Code | Faculty |
12251077 | Fakulteit Ingenieurswese, Bou-omgewing en Inligtingtegnologie |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duur van studie: 2 jaar | Totale krediete: 180 |
The admission requirement for the MSc is a MSC (Hon) or equivalent qualification. A selection procedure takes place prior to admission to the Masters degree. Restrictions may be placed on the number of students admitted. Postgraduate selection takes place as stipulated in the respective departmental rules. (click here)
Die bepalings van toepaslike Fakulteitsregulasie geld.
Riglyne oor die voorbereiding en eksaminering van miniverhandelings is by alle departemente beskikbaar.
Die student moet deur middel van ’n miniverhandeling bewys lewer dat hy of sy in staat is om ’n wetenskaplike ondersoek te beplan, in te stel en uit te voer. As deel van die eksaminering moet 'n student n artikel indien en dit aanbied by die jaareindsimposium. Die artikel moet gebaseer wees op die navorsing wat die student vir die verhandeling gedoen het en moet deur die studieleier goedgekeur wees. Die toekenning van die graad is onderworpe aan nakoming van die voorwaardes van hierdie regulasie.
'n Student wat die magistergraad voltooi op grond van kursuswerk en ’n miniverhandeling, slaag met lof indien ’n geweegde gemiddelde van minstens 75% behaal word in die eerste 180 krediete wat vir die graad voltooi is, met dien verstande dat die miniverhandeling 60 van die genoemde krediete tel. Die graad word egter nie met lof toegeken indien die student enige van die modules wat deel vorm van bogenoemde krediete gedruip het nie (modules wat betyds gestaak is, uitgesluit) en ook nie indien die student minder as 70% vir die miniverhandeling behaal het nie.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The overall objective of this module is to provide students with sufficient knowledge and skills to undertake a detailed and comprehensive literature review. This module is an integral part of the research component and will be aligned with the research proposal of the student. The major part of the module consists of individual self-study done by the student outside the classroom in his/her own time, complemented by student-centred and co-operative learning/teaching methods during lectures. The self-study includes prescribed reading and individual assignments.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The overall objective of this module is to provide students with sufficient knowledge and skills to undertake independent research for a masters' dissertation. The major part of the course consists of individual self-study done by the student outside the classroom in his/her own time, complemented by student-centred and co-operative learning/teaching methods during lectures. The self-study includes prescribed reading, individual assignments and preparation for the examination.The lecturer will act as a guide to the students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills through self-study and practical exercises, in addition to formal lecturers.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The research component is the capstone of the MTM programme. It comprises an independent research study into an area of engineering, project or technology management, applying the principles learned during the programme. Although not a full master’s dissertation, it is essential to produce something original and useful, both to an academic field in the respective programmes and to the public/private sector that searches for solutions. Although this is a dissertation of limited breadth and scope, it nonetheless has to comply with the requirements of scientific research.
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