It's time for mid-year reviews

Posted on July 12, 2023

In 2022, the University of Pretoria recorded a performance compliance rate of 81%, which is an improvement of 5% from the previous year. Ideally, we should be recording 100% compliance to ensure that all staff are performing tasks that are aligned to the University’ strategic objectives and driving a high-performance culture.  In line with our Performance Enhancement and Engagement policy, HRCC 05/22, all staff are required to complete their mid-year review to evaluate progress against the set objectives and to reflect on the remainder of the year. 

As a reminder, below are the guidelines and principles for performance agreements and mid-year reviews.

Performance agreements for 2023

Performance contracting provides an opportunity at the beginning of the year to: 

  • Plan work and set clear goals which are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound); 
  • Ensure shared commitment to a vision, goals and targets;
  • Engage in a series of conversations about what we expect from each other in terms of work output, support, tools, resources, etc;
  • Discuss personal development plans; and  
  • Upload your performance agreement on the PeopleSoft system.

Mid-year performance reviews

The purpose of the mid-year performance review is to:

  • Reflect on and discuss progress made towards the performance agreement and assess whether participants are on track to meet the performance objectives by year-end; 
  • Identify and resolve challenges or concerns;
  • Review the progress of a personal development plan (PDP); and
  • Encourage open and constructive dialogue and exchange of views on progress and development.  

The due date for mid-year reviews is 31 July 2023

Please do not hesitate to contact your HR Business Partner should you have any queries.

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