
Module content:
This module introduces the concepts of multi-literacies and multimodality highlighting the importance of these when teaching learners from diverse linguistic and cultural communities. The topics dealt with in this module should not be seen in isolation but are interrelated and are applicable to teaching in the global classroom. Topics include, among others, language and literacies; language acquisition theories; current language policies; the multilingual classroom; English as a lingua franca; World Englishes; globalisation and school and social literacies. The student is expected to design appropriate applications of various concepts in innovative classroom practices that reflect an advanced knowledge of key South African texts, policies and issues as addressed in this module.
Module content:
The aim of this module is to develop skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that empower students to make informed decisions and to take appropriate actions in diverse educational contexts. Life orientation focuses on the self in society. As an educator it is important to realise that teaching and learning of skills, values and attitudes that occurs in the classroom must be linked to learners' everyday lives. This module aims to equip students to achieve their optimal intellectual, personal and emotional potential.
Module content:
The neurological interpretation and processing of the reading process in the brain; the impact of perception (motor, visual and auditory) on the integrated learning process; learning support strategies (sound and word recognition); reading habits, extension of eye span and reading speed; reading motivation. A practical learning support model which focuses on assessment as well as devising a supporting programme to cater for individual needs.
Module content:
The nature and structure of life science: implications for life sciences teaching; learning excellence in life sciences; development and administration of a school’s life sciences department; planning of learning activities in life sciences; experimentation and research methodology; practical work, demonstrations and microscope work; management and use of organisms in the laboratory; the life sciences club; excursions and fieldwork; safety in the laboratory.
Module content:
Perspectives in the teaching and learning of mathematics. This module will focus on contemporary issues in mathematics education such as: Types of mathematical knowledge in teacher education; learning theories in mathematics education; use of technology in the teaching of mathematics; classroom research; gender; language; culture (Ethno mathematics). Mathematics in context: prospects and challenges. This module also focuses on the role of mathematics in different contexts (including vocational and real life contexts): Nature of mathematics – mathematics as a human activity; rationale for learning mathematics; the theory of realistic mathematics education; content-driven and context-driven approach in mathematics; mathematical literacy; knowledge ‘transfer’: some challenges – school mathematics vs real world.
Module content:
Instructional strategies; reform in physics and chemistry education; alternative concepts. Curriculum leadership in Physical Sciences Education in multiple contexts.
Module content:
The nature of the natural sciences, technology and mathematics: public understanding of scientific, mathematical and technological endeavours and their impact on society. Ethical implications of practices and advances in these fields. Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS), ethno-mathematics and technologies and ways of knowing. Implications for teaching and learning content, and anticipated outcomes. The purpose and nature of curricula to develop scientific ways of understanding the world.
Module content:
Philosophy of Technology and Design Science. Design Science is examined from an information processing point of view. The unique nature of Technology is explored and the relationships between Technology, Design and Natural Science are drawn with a particular focus on social technological understanding.
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