Faculty houses

Posted on May 26, 2023

NATHouse did not come to play.

With being halfway into the academic year, we have gone from the February rush, filled with the deafening sounds of joy from our first years to the silence orchestrated by countless missed clickUP quizzes, but one would wonder, where do we find the balance between work and play?

The key to a successful academic career or rather being a “happy student “is routed in the holistic development of one’s self. However finding the time to plan social gatherings and sticking to them is a daunting experience while trying to keep up to date with your academic commitments. The solution is NATHouse. The sole purpose of faculty houses is to provide the holistic development, be in terms of sports, intellectual and socially activities.

Thus far NATHouse participated in the UPLympics hosted by the Student Sport Committee, in which we were listed #9 in the female category and several of NAS students were awarded in the top 4 of their respective events.

We have more upcoming and currently running sports league such as netball, basketball and much more to come. For more information follow us on Instagram : NATHousetuks or contact Nervin Orrien (Acting Vice-Chair, GC Guardian and Sports): [email protected]

The NAS department accepts students from all walks of life, not everyone is an aspiring Usain Bolt and would rather like to be intellectually challenged. NATHouse participated in the UP-debate competition hosted by STUKU in which we performed exceptionally well, which resulted in us making it to round 2. The event concluded with our very own EC being awarded as part of the Top 10 Adjudicators. For more information on such events connect with us either on our Instagram: NATHousetuks or contact Keddah Mhlanga: [email protected]

Some NAS students are culture lovers. Be it participating or merely absorbing the fine arts, we got just the thing for you. NATHouse will be participating in the following events hosted by STUKU: STEP IT UP and A Capella.  A Capella sign ups are open to all NAS students that would like showcase their amazing talent. You may sign up on A Capella, for more information you may contact  Khesani Ndhlovu: [email protected].

For more information regarding venues,tickets and general information will be posted on our Instagram:NATHousetuks or questions may be directed to Khesani Ndhlovu: [email protected]


House Theology


- Author Department of Institutional Advancement

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