
Veterinary infectious diseases 300

Modulekode VIP 300
Kwalifikasie Voorgraads
Fakulteit Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde

Veterinary infectious diseases is a module aimed at providing the student with in-depth knowledge of all aspects of diseases of food-producing and companion animals caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and prions. The module is structured to enable students to discern which infectious diseases of animals are high impact diseases and which are of lesser significance in order of importance. The module covers the morphological and physico-chemical characteristics of the causative organisms and the epidemiology and pathogenesis of the diseases caused by them. Course candidates will also learn how to diagnose these diseases in both the living and dead animal, and the control strategies applicable, including control at the livestock/wildlife/human interface. Finally, course candidates will learn about the socio-economic importance of infectious diseases of animals with special reference to transboundary spread.

Modulekrediete 14.00
Voorvereistes No prerequisites.
Kontaktyd 3 besprekingsklas per week vir 5 weke, 3 lesings per week oor 23 weke
Onderrigtaal Engels
Akademiese organisasie Veterinêre Tropiese Siektes
Aanbiedingstydperk Jaar

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