
Programme: MA Option: African-European Cultural Relations

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Code Faculty
01250014 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration
Duration of study: 2 years
Prof AB Hofmeyr
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202702
Prof S Mühr
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202419
Prof L Kriel
[email protected]
+27 (0)124205732

Programme information

Students select one of the following five fields of specialisation:

  1. Narratives, visual worlds, symbolic spaces.
  2. Socio-historical dynamics.
  3. African-European relations underlying our beliefs and values.
  4. Political constructions.
  5. Languages, cultures, translations.

Admission requirements

- An approved honours degree from any field in the humanities social sciences public administration education or law obtained with an average of at least 60%.

- At least one European language other than English completed at a university first-year level.



Additional requirements

Prospective students must submit a letter of motivation, an academic record and a CV to the PCC.

Please note: Final consideration and acceptance of applicants will be done at the discretion of the committee.

Other programme-specific information

  1. Two of the 20-credit modules may be obtained at a university in Europe (study abroad programme).
  2. If a student does not have a European language other than English at second-year level, such a module should be taken; otherwise a project/practical could be done in the selected field of specialisation in consultation with the ‘field mentor’.

Core modules

  • Module content:

    This module focuses on a critical interdisciplinary understanding of key concepts of European thought like the humanities, national identity and homogeneity, subject formation, essentialist versus non-essentialist understanding of “culture”, “identity”, “nation”, “reality”, etc.

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  • Module content:

    The interrelatedness of “history”, “agency” and “memory” of the mutual constructive forces will be examined, leading to an understanding that one cannot possess one’s (“own”) history, tradition or culture, but rather that these are areas of cultural practice that are continuously in flux and being negotiated.

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  • Module content:

    The EU lekgotla will provide students with a critical forum to present and discuss their research proposals.

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  • Module content:

    The credits for this module can either be obtained by taking a European language –other than English – at second-year level or by completing a project in the selected field of specialisation in consultation with the ‘field mentor’.

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  • Module content:

    (NB In consultation with the field mentor in the student’s selected field of specialisation) Field 1: Narratives, visual worlds, symbolic spaces. This field deals with stories people tell themselves to make sense of their existence, as well as with symbols and imaginary reality constructions. It leads to a critical re-evaluation of truth granting processes. Mentors: Prof Amanda du Preez (Visual Arts), Prof Fraser McNeill (Anthropology) Field 2: Socio-historical dynamics This field deals with the chronology and dynamics of (power) relations, encounters, counter-encounters and its effects. This can include sociological, political, historical or other approaches towards such dynamics. Mentors: Prof AloisMlambo (Historical and Heritage Studies), Prof Janis Grobbelaar (Sociology) Field 3: African-European relations underlining our beliefs and values. This can include studies of the history of human rights in Africa, of gender, class or race driven norms, of how such norms and traditions change, what we imagine as “our” norms, how norms are codified or what we take for granted. Mentors: Prof Karin van Marle (Philosophy of Law), Prof Dirk Human (Religion Studies) Field 4: Political constructions. This refers to political constructions in public, private and market institutions on communal, national or inter- and transnational levels. It refers to the cultural practices and habits of agency, to how people make things happen, how to negotiate habits and social actions, how power or representation is created, organised, distributed and subverted. Mentor: Prof Maxi Schoeman (Political Science) Field 5: Languages, cultures, translations. This refers to specific language-oriented approaches on the dynamics of African-European relations and refers to “language” as meaning making mechanism beyond mere communicative competences. Mentors: Prof Russel West-Pavlov (English), Prof Willie Burger (Afrikaans)

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