The Pretoria Philately Society donates its library to UP Special Collections

Posted on April 03, 2023

In 2019, the Special Collections Unit of the Department of Library Services was approached by the Pretoria Philately Society (PPS) regarding the donation of their valuable library. This collection of books focusses on South African Philately, and includes books on philately and related subjects around the world. The Special Collections Unit jumped at the chance to include this collection as one of our Africana collections.

The Special Collections Unit has played a stewardship role in the acquisition and preservation of the Department of Library Services’ rare and valuable information resources since 1932, when it was first decided to build an Africana collection. We curate various collections but by far our largest is the Africana Collection, which covers all disciplines while focussing on Africa south of the Sahara. The Pretoria Philately Society’s library falls very squarely within this field.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “philately” as “The collecting and study of postage stamps or other devices used for or relating to the prepayment of postal charges”, and describes stamps as having “a design and colour specific to [their] country of issue.” Stamps record culture. History, art, science and almost any subject you can think of, have been depicted on stamps since the very first Penny Black was issued in the UK in 1840, featuring the profile of Queen Victoria. As such, the Pretoria Philately Society’s library is an invaluable addition to our Africana resources, with research potential for any number of disciplines.

After numerous delays as a result of the recent pandemic and lockdowns, we were finally able to celebrate this donation on 31 March, 2023. Members of the Pretoria Philatelic Society, as well as staff and students of the University, attended this event. Past president Prof Alex Visser gave a talk on The Pretoria Philatelic Society and Philately, while Talita Fourie, curator of the South African Post Office Museum and Archives, spoke briefly about The utilisation of the South African Post Office Museum Collection by organised Philately. We were also fortunate to be introduced to new ideas about Philately by Dineo Poo, from the SA Post Office’s Philatelic Services. Philately is not the dying interest some may have thought, but is in fact thriving and moving in new and exciting directions.

Nikki Haw, senior coordinator of Special Collections, welcomes guests to the official handover of the PPS library.

Prof Alex Visser presents on the Pretoria Philately Society and philately.

Lazarus Matizirofa, DLS Deputy Director: Scholarly Communications, Digital Services & Systems, presents a certificate of acknowledgement to Adél Bulpitt, current president of the PPS.

Accompanying this event was an exhibition on philately, with objects on loan from the UP Museums, as well as the South African Museums and Archives. This exhibition will be on level 3 of the Merensky 2 Library until 11 April, 2023.

Philately exhibition on level 3 of the Merensky 2 Library.

The Special Collections Unit is grateful and proud to be able to take over the care of Pretoria Philatelic Society’s book collection and ensure its continued availability for generations to come.

- Author Nikki Haw

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