
Programme: MSc Real Estate Retail property (Coursework)

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
12252037 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 2 years Total credits: 180

Programme information

The degree can be obtained by successfully completing a curriculum with coursework and a mini-dissertation.
The modules are presented in block weeks. The attendance of block weeks is compulsory. All examinations are conducted at the Department of Construction Economics, South Campus, University of Pretoria.
The curriculum is compiled in consultation with the Head of Department. In order to be considered for the MSc Real Estate degree by coursework to be awarded, a candidate should have obtained a minimum of 120 credits for modules and in addition, have submitted and passed an applicable mini-dissertation (60 credits), i.e. a total of 180 credits.

Admission requirements

A candidate for the degree Master of Science Real Estate by means of coursework and a mini-dissertation must have an appropriate recognised tertiary qualification at honours degree level and show sufficient past experience, or additional education in the discipline of real estate to the satisfaction of the Head of Department (refer also to G Regulation G.54).

Note that the MSc(Real Estate) by coursework is not available for a BScHons (Real Estate) graduate.

Other programme-specific information

The Head of Department may, at own discretion, allow for any other module that is deemed appropriate for an individual student’s circumstances, to be taken elsewhere as elective in lieu of the abovementioned elective modules.

Examinations and pass requirements

A minimum of 40% is required in the examination, with a minimum final mark of 50% to pass.
Examination requirements are set out in the departmental study manuals.
The topic of the mini-dissertation must be approved by the Head of Department and a minimum of 50% is required to pass.
The degree is conferred with distinction on a student who obtains a weighted average of at least 75% in half of the required modules, at least 75% in the mini-dissertation and a weighted average of at least 65% in the remaining modules, constituting the required credits for the MSc Real Estate degree.

Core modules

The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section. Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

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