Code | Faculty |
08251006 | Faculty of Veterinary Science |
Credits | Duration |
Duration of study: 1 year |
The MSc (Veterinary Industrial Pharmacology) is a coursework-based degree programme with a component of applied research (mini-dissertation). The degree is conferred by virtue of the successful completion of prescribed modules in the curriculum.
Students are required to confirm whether a module will be presented in any particular year. This enquiry should be directed to the relevant head of department according to the syllabi information provided in the list of modules in this publication.
Also consult the General Regulations.
This programme if offered by the Department of Paraclinical Sciences.
Subject to the stipulations of the applicable General Regulation, an honours degree in natural sciences or agriculture such as a BScHons or BAgricHons, a four-year scientific-based degree such as BPharm and BScAgric, a BVSc or equivalent degree is required.
A candidate with a completed BTech degree with a minimum of 60% in the broad area of specialisation that the candidate wishes to pursue a master’s programme must first complete additional undergraduate coursework as well as coursework at honours level as determined by the head of department. The programme of study must be approved by the Postgraduate Committee, Faculty Board and Sub-committee of Senate. Confirmation of candidature will be based on the successful completion of the additional coursework requirements before admission to the master’s programme.
In certain cases, it remains the prerogative of the head of department to require, in addition to the entrance requirements, the successful completion of an admissions test before registration. A student may be required to pass a proficiency test in English (TOEFL).
A minimum examination mark of 50% is required in each of the modules where a semester or year mark is not required. However, where a semester or year mark is required, the latter will contribute 50% to the final mark. A subminimum of 40% is required in the examination and a final mark of at least 50 % to pass the module. Instructions regarding requirements for semester, year or examination marks are published in the study guides, for the specific attention of candidates.
Should a candidate fail a module, but score a mark of at least 40%, he or she may be admitted to a supplementary examination, which has to be taken either during the same examination period, or not later than the subsequent examination period. If a candidate fails to qualify for a supplementary examination, a special examination may be granted after one semester has lapsed.
The examination in the module Veterinary industrial pharmacology VIP 800 may only be taken after successfully completing the module Advanced fundamentals of pharmacology FAK 876.
Also consult the General Regulations.
Candidates must submit a mini-dissertation which deals with an applied field of study within the veterinary pharmaceutical industry. The topic is determined in consultation with the head of department, and the research project that follows, must be approved according to Faculty guidelines.
The mini-dissertation is based on an applied research project or related research projects (which need not be original), planned and reported by the candidate. (Assistance with statistical processing, applied specialised procedures, etc. is allowed, but must be acknowledged.) The candidate may use appropriate research done previously, to add to the writing of the dissertation.
Previous, related publications by the candidate may be bound with the mini-dissertation, but may not substitute the complete text of the mini-dissertation. Publications, which are submitted, must be rounded off by means of an extensive introduction, materials, and information concerning methods and a discussion of the results. An external examiner, who may not necessarily attend the final examination in the special field of study, will evaluate the mini-dissertation.
Before or together with the mini-dissertation, a draft article based on the mini-dissertation must be prepared for publication in an acknowledged journal, failing which the degree will not be conferred. The draft article must be acceptable to the supervisor and must comply with the requirements for subsidy (see applicable Faculty rules). Also consult the General Regulations.
The average mark of the separate marks awarded by all examiners, constitutes the final mark for the dissertation. The minimum pass mark is 50%. The Dean, on the recommendation of the head of the department, may permit a candidate who has failed, to submit an amended mini-dissertation for final adjudication. The mark awarded for the mini-dissertation will make up 25% of the final mark.
In order to obtain the degree with distinction, 75% in the Mini-dissertation and a cumulative average of 75% in the core modules provided that a minimum pass mark of 60% in all the core modules are required.
Module content:
Veterinary pharmaceutical discovery and development.
Non-clinical safety and preclinical toxicology. Clinical safety and efficacy evaluation. Good laboratory and clinical practices. Drug statutory and application requirement. Drug application submission. Regulatory procedures, evaluation and veterinary drug control. Drug residue risk assessment. Product planning, production management and quality assurance. Drug marketing, pricing and promotion. Technical services, training, extension, product support and complaint investigation.
Module content:
Scope and historical development of veterinary pharmacology.
Veterinary pharmaceutics and formulation theory.
Pharmacokinetic theory, pharmacokinetic analysis and modelling.
Bioequivalence theory and evaluation.
Physicochemical and molecular basis of drug action.
Dose response and calculation of dose response parameters.
Pharmacological modulation of organ and body functions.
Molecular basis of action and pharmacological effects of chemotherapeutic agents.
Adverse drug reactions, interactions and pharmacovigilance.
Comparative species pharmacology, pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics.
Background on complementary medicines.
Fundamentals of pharmacological research.
Module content:
A web-based introductory module in research methodology that includes planning and undertaking a research project or clinical trial, collecting and analysing data, scientific writing, and enabling preparation and presenting of a research protocol.
Module content:
Veterinary pharmaceutical discovery and development.
Non-clinical safety and preclinical toxicology. Clinical safety and efficacy evaluation. Good laboratory and clinical practices. Drug statutory and application requirement. Drug application submission. Regulatory procedures, evaluation and veterinary drug control. Drug residue risk assessment. Product planning, production management and quality assurance. Drug marketing, pricing and promotion. Technical services, training, extension, product support and complaint investigation.
Module content:
Scope and historical development of veterinary pharmacology.
Veterinary pharmaceutics and formulation theory.
Pharmacokinetic theory, pharmacokinetic analysis and modelling.
Bioequivalence theory and evaluation.
Physicochemical and molecular basis of drug action.
Dose response and calculation of dose response parameters.
Pharmacological modulation of organ and body functions.
Molecular basis of action and pharmacological effects of chemotherapeutic agents.
Adverse drug reactions, interactions and pharmacovigilance.
Comparative species pharmacology, pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics.
Background on complementary medicines.
Fundamentals of pharmacological research.
Module content:
A web-based introductory module in research methodology that includes planning and undertaking a research project or clinical trial, collecting and analysing data, scientific writing, and enabling preparation and presenting of a research protocol.
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