Dynamics of nursing practice 352

Modulekode DNP 352
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Health Sciences

Comprehensive community nursing.
Perspectives and approaches to comprehensive nursing care and support of communities. Relevant statutory control over primary health care (PHC) practices in South Africa. Relevant assessment skills. Sexually transmitted infections and communicable diseases. Therapeutic support of the community. Rehabilitative support of communities in need. Emphasis is placed on the facilitation and support of self-care related to physical, mental and environmental health and well-being.
NB: Only for selected BCur students.

Modulekrediete 15.00
NQF Level 07
Prerequisites NUR 251,NUR 252,NUR 253,NUR 254,DNP 251,DNP 252,DNP 253,DNP 254,NPE 261,NPE 262
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Nursing Science
Period of presentation Quarter 2

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